Re: UK Shared Prosperity Fund award to Whitby Town Council to deliver improvements to Pannett Gallery
This record is produced in accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to Information)(England) Regulations 2012
§ EXECUTIVE decisions (key or otherwise) taken by an OFFICER (either alone or in consultation with an Executive Member)
§ A non-Executive decision taken by an OFFICER which falls into one of the following descriptions:-
(i) under a specific express authorisation; or
(ii) under a general authorisation to officers to take such decisions and, the effect of the decision is to
· grant a permission or licence;
· affect the rights of an individual; or
· award a contract or incur expenditure which, in either case, materially affects that relevant local government body’s financial position.
To award £75,000 of UK Shared Prosperity Funds to support improvements to Pannett Gallery, Whitby and to promote the recently donated Soper Collection.
(insert name of Meeting, Member or Officer)
On: 18 January 2024
(insert date decision taken)
Was this an executive decision? NO
If an executive decision, was it also a key decision? NO
Does the call-in period apply? NO
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity are awarded by the Government to North Yorkshire Council for the purposes of community and economic development. The primary goal of the UKSPF is to build pride in place and increase life chances across the UK.
Grants are awarded through a competitive process of application and appraisal according to criteria set out by the Council’s Constitution. The decision to approve a grant is made by an independent panel through a transparent audited process.
This funding is used to deliver improvements to Pannett Gallery in Whitby to improve visitor numbers, building local pride in place and support the local visitor economy.
Grant giving has been selected as the method for distributing funds from the UKSPF for projects which support the aspirations of the fund in Building Pride in our Places. This approach is considered to be the most efficient in providing funding directly to local organisations and communities. This is a competitive grant fund and other projects are also able to apply for and receive funding. As such the decision is made by an independent appraisal panel according to agreed criteria which determine if a grant should be awarded or not.
Conflicts of Interest
Please record below details of any conflict of interest declared by a Member or Officer regarding the decision and any dispensation granted by the Standards Committee or Monitoring Officer in respect of that conflict.
Conflict |
This activity takes place within the Directorate of the approving Officer
Grants have been awarded by an independent panel according to an audited, independent process. The decision is based on the recommendations of the appraisal panel in which the signatory has taken no part. |
Background Papers
Please attach to this decision notice, for publication, the background papers that disclose any facts or matters on which this decision, or an important part of the decision, was based and which were relied on to a material extent in making the decision, but this does not include published works or those which disclose exempt or confidential information (as defined in Rule 10).
Signed ……………………………………….
Publication Date: [to be inserted by the PA to the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic services)]
(Name) Nic Harne.
Directorate: Community development |
Note 1 regarding Executive decisions only: This decision will come into force, and may then be implemented, on the expiry of 5 clear working days after publication, unless any 6 members of the Council object to it and call it in by notice in writing (including e-mail) to The Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services). Note 2: non-executive and non-key executive decisions by Officers are not subject to call in.
Contact for further information: …(insert email address if possible)
Contact for copy of report considered …(insert email address if possible)
To: The PA to the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) - for onward circulation to:
All Members of the Council; All Management Board; All Management Board Secretaries; All Senior Managers; All Democratic Services Officers; All Corporate Development Officers; Senior Press Officer; Communications Officer