Public Space Protection Order Consultation Analysis







































Summary. 3

Alcohol Related Antisocial Behaviour 3

Alcohol Restrictions & Public Space Protection Order Area. 3

Urination / Defecation. 5

Alcohol Restrictions. 6

Urination or Defecation. 12

Appendices. 15




A total of 438 responses were received for the Public Space Protection Order Review consultation which closed on the 1st May 2024; summary findings of the completed surveys can be found below.

Alcohol Related Antisocial Behaviour

95% of respondents believe that there is a problem with alcohol related antisocial behaviour in Scarborough.

96% of respondents agree that North Yorkshire Council should take steps to deter the consumption of alcohol in public, in the form of street drinking.

Alcohol Restrictions & Public Space Protection Order Area

93% of respondents agreed that people should not be allowed to drink alcohol in the street, where it is contributing towards antisocial behaviour, within the wider PSPO area:

Map A

















91% of respondents agreed that the drinking of alcohol in the street should be banned entirely in the town centre area edged red, regardless of whether it is contributing towards antisocial behaviour.


Map B


49% of respondents agreed that the town centre area edged red, and the wider area edged blue should be treated the same. Drinking of alcohol in the street should only be restricted when it is contributing to antisocial behaviour or likely to do so.

78% of respondents agreed that different rules in different areas could cause the street drinking of alcohol to move from the area where street drinking is banned, to the area where it is only restricted when it is causing antisocial behaviour.

78% respondents agreed that having two separate areas created, with different rules for each area, then this could cause confusion to members of the public over which rules apply where.






87% of respondents stated a preference for the map linked to Proposal 2.

Map B(1)



















Urination / Defecation

80% of respondents believe that there is a problem with public urination and defecation in Scarborough.

96% of respondents agree that there should be an order prohibiting urinating and defecating in public.





Alcohol Restrictions

Do you believe there is a problem with alcohol related antisocial behaviour in public places in Scarborough?









Do not know





It can be seen from the table and graph above that the majority of respondents believe that there is a problem with alcohol related antisocial behaviour in public places in Scarborough.

If you believe there is a problem with alcohol related antisocial behaviour in public spaces in Scarborough, please can you describe any effect on you?

A black background with words  Description automatically generatedThere was a total of 354 responses to this question. With the keywords and themes identified below:
















fear, violence, bad language, antisocial behaviour, unsafe, uncomfortable, aggressive, police, law, alcohol related, intimidation, litter, harassment, verbal abuse, threats, drugs, vandalism, aggressive behaviour, street drinking, urinating, aggressive, intimidating, abusive behaviour, noise, drunk, drug use, urination, littering, threatening

The town centre being so prevalent in responses where people have experienced alcohol related antisocial behaviour reflects the data gathered from North Yorkshire Police prior to moving to public consultation. This was a key factor when considering an absolute prohibition on the street drinking of alcohol in the ‘hot spot’ areas. The keywords and themes from the responses highlight that the street drinking of alcohol can be a factor in making people feel unsafe.

To what extent do you agree or disagree that the council should take steps to deter the consumption of alcohol in public (that is, street drinking)?



Strongly agree






Neither agree nor disagree






Strongly disagree





It can be seen from the table and graph above that the majority of respondents strongly agree or agree that the council should take steps to deter the consumption of alcohol in public (that is street drinking), with a total of 96% of responses.


To what extent do you agree or disagree that people should not be allowed to drink alcohol in the street, where it is contributing towards antisocial behaviour in the area edged blue on Map A?

This means that people will be able to drink alcohol in the street, as long as they are not causing antisocial behaviour (a qualified prohibition), within the area edged blue on Map A.



Strongly agree






Neither agree nor disagree






Strongly disagree





It can be seen from the table and graph above that the majority of respondents strongly agree or agree that people should not be allowed to drink alcohol in the street, where it is contributing to antisocial behaviour in the area edged blue on Map A. This is in line with the PSPO in place in Scarborough between 2017 and 2023.

Overall, in the area edged blue on Map A, would you prefer to have no restrictions relating to drinking alcohol in the street or restrictions on drinking alcohol in the street if it contributing to antisocial behaviour, or likely to?



I prefer to have no restrictions to drinking alcohol in the street



I prefer restrictions on drinking alcohol in the street it is contributing towards antisocial behaviour, or likely to.





It can be seen from the table and graph above that the majority of respondents would prefer restrictions on drinking alcohol in the street, if it is contributing to antisocial behaviour, or likely to, in the area edged blue on Map A.

To what extent would you agree or disagree that the drinking of alcohol in the street should be banned entirely in the town centre area edged red, regardless of whether it is contributing towards antisocial behaviour?



Strongly agree






Neither agree nor disagree






Strongly disagree





It can be seen from the table and graph that the majority of respondents strongly agree or agree that drinking of alcohol in the street should be banned entirely in the town centre area edged red on Map B, with a total of 91%.

To what extent would you agree or disagree that the town centre area edged red, and the wider area edged blue colour should be treated the same. Drinking of alcohol in the street should only be restricted when it is contributing to antisocial behaviour, or is likely to do so?



Strongly agree






Neither agree nor disagree






Strongly disagree





The table and graph above indicate the majority of respondents agree that the town centre area edged Red on Map B(1) and the town centre area edged blue on Map B(1) should be treated the same, in that drinking alcohol in the street should only be restricted when it is contributing towards antisocial behaviour, or likely to do so. However, data gathered from further questions suggests that respondents may have misinterpreted this question and may have believed that by treating both areas the same, it would mean a total prohibition on drinking alcohol in the street, within the entire area.

To what extent would you agree or disagree with the following:

If there are different rules in different areas, this could cause street drinking of alcohol causing antisocial behaviour to move from the area where street drinking is banned, to the area where it is only restricted when it is causing antisocial behaviour.



Strongly agree






Neither agree nor disagree






Strongly disagree





It can be seen from the table and graph above that the majority of respondents are concerned that a ban on consuming alcohol in the street in the town centre area, would displace the issue to other areas of Scarborough where there is not a total ban on the street drinking of alcohol, with a total of 78%

If there are two separate areas created with different rules in each area, then this could cause confusion to members of the public over which rules apply where.



Strongly agree






Neither agree nor disagree






Strongly disagree





The table and graph above show that the majority of respondents are concerned that the creation of different rules in different areas in regard to street drinking, could create confusion to members of the public as to which rules apply, with a total of 78%.

Which option would you prefer?



Map A: Street drinking of alcohol will only be restricted when it is contributing to antisocial behaviour or likely to do so



Map B and Map B(1): Street drinking of alcohol will be banned in the town centre area edged red but will only be restricted in the area edged blue when it is contributing to antisocial behaviour or is likely to do so.





It can be seen from the table and graph above that the majority of respondents are in favour of Proposal 2, supported by Map B and Map B(1), with 87%. This means that the majority of respondents are in support of the introduction of an absolute prohibition of alcohol in the town centre area edged Red on Map B and Map B(1). The overwhelming support for an absolute prohibition, suggests that respondents who want both areas edged Blue and Red treated the same, would potentially support an absolute prohibition across the entire PSPO area. However, at this time it is hoped that by targeting ‘hotspot’ zones in the town centre, it will create a safer and more welcoming environment for residents and visitors alike. If the issues currently seen in the town centre are displaced to other areas, further action may be considered when the PSPO is to be reviewed, should the town centre prohibition prove to be a useful tool in tackling street drinking and antisocial behaviour. The results also indicate that clear signage will be required to advise of which areas are subject to a total prohibition of alcohol.







Urination or Defecation

Do you believe that there is a problem with public urination and defecation in Scarborough?









Do not know





It can be seen from the table and graph above that the majority of respondents believe that there is a problem with public urination and defecation in Scarborough.

To what extent do you agree or disagree that there should be an order prohibiting urinating and defecation in public?



Strongly agree






Neither agree nor disagree






Strongly disagree





It can be seen in the table and graph above that the majority of respondents strongly agree or agree that there should be an order prohibiting urinating defecating in public, with 96% in support.











Do you have any comments as to what areas any order should cover? Comments could include matters such as the size of the proposed areas and whether it is appropriate for a certain area to be covered with an absolute or qualified prohibition.


There was a total of 248 responses to this question, with the key themes identified below:


A black background with words  Description automatically generated















This question may not have been clear, as some responses pertain to urination and defection, others to street drinking and some to both aspects of the PSPO. However, one issue that appears to be a recurring theme is a lack of public toilets, that could be considered a contributory factor to issues of public urination and defecation. Nevertheless, it also appears that respondents are surprised that public urination and defecation is not already an offence.  








Any further comments? This is an opportunity to make any general comments about the proposals made by North Yorkshire Council.


There was a total of 193 responses to this question, with the key themes highlighted below:

A black background with text  Description automatically generated














The additional comments from respondents again focus primarily on the town centre, which highlights why a new, dual regime, has been considered for a new PSPO.












Appendix A – All comments from Question 2

If you believe there is a problem with alcohol related antisocial behaviour in public spaces in Scarborough, please can you describe any impact or effect on you?


·         Fear of an increase in violence. Horrendous bad language and antisocial behaviour

·         It makes me feel unsafe and uncomfortable walking in the town centre - especially if I'm on my own.

·         feel unsafe and unprotected.

·         Very off putting. I don't come into town unless I really have to.

·         I hate walking downtown. There is always the same people drunk, drinking, aggressive arguments between them. Its worrying and uncomfortable. Never seen anyone police the no drinking in public law.

·         I hardly ever venture into town now, but when I do there is always someone drinking and staggering in the street, I have never once witnessed any police dealing with it. Absolutely 0 point calling them as 101 is useless as never an answer.

·         I try to avoid going into Scarborough town centre because of it.

·         New Queen Street, Queen Street, North Terrace and castle road to Auborough street along with Friars Way have seen a big increase in alcohol related anti social behaviour over the last year and everyday us residence have to endure this into the earl hours keeping us awake and also walking to our homes. It’s Awful!!!!

·         Myself and friends have been threatened in the town centre previously. Have experienced antisocial behaviour when out in town.

·         Foul language and aggressive behaviour which children and families see and hear which is unacceptable.

·         Litter cans bottles on streets Loud behaviour Feeling intimidated in public spaces.

·         I manage one of the licensed premises in the centre of town and we have to deal with issues arising from external behaviour to my premises. There are several people who are not allowed (barred) in our premises for anti-social (abusive towards staff and customers) behaviour. We must have to deal with them trying to get into our pub/ hanging around our small seating area at least once a day (to which we are usually exposed to verbal and threatening behaviour). I often see people in Alma Square been very intoxicated (or possibly on drugs) acting in a very unsocial and inappropriate way. often shouting at each other and passersby. Seeing all this from a visitors (and locals) view is very off putting for Scarborough, giving a terrible impression of a beautiful town that Scarborough is. I feel for my staff that have to deal with this on a daily basis and who at times get abuse when walking to and from work. We have seen an increase in the case of anti-social behaviour since the lapsing of the last restrictions

·         I work at the Lord Roseberrys and we often have issues with groups housed around alma square drinking in the gardens, causing issues and starting fights with passers-by and even groups of children. We've had people from these groups ask for cups and help opening bottles of Jack Daniels to drink in the garden area and become verbally abusive towards staff when told no. It seems to be a constant issue in that area and its putting people off coming into the pub as they have to pass drunk, aggressive types sat swearing at them, or pissing against the pub in the alleyway. We constantly find bottles of random beers (that we don’t sell) outside the pub in the alleyway, and across near the polish shops, and these bottles often get smashed and we get the blame for. Some people drinking int he street will even try sit in our outdoor seats with their own drinks, act aggressively to passers-by and start fights with the staff when asked to leave our property

·         I work next too one of the hot spot areas and it makes me very uncomfortable and anxious having to witness or deal with the events that go on within a certain square at the top of town. It makes me feel unsafe when I see a certain group in that square due to the mischief they cause. It’s bad for business and the town itself.

·         I work in a pub near a hotspot and its constantly causing issues towards our business and the police are called weekly due to the same group of people being drunk and disorderly.

·         I work either very early or really late and as a female it can be scary walk through town on my own

·         Anti social behaviour in and around alma square and the top of town. Negatively impacts the town as its the first thing people see. Personally witnessed and had to deal with indecent exposure, people passed out and violent behaviour.

·         Working in the town centre means that I am constantly exposed to antisocial behaviour due to misuse of drugs and alcohol. Valuable time and resources are wasted having to deal with those individuals who will simply return to the area later that day and repeat the same behaviour. Myself and my colleagues have been abused, threatened and intimidated by those who choose to get drunk in public spaces.

·         Working behind a bar, people coming in causing trouble and even putting staff and customers at risk.

·         People becoming violent when under the influence (this worsening if drugs are consumed as well) Making me feel unsafe in town and at work.

·         Around Alma square and the top part of town, there has been a massive resurgence of anti-socisl behaviour with police having to attend the area on numerous occasions. This has had a big impact on businesses and foot traffic, if this isn’t addressed it will also have an effect on holiday makers coming into summer. I’ve had to take time away from work due to anxiety because of the issues around the area and it has become a major issue in my workplace

·         Looks messy walking into town centre when its all at top of town centre outside

·         Rubbish is left behind and on occasion seen people urinating in the street in the evening. This especially becomes an issue when I have my family with me who obviously find it frightening. It will also affect tourism in the town during the evenings.

·         Constant harassment in town from local street alcoholics. Feeling unsafe walking through town near XXXX due to street drinkers who carry a hostile vibe to the area. Druggies in Alma Square causing constant chaos

·         I don't feel safe going to and from work with the people drinking outside in alma square gardens and at the top of town.

·         Definitely a problem in the town centre when out late

·         Not nice to see on a daily basis

·         Working for the Lord Rosebery we see almost a daily issue with residents of Alma Square drinking and causing issues for both staff and customers. I previous worked at Marcus Anthony Furnishings and a similar issue was present in several places around the North Marine Road area. It makes the area uninviting and sometimes even unsafe for staff when they are drunk and aggrieved. As recently as a week or two ago a knife was drawn on a member of the public close to the premise by somebody drinking on the streets.

·         Making my workplace feel unsafe when we have people who have been drinking in Alma square coming in and refusing to leave and wasting our time have to ask the police to remove them.

·         Peasholm Park and bowling green and top shelters above marine drive are a haven for underage youths drinking littering urinating and loud music or shouting. It been ongoing for the 9 years I have lived in this area . Glass is strewn along footpaths and down grass banks. Litter is everywhere. Graffiti on walls and the abuse if confronted is horrendous . There is no respect for property anymore. The noise keeps you awake till the early hours and I have know dogs been seriously injured with glass in their paws costing hundreds in vets bills. If I walked past a police officer in the street blatantly drinking alcohol I would be stopped yet the police have been made aware on so many occasions of this behaviour in these areas and do nothing . The PCSO ‘s are visible during the day but it’s at night it happens. I was even told by the police when I kept ringing I was the only one complaining and felt like a nuisance . I gave up in the end reporting it then had youths smashing glass against our walls up the street and jumping in cars. I just couldn’t be bothered to report it as no police ever turned up! It’s an absolute joke. Plus they are high on drugs. What makes it worse is that Peasholm is a protected area but a few signs are not going to deter these arrogant youths who do not care. I have also been threatened in town by a drunk/drug fuelled female who was angry I would not give her a cigarette. Scarborough has gone so down hill and it’s such a shame. No matter where you turn there is anti social behaviour caused by alcohol and drugs. So if the old techniques aren’t working then we need a new approach to make our town great again.

·         Litter,smell of urine makes the town unattractive

·         People urinating and begging

·         Summer afternoons down by Heron/M&S can be quite intimidating - have encountered drunk, threatening men around there which is horrible, especially when you have young children with you.

·         My grandchildren should not have to see such behaviour when in the town

·         Smashed bottles, fights, bottles and cans dumped on street.

·         I avoid certain areas of town

·         It is very scary walking past anyone in this state as they are unpredictable with their actions. It is very loud and swearing is unacceptable for any age never mind children who will think it is acceptable /funny.

·         They come into my workplace causing problems such as antisocial behaviour , shoplifting , verbal abuse , threats of violence , intimidation

·         Avoid certain areas where think likely to be issues. Broken glass. Behaviour of people who can't hold their drink eg swearing in front of children, aggressive, unruly.

·         I work right in the town centre, always on my own in a store. Drunk people usually wander in or are arguing, fighting outside. Luckily a neighbouring store is part of street watch and calls it in. When leaving the store, i leave out of the back entrance which is a usual haunt for people trying to find somewhere for a wee or other things. I feel very unsafe.

·         Violence and intimidation by council house thugs. The town has an extensive problem with drugs and alcohol and a fantastic but underfunded police force. The fines should be handed out by PSCOs, Police & CCTV. There should also be an anonymous neighbourhood watch submission system that allows members of the public to post photos of breaches.

·         Noise, smashed glass bottles everywhere, drunk people starting fights.

·         See loads of people drinking and hanging around for me not a problem but worry in case the get aggressive with my children

·         Don’t go i to the town on an evening

·         Hanging around on the streets being abusive to residents, especially around the streets in town  and near the town centre

·         Wild West

·         The town centre is awful and the behaviour of many are putting me and many others off heading into town at all. The place has gone to rack and ruin. Please run with this and get these yobs off the streets.

·         Feeling unsafe in the streets. Alcohol leads to aggression within some individuals this can lead to walking around the town feel unsafe as those individuals tend to cause issues in the town which include harassment or intimidation.

·         No longer want to go into town due to groups of drunks behaving in disorderly manner, shouting at each other and swearing. They also leave drinks bottles scattered about

·         Gangs of men drinking not only makes people uncomfortable, men in large groups is intimidating and not good for tourism

·         Makes me very wary of going into town at certain times. It used to be evenings only but now there seems to be more trouble during the day too.

·         Puts me off visiting the town centre after 1200

·         We live in Hunmanby and often get the train to Scarborough. The first thing you see is groups of people across the road drinking. They’re very intimidating.

·         It makes the area feel unsafe for all ages. It also contributes to rubbish on the streets. As an area trying to attract visitors it does not show the town in a good light.

·         Never feel safe, even in the daytime. Everywhere is filled with drunks and druggies. They’re absolutely ruining our beautiful town

·         I often see drinking in the little green area opposite the station, despite it supposedly being a non drinking area, I walk my dog there twice a day, often the drinkers are abusive to anyone around including myself but also it’s the amount of glass that’s around from broken beer bottles.

·         We like to be out and about with our family and too often there is a level of intimidation in certain areas and it does not feel particularly safe to be out, even as early as mid afternoon.

·         I avoid town as much as i can due to the amount of drunks and anti social behaviour its just a disgrace and now id rather go Bridlington to walk about town as there is less drunks and anti social behaviour and seems to be more pleasant than Scarborough. In my opinion Scarborough used to be a lovely place but now has just gone to the dogs. And not to mention the constant abuse and drinking from the foreigners that own the shop at top of town on the corner by sports direct so when you get of the bus and cross the road into that its just ridiculous I’ve heard them abuse people and there always drinking. I bet that’s just what the visitors love to see when going shopping in town. But i know all this will fall on deaf ears has its been like this for a few years and myself have complained and reported incidents but nothing ever gets done. And I doubt it ever will. and furthermore lets not get started about the back of the town hall drunks at half 7 in the morning and still there at 8 at night and that’s on the councils doorstep nothing has been done about this so if the council cant sort an issue on there own doorstep why would they sort anything in the town. I hope I’m proved wrong but i doubt it

·         Makes you feel vulnerable just walking about

·         I was attacked by a gang of tourist who had been clearly driving in the Hairy bobs area of Marine Drive in Scarborough. The police who acted on my behalf gave me the impression a dispersal order was desperately needed as this was a common event.

·         Loud and aggressive people drinking in the street

·         In the area around the Town Hall and King Street we see debris such as empty beer cans, cider cans and empty wine bottles; we see nominals drinking in daylight, sitting on public benches enjoying areas with views over the sea which should attract visitors. It’s the opposite as visitors are put off by such, residents in the area feel intimidated by antisocial behaviour such as this

·         Access into the town areas at most parts of the day is unpleasant. Anti social behaviour is observed and witnessed on frequent occasions and the people responsible are usually in possession of some form of alcohol.

·         I live very local to the town centre and to the seafront. I doesn't effect me personally but I see a lot of drinkers on the beach, especially at peak times i.e. summertime. They leave there empty cans, bottles on the beach and i have seen people stumbling around when there are young families on the beach. So I think a full ban on the seafront and local area would the way forward.

·         Generally how much disturbances take up police time and the effect on intimidation when walking through the town centre on your own. It will also benefit young people not feeling vulnerable when entering the town centre.

·         Street drinking and related ASB makes the town centre uninviting by day and menacing at night.

·         Its intimidating walking to my car on an evening due to the people on drugs and alcohol. They hang around in the balmoral centre, as to teenagers drinking wrecking it and fighting. I have customers who don't like parking in there as they feel intimidated.

·         Was one of the reasons why I moved my digital marketing business out of town. The drunks and druggies were getting worse, and it was becoming dangerous for my staff to get to and from work. Also embarrassing bringing in clients.

·         There are a lot of men in the high street walking about with beer cans, who can be quite daunting and scary.

·         I work on the box office at the Stephen Joseph Theatre and am constantly harassed by intoxicated people in the town centre, especially being a friendly young woman putting on a welcoming customer service face. This often is interpreted as interest and have had multiple times where I've felt really intimidated and scared as someone will just not leave me alone. They also come and use the toilets and leave them in such a state.

·         I never go into the town centre in the evening if I can help it as I find the atmosphere uncomfortable and occasionally threatening. I don't like the impression that visitors could get of the town during the day, either.

·         I don't feel safe walking through the town centre in the day or night time due to the high levels of drinking and smoking in the town. A lot of people catcalling or using offensive language when I am out alone or with my children. My children do not need to see this on the streets, it is scary for them.

·         Walking through the town centre, even in the daytime sometimes can be intimidating and it is noticeable that this is linked to people with cans or bottles of drink in their hands.

·         Horrible experience with people shouting, swearing, bumping into people, drug taking, cannabis smoking and littering.

·         Intimidating walking down Hight Street any time of day and especially after 5.30pm. Don't go into town. Avoid these areas whenever I can.

·         Intimidating behaviour

·         We live on Bar St and run a business there as well as owning a property on Newborough – street drinking does contribute to anti-social behaviour and would like to see it banned entirely

·         The impact it has on me is that I feel intimidated by drunken people in the vicinity of the railway station. I don’t like the aggressive behaviour and loud voices coming from people who abuse alcohol and carry cans of alcohol around. I don’t like all the litter of broken bottles and beer cans I don’t like that people I have spoken to about the issue are also angry and upset that nothing is being done by the authorities to bring back the peace when the bans were in force I don't like the atmosphere created by people abusing alcohol on the street and how this taints Scarborough and disgusts tourists I am angry that these people are dumped in seaside towns without any responsibility from those towns which dump them here. I am angry that landlords house these damaged people in peace-abiding neighbourhoods where they cause disruption and aggression and make people want to sell their houses and therefore accrue costs needlessly.

·         It puts me off going into certain areas of Scarborough with my wife and 12 year old son, it also means that when we have guests visiting we do not venture into certain areas, which would be classed as tourist areas and could have much more footfall. On an individual matter it also makes me feel more on edge when in and around certain areas, which includes the grass area outside the historical council offices and cliff gardens.

·         I am afraid to say there is a huge problem with the consumption of alcohol and drugs in and around the town centre vicinity of Scarborough. The current PSPO has had little to zero effect with constant drinking in many of the town centre hot spots, MAINLY by users with a chronic problem. I have never seen someone consuming alcohol in a civilised manner in the streets, it is always the same characters leading to shouting, fighting and very anti-social behaviour. Living in the town centre can be a very unpleasant experience, especially brining up a family around this anti-social behaviour. I reported the issues many times to the police, but the PSPO gave them very little powers. Why would street drinking not be prohibited, most people drink is pubs and restaurants - it's only users with a chronic dependency taking advantage of Scarborough's weak stance. Myself and my neighbours have multiple issues with our green space and local church - where substance misuse is commonplace – do we not have rights to a life of peace and order around us?

·         Easy access to takeaway alcohol from town centre retail allowing groups of potentially loud, intimidating marauding cavalierly through the town centre, Falsgrave with little regard to other tourists or residents.

·         Drunken persons harassing passers by, lewd behaviour and crass language seem to have become almost the norm in areas of Scarborough.

·         It puts my family and i off visiting the town centre area .

·         No

·         It deters me from going into town as I feel unsafe, it also makes me feel ashamed of our beautiful town sometimes when visitors see drunken anti-social behaviour. It is a huge issue for us here and we really do need to do something about it.

