Minutes of parish council meeting held on October 30th 2023


1.       Apologises were received from Dr Andrew Phillips

2.       The minutes of the previous meeting were read and signed as a correct record.

3.       Matters arising:

a)       It was reported that the cricket match had been a great success and hopefully more to be held next year.

b)      The Clerk reported that the Highways had at last admitted that the bridge was their responsibility and would get the tree specialist firm they use to advise. The National Trust had done a good job on their side of the road. The ash tree with branches over the road has ash dieback and the Estate has been informed.

4.       There was a discussion about a footpath to the cricket field, possibly from the overflow carpark at the Hall. The Chairman said that this was a plan to be considered by The Estate and the Village Hall rather than the Parish Council.

5.       The precept of £1,500.00 as in previous years to be requested.

6.       It was agreed that the new hand rail up to the church yard was very good and hopefully last for decades.

7.       For agenda at next meeting, replacement for Bridget Till as clerk.

8.       There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.45 p.m.

The next meeting to be held on Tuesday January 30th at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall