Minutes of parish council meeting held on January 30th 2024


1.       There were no apologises

2.       The minutes of the previous meeting were read and signed as a correct record.

3.       Matters arising:

a)       The Chairman welcomed Maggie Dickinson and informed the meeting that she would take over as Clerk from April 1st 2024. Mrs Till asked if it might be possibly to get online banking for the parish council. Mr Elphinstone would look into this.

b)      Mr James Clive reported that the Estate would deal with the ash tree on the west side of the bridge.

4.       There was a further discussion about a footpath to the cricket field, possibly from the overflow carpark at the Hall. Dr Philipps would apply for the grant or possibly lottery funding the pathway and renovation of the cricket pavilion for approximately £10,000 to £15,000. Mr Clive confirmed that the Eastate were in favour and this would be brought up at the next meeting with the Estate trustees and Dr Phillips would attend. The Chairman again reminded the meeting that this was a plan to be considered by The Estate and the Village Hall rather than the Parish Council, but of course the Parish council would support both.

5.       The Clerk reported that in future the minutes and accounts would be uploaded onto the Nunnington web page as North Yorkshire Council would no longer do this. In reply to a question about using the Nunnington Facebook page, the Chairman replied that people would be able to see them on the web page so no need for Facebook.

6.       After a discussion regarding road gritting, the Clerk would contact the highways to see if the school bus route down Church Lane could be gritted first thing.

7.       There was a suggestion about holding car boot sales in the field adjacent to the cricket field, the Chairman replied that this was not part of the cricket field so not available. He said that enthusiasm for cricket and football matches were the main priority and Mr Elphinstone announced the Bash date as 29th June 2024.

The next meeting to be held on Tuesday April 30th at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall

The meeting closed at 7.55pm