·         It deters me, as an elderly person, from visiting the town centre

·         There is a problem with anti social behaviour in Scarborough alcohol related or not. The people behaving anti socially for whatever reason should be targeted not people acting responsibly. Closing free toilets and charging extortionate prices for a natural bodily function is bound to cause urination in the streets. All toilets should be free. Handing out fines to people who probably are unable to pay is not the answer

·         Reduced amount of time spent in the town centre

·         I have a guest house and guests often state they are afraid to walk through groups in parks

·         Intimidating abusive

·         Living on South Cliff, Prince of Wales Terrace. The residents for XXXX makes us scared to go out especially in the summer. They beg, confront and swear at locals. They also use the park as a toilet. This used to be a very affluent area!

·         When people: shouting, swearing, fighting due to alcohol intake find it can be triggering and detrimental to my mental/physical health( survivor of domestic abuse due to alcohol). Hearing anti social behaviour at night affects my sleep which then has a negative knock on effect to working day. Just want to live in peace with no aggression/unacceptable behaviour due to alcohol and/or using open spaces as a toilet. Scarborough stinks of urine in so many places in Summer! Need to make Scarborough a special place for tourists visitors to come back. Feel very vulnerable when literally gangs of men drinking alcohol at the top of Westborough opposite train station. Not good for kids of ANY age to see drinking in the street….Need to think of educating kids set example that drinking alcohol on street is not good. Drugs are often associated with alcohol too.

·         Seeing drunk people brawling on street in day time

·         Feel unsafe when walking in areas where people gather and drink alcohol especially in public spaces in Scarborough where residents, families and tourists like to walk and enjoy

·         Very intimidating when walking in your local area. People drinking and causing a nuisance. This is very off putting for locals and tourists to the point that I don’t actually like going into town and certainly wouldn’t on an evening.

·         Litter, large groups of men congregating in town, anti social behaviour

·         Intimidating being in the town centre, try to stay away however would prefer to feel safe, also noise people shouting at all hours prevents residents close to the town centre from sleeping,

·         Abusive language, urinating, defecating and vomiting outside our front doors in Sussex Street in front of our small children. And we have the pleasure of cleaning it up! Groups of men drinking on a daily basis by Scarborough Station, outside the betting shop next to international store. You have holiday makers with families coming off the buses and trains and this is what they are greeted with. Welcome to Scarborough!

·         feel uncomfortable so avoid certain areas, especially early evening. It means I just won't go to central areas and prefer to travel out of town. Have been harassed, bumped into, people stagger into your path. Feels aggressive and out of control. Feels no-one is about to supervise central areas. - Intimidating groups in certain areas - Do not visits paths or open spaces - Intimidating abuse from individuals in groups - Threatening behaviour - Associated drug use - Don't go out to the town centre in evening

·         It's had a very big impact on the area I live we’ve been kept wake most night with drunk people shouting up to flat at all hours of the day and night














Appendix B – All comments from Question 12

Do you have any comments as to what areas any order should cover? Commentscould include matters such as the size of the proposed areas and whether it is appropriate for a certain area to be covered with an absolute or qualified prohibition.


·         All areas of the country should be covered by this order. It should not be acceptable anywhere to use the streets as a toilet.

·         The largest area possible!

·         Total ban

·         Just ban it

·         Greater need for public toilets that are clean and affordable it works in small towns and villages outside of Scarborough. people of an age need to use a toilet sometime outside is the only option, they are not all thugs, drunk or antisocial people.

·         Need more public toilets if going to prosecute.

·         The north and south bay seafronts and headlands. There are too many people camping and sleeping rough using tents and vans leaving a mess behind.

·         There is a number of occasions when walking my dog throughout town, I see people urinating up buildings, particularly down Aberdeen Walk. Makes the place stink!!

·         All of Scarborough town

·         Everywhere

·         The order should cover the whole area.

·         I am astounded to learn that there isn't already an order prohibiting public urination and defecation in Scarborough. The whole of Scarborough should be covered with at least qualified prohibition. No doubt there will be rare occurrences when people may be forced into relieving themselves in public but those should certainly be in exceptional circumstances only.

·         There should be zero tolerance.

·         Definitely town centre. Should not be allowed anywhere in the streets or surrounding area. Its disgusting for children or women to see this.


·         It should be a blanket ban for the whole of the Borough.

·         Along with the very sensible ban of street urination / defecation comes the responsibility to provide adequate and accessible public toilets. Lessons could be learned from the provision of clean, free and readily available toilets in Bridlington.

·         Pretty sure public defecation is undesirable anywhere

·         As previously mentioned, this problem is much worse with dogs. Something needs to be done about it. Dog wardens might be a good idea with fines issued like a traffic warden. In addition, dogs could be DNA registered and excrement samples checked. I’m sure that there’s only a tiny percent of humans doing this, and the larger problem is with dogs.

·         Map A does not include the alcohol abuse and public urination in Ashburn Rd which is used as a cut through from the town centre to Edgehill/Eastfield and should be extended to cover all of the area within St Margarets Rd including the Oriel village green. Policing within the town centre is covered by CCTV but there is none in place on Ashburn Rd as the existing CCTV mast on Ashburn Rd has been allowed to become tree - damaged and is currently out of operation. Unlike other areas of concern e.g. "Peasholm Park" there are no CCTV signs in place on Ashburn Rd to deter public urination at the rear of "Mencap" (not covered by the Map A boundary) and this is therefore a Safeguarding Concern for vulnerable adults. These issues have been raised with Police/Safer Communities/Community Impact and need to be included in any new PSPO. Similarly, there is a need for a deterrent to deliberate/excessive Car Exhaust Noise and consequent air pollution within the Valley Rd railway tunnel as supported by the local MP. The Tunnel is covered by Map A. The Map A covers the Valley Gardens but not Falsgrave Park and the ASB/illegal drug activities in both these parks are well established.

·         There should be affordable access to public toilets in the town centre. If access to toilets - possibly a pass for locals, then there could continue to be problems. A solution is required for a problem, to simply prohibit without a solution would not be acceptable.

·         Yes. If the wretched public toilets were open, there would be much less of a problem, and instead of penalising the whole town, only genuine antisocial offenders would be challenged.

·         The town centre should have an absolute prohibition. People are urinating wherever they want. Town centre parks and alleyways are the worst areas which increase with the warmer weather. More cameras on public parks would be a start. We should be able to report to the local police and they should come right away.

·         The St Nicolas gardens. Also I think wild camping and motorhomes parking need to be discouraged from the town and the wider area

·         Yes I agree there should be an order but an exemption must be made if someone has medical reasons for not being able to reach a toilet. My husband - also in his 70's - has an enlarged prostate and a mild form of prostate cancer. Even though he takes medication for his urgency in needing to pass water there are occasions when he is desperate and needs to discretely 'pop behind a bush'. If this became an offence he would be very limited in being able to leave the house. Also the number of public toilets is insufficient for a town the size of Scarborough. May I also mention on the subject of defecation - does anyone enforce the rules regarding dog poo. It is a disgusting blight to the streets and nothing seems to be one about it. I have heard people say its so bad it puts them of visiting our lovely town.

·         All town centre and surrounding 'town' areas should have street alcohol drinking prohibited.

·         Town centre and the beach both south north

·         the areas covered should be as large as possible, i.e. the whole of the Scarborough District area and the prohibition should be total and absolute.

·         People who are homeless, and those under the influence of alcohol are the main culprits for this. Shop fronts, alleyways, used.

·         All areas should be banned, its a health hazard. Provide more toilet facilities. All alleyways, side streets, shop doors generally smell of urine

·         Areas what are near to licensed premises / residential

·         Queen Street, New Queen, Castle Road(from north marine road roundabout) North Terrace and Auborough street why are these not included? We have allot of alcohol related issues at all hours and should be included in the red zone

·         A wider area than those proposed on maps A&B for street drinking should be considered.

·         All public areas should be included as by not, any problems can be pushed elsewhere.

·         i personally believe that a total ban on street drinking in the town centre is a must. We need to give a better impression of Scarborough to visitors.

·         Mostly the town centre, around all the bars and pubs. We have an issue with drunk men deciding to urinate on our pub up the alleyway instead of using the toilet, we’ve also have people be refused for being drunk or rude who’ve been caught defecting in our bin yard as "revenge" which we could only put in place a life time ban but I think further punishment should be required, like a fine, as this was a group of 18-20 year olds (one was under 18 and had a fake id) and these kids need to understand the seriousness of their actions and attitudes

·         I think the red area is the main issue so it should be a complete ban.

·         I think the red area is the main issue and it should be banned entirely

·         I believe that urination on the street should be banned everywhere- however certainly the town centre itself and areas around schools and community centres should definitely be a priority.

·         Scarborough town centre

·         At least the entirety of town centre to avoid any confusion as to where people can drink.

·         As much as it is an issue toilets should not be 50p each

·         All over the town! There are public toilets available to all the public, although there is a definite need for more public toilets in the town

·         This shouldn't be allowed anywhere!

·         The main street through town should definitely be the main consideration, and the Alma Square area. I believe the beach is a bit more of a funny one as a quiet drink whilst enjoying the sunshine for tourists, provided they clean up after themselves, should be perfectly reasonable.

·         Urinating in the street should be treated as an offence. It’s disgusting. Again I have complained to the police about people urinating when vacating the open air theatre events. I’ve actually witnessed both men and women urinating in our own house entrance to the garden and my neighbours house fronts too to which I have then challenged these individuals and had abuse back. There are never any police around to see this but it happens every time a concert is on .

·         It should cover all areas

·         All Scarborough open more public toilets

·         All

·         All the areas.

·         Town centre should have a total drinking ban

·         All areas, everywhere should be covered. No excuse for disgusting and unhygienic behaviour. Why should someone else have to come along and clear up after you because you are acting like an animal? Free public toilets open 24 hours would help mitigate the issue. However this behaviour is usually exacerbated by alcohol so culprits unlikely to be thinking or reading signs saying banned in an area. It is a cultural issue where people believe this kind of behaviour is acceptable, funny or no big deal. I doubt the council has the power to raise the standard of behaviour of these idiots, sadly.

·         I think the same as Map B & B1. Holidaymakers don’t need to see people urinating down alleys and side streets near their hotel

·         Everywhere. The only way to create a more respectful community is to have zero tolerance policies

·         Back roads and alleyways, all over town

·         The whole of the town area including the foreshore and Sandside Town centre, streets around, Nelson street, Hoxton Road, Victoria Street

·         All Town

·         All areas

·         Town centre gardens and residential areas should be covered

·         Whole of Scarborough the council have a duty of care to the public and children

·         The entire of Scarborough should be covered however like most things this would be difficult to police. So I would suggest all tourists areas and the town centre.

·         The absence of public toilets makes the problem more difficult to police

·         You can often smell stale urine particularly near the Brunswick

·         As a tourist area the streets must be kept clean however the council have a responsibility to provide sufficient clean public toilets to ensure people can access facilities.

·         All areas should be treated the same to eliminate confusion

·         Urinating and dedicating in public is disgusting and should be banned for the whole of Scarborough,

·         Drinking in any public place on the street unless its a licensed bar area should be banned

·         It is becoming an increasing problem exacerbated by the lack of public facilities.

·         It should cover the whole of Scarborough - actually the whole of North Yorkshire

·         provide free toilets in the town centre. There are too many cafes and restaurants restricting toilets to clients so there’s a real problem. People urinate and defecate in the street and in people’s gardens. Scarborough needs free toilets and then there’s no excuse.

·         Have more public toilets available, the smell down Waterhouse Lane is horrendous and many other alleys in the town. This would stop me from visiting businesses close to these locations.

·         There is a major problem with drink and drug use outside Baltyk on Westborough. I would include Falsgrave park in the boundary too, not just Falsgrave high-street.

·         I thought this was already prohibited. Though more public toilets need to be available if you want to dissuade this.

·         Essentially, this is something that should be banned everywhere in a residential or retail environment

·         This should apply to the whole are in Map A

·         Specifically, dogs should not be allowed to defecate - without owners picking up after them – anywhere in town.

·         Should include the whole of Scarborough

·         London Inn Yard is the location for significant repeat public urination (outside the Club) and not only do offenders need to be fined but the licensee needs to be held to account for this behaviour of their customers

·         I suppose the area should be the same as for Map B(1) Qualified prohibitions: Parents may want to allow their small children (i.e. under 6) to urinate on the beach or on the grass somewhere. Adults should be prohibited from urinating and defecating in public unless there are exceptional circumstances such as having a seizure, after a road accident etc.

·         I believe the order should cover the area edged in blue on Map A proposal 1, but should be extended to include Falsgrave Park.

·         As mentioned previously, street drinking is only undertaken more than typically by consumers with an obvious problem/dependency and not just on alcohol. Scarborough has a massive problem with this and therefore, needs to take steps to ensure the safety and well being of residents and also to present a picture of a good, presentable and safe town to visitors/tourists. If the current stance is continued and the town centre space is continued to be used for all sorts of substance abuse then you'll find many will start to move away and the town will fall into a ghetto environment.

·         Town centre,Falsgrave

·         As a gentleman of a certain age it’s vital that proper free toilet facilities are provided!

·         Town centre only

·         All areas there are sufficient Public lavatories

·         We would need some more public toilets

·         North Yorkshire Police should be dealing with this, not the Council. Being threatening and abusive in public are already unlawful under various public order and harassment laws. Urinating and defecation in public places are existing offenses under the Public Health Act 1936 and the Local Government Act 1972. Why Does this Council seek further unnecessary duplication of existing laws which can presumably only serve to more readily harass people, create a lower criminalisation threshold and circumvent due process via the court system. Please refrain from this creeping authoritarianism and deal with the root causes of the issues including the provision of additional public toilets in the area and fully fund accessible services (that people with the issues you speak of might actually want to attend) rather than creating yet another revenue generating scheme that targets vulnerable people that the council disapproves of.

·         As previously mentioned providing free toilets is essential.

·         Under impression it was already illegal

·         Na

·         There should be an absolute prohibition so everyone is clear there is no street drinking whatsoever. Street drinking Impacts hugely on businesses tourists and residents

·         South Cliff, Prince of Wales, Red Cliff residents. Been to a public meeting in town hall. No action taken! Council promised increased security! Summer coming up. It will get worst. I think the areas of Scarborough Town Centre as detailed and no drinking allowed by persons whilst walking around the town

·         It should cover all areas, however there should be more public toilets available. Apart from shops/cafes/restaurants there are very few public toilets.

·         The whole of Scarborough including villages etc

·         All of the town centre. Susses Street, North Street, Clifton Street, Peasholm Park, Castle Road, Dean Road, The Italian gardens.

·         I support a clear, all-area ban. This happens in other cities in UK and USA very successfully, including NYC. Also in Europe. Scarborough will increasingly become a "problem town" and ultimately this will worsen and increase if reasonable measures aren't adopted asap. I hope measures can be implemented.

·         Should cover blue area to prevent migration of the problem

·         Area b we’ve had people urinating on or gate I’ve see a man having a poo on somebody doorstep not a nice sight

Appendix C – All comments from Question 13


Any further comments? This is an opportunity to make any general comments about the proposals made by North Yorkshire Council.


·         Everyone should be able to enjoy our town - not just the drinkies and druggies who affect everyone's enjoyment daily, by misbehaving on the streets and driving cars when they clearly shouldn't be. If they don't like it, tough.

·         I think the area is looking run down in places especially when you move off the beaten track. The increase in police incidents in town I feel is related to the increased street drinkers since the demise of the old PSPO

·         We want everyone, residents and visitors alike, to feel safe and comfortable in Scarborough. Manners and behaviour have gone disastrously downhill in recent years.

·         Something needs to be done to solve this problem and also the amount of homeless sleeping in doorways and begging when your shopping on the precinct.

·         It's really a police matter covered by existing legislation. Adding such complexities of PSPO's just doesn't help but hinders the issue. Existing police procedures need to evolve. Every action has a reaction which usually results in increasing the problems that you are trying to resolve.

·         Open more public toilets

·         I agree in principal, but if there are no public toilets available I’m not sure what people are supposed to do.

·         Drugs are a huge problem too.

·         Scarborough is a beautiful place that is being ruined by people who don't care. I see people drinking alcohol in the streets at 9.00 am. You'll never stop this problem but you can try and manage it.

·         More public toilets would help, particularly Marine Drive/seafront/ town centre

·         No, but I think that the consultation is the right way forward.

·         A ban on street drinking can't come into place soon enough, the individuals who partake in street drinking make the town centre look and sound unpleasant for ordinary working and retired taxpayers.

·         Your surveys are awful, so pointed and fixed to get set answers, they are unreal.

·         Two comments: 1. In the area edged blue covering north bay is now available for camper vans. This has led to setting up chairs and outside drinking The usual rule for campervans in car parks is that it is allowed as along as no setting up, awnings, tables and chairs, tents. I know as word spreads there will be an increase in anti social behaviour, noise, litter, drinking, setting up camp and comment 2 In the same area there are toilets but many vehicles park a long way off. I have witnessed people in the act of urination or appearing to be, and worse emptying waste in the bushes when it gets dark.

·         Please make our streets safe and clean again.

·         Camper vans empty waste down drains, urination often occurs rather than people paying as well.

·         Cannot come soon enough !!

·         The problem should be dealt with directly with the offenders. The rest of the general public who can enjoy a drink outside sensibly should not be penalised

·         I agree with the total ban due to what I witness on a regular basis. Baring in mind I walk through town around 8.30am and often those people are there then arguing with each other and falling over. I also want to add the issue of large groups of men at the top of the high street all congregating, smoking and drinking. It’s very intimidating and again makes Scarborough look dirty and unsafe. The issue around the issues you are discussing seem to be mainly at the top of the high street in my experience.

·         It would be good to see the ban in place and enforced so this becomes a less likely experience.

·         PSPO need to be balanced and take a common sense approach. There also needs to be free access to public toilets to discourage public urination/excrement.

·         Underlying issues also need to be addressed as to why people are drinking in the streets and it leading to antisocial behaviour. An all out ban will only move the problem not solve it. As for public urination and defecation this could be reduced by having more public toilets available for people to use

·         Please advertise this more as the public are not aware of this proposal is being considered. Thank you.

·         An ideal world would see provision of rehabilitation for people who fall foul of the PSPO, has this been considered?

·         Littering is also an issue with street drinking. Forgotten cans and smashed bottles can be dangerous for animals as well as people. In addition to the drinking order, there needs to be strong enforcement by police. All too often a little, friendly chat is had by officers and PCSOs to perpetrators who either take no notice or comply but end up coming back to where they’ve been moved on from.

·         The easter weekend showed up some issues - female, naked from the waist down staggering in Eastborough mid afternoon, being asked for money by someone worse for wear whilst walking in the Esplanade area. BUT this will need enforcement by someone

·         I have visited parents in Teeside. While visiting a shop an assistant said " I was so shocked when I came back to Scarborough last month. Its full of drunks, shouting and throwing cans in the street and druggies "

·         Groups gather near sports direct corner, town centre, near Kam Sang

·         There needs to be more public toilets

·         This needs lots of signage and comms if it is put into place - and policing adequately with consequences for those - increased FPN's. Make spaces more open to discourage hidden areas for drinking/urinating

·         N/A

·         Public toilets are too expensive and often unavailable around the town centre.

·         Congratulations on addressing this important issue.

·         Scarborough isn’t the town it used to be. It’s sad to see its demise.

·         It must be enforced. If it is totally banned but not rigorously enforced it will be flouted and the measures will be a waste of time and money

·         Lets support our police officers and PCSOs to enforce these rules, there aren't enough of them on the streets either but members of the public would feel reassured to see that increased powered are there and will be enforced.

·         I think this approach should be combined with social support rather than just punitive action against people committing antisocial behaviour. I think funding which has come into Scarborough recently and the improvements made - and future improvements to the Brunswick Pavilion etc all decrease antisocial behaviour in a positive fashion.

·         Provide free toilets and refurbish the ones next to the spa cliff lift

·         The centre of town is a disgrace and is putting many people from visiting what could be an amazing tourist destination

·         Complete ban on all alcohol drinking in streets urinating and antisocial behaviour. More visible policing in itself would prevent threatening and disruptive behaviour.


·         Based on what has been mentioned so far, it would be a good idea to ban all street drinking in the whole of Scarborough, in every area. There’s no need to drink on the streets when there are plenty of pubs. As mentioned, dog poo and the smell of cannabis are also issues.

·         I think it would be a good step forward and make the town and sea front areas more appealing to visitors to the town

·         There should be public toilets available at a low cost in the centre of town

·         The previous PSPO signs are still in place although the PSPO period has ended. The new PSPO should include guidance to dog-walkers and litter behaviour expectation/consequences.

·         I say No to Prop 2. Scarborough is a leisure destination, and the reason why antisocial behaviour takes place is because young people who may go off the rails have few intervention organisations left to help, and instead the Conservatives carry on cutting them to provide tax breaks to wealthy people. Fix the needs of the minority. Not the leisurely pursuits of the majority. No to Prop 2. No Handmaiden's Tale style thinking here.

·         Please put up more cameras onto public parks. This might prevent urination but it would capture the anti social behaviour and re offenders. Banning alcohol in the town centre would help but only if enforced by the police. The behaviour in the last 2 years has gotten worse. Something needs to be done. It not only affects the tourists but also the safety and wellbeing of the people who live and work in Scarborough town centre. There is currently no way to report anti social behaviour that is happening right at that moment. The local police number does not pick up and reporting it online is too late. We need access to immediate reporting.

·         Increasing levels of low level crime and anti social behaviour in Scarborough needs to be nipped in the bud otherwise crime levels will increase.

·         I think the banning of street drinking in Scarborough town centre is a critical part of making the town feel safe and welcoming. Seeing people walking through the town drinking out of cans and bottles at all times of the day creates a really bad impression of the town and probably deters visitors from returning. It is also a big contributor to anti-social behaviour which we have to reduce if we are to regenerate our town.

·         The Scarborough area, including the town, has declined enormously in the last few years – street drinking, alcohol related incidents, anti social behaviour, foul and aggressive language/behaviour, public urination and defecation, possession of weapons, possession and use of drugs, abuse of the council homeless accommodation system, anti social youth behaviour, shop lifting, graffiti and fly posting are all major contributors to this. Powers to combat these occurrences, and the capability to deal robustly with offenders, is required as soon as possible before the area becomes a total no go area.

·         The whole benefit system needs reviewing, so tax payers money is not abused as much as it is.

·         Stop closing public toilets, make more available in the town. STOP ALL alcohol being allowed in public areas. Unless its a bar or licensed cafes, and only allow alcohol within the sectioned area relating to that establishment.

·         Are you holding a meeting so residents can get the red area extended?

·         I believe street drinking should be banned in all public areas withing the borough of Scarborough. Alcohol should only be consumed in licensed premises or within homes.

·         I am concerned that whilst I agree on a total ban on street drinking in the area marked red , in my locality that will simply drive people to drink in the side streets that are not covered by the prohibition. I feel this should be closely monitored I would have like to have seen the ban deeper that just the main road on Falsgrave

·         Top of town is awful and its not just the drinking

·         No comment

·         The police force in the area need more support in tackling the antisocial behaviour that is getting more and more prevalent.

·         The issues with public urination would be reduced if the toilet facilities in the town were more accessible to the wider public, and the facilities in the town centre weren't entirely removed after 5pm excluding pubs, restaurants and the train station.

·         We lack resources in the police so I salute anyone that can come up with a solution to tackle alcohol / drug abuse in the streets and urinating. It’s just getting worse and funds to support the police less so I honestly cannot see this getting better anytime soon . Youth are no longer afraid of the police so they carry on doing what they want when they want . It’s frightening! Good luck

·         Prison sentence should be applied as most of the offenders will not pay a fine also any none British should be deported

·         They bury there. heads in the sand when it comes to problems

·         As someone who works in the town centre I see people on a daily basis who are creating a nuisance to others , urinating in public areas , intimidating myself and my colleagues at work , antisocial behaviour is ruining life for the rest of us

·         Ban all on street (and beaches) drinking everywhere. No reason to do it. Support local businesses by drinking on their premises and keep the unruly behaviour contained and under watchful eye of publican. Make our streets safe and pleasant for our children, families and elderly again. Please send a strong message to residents and visitors alike that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated so people are encouraged to visit our fabulous town knowing it is safe, clean and welcoming. Keeping my fingers crossed!

·         Please note. A huge amount of council tax funding goes to benefitting only a small amount of people in social care… if this was charity funded it would release significant funds to pump into essential public services.

·         This town is getting worse ,how will you expect to have tourism in the way how this town is

·         Strongly agree and pleased it is being looked at

·         Stop being nice and enforce rules, the town will suffer, businesses will be affected without rules

·         This is an excellent idea and would help clean up the streets and the parks from the litter associated with alcohol consumption. Drugs should also be included in this proposal.

·         Yesterday 20th April I felt uncomfortable watching a family of 4 walking through the town centre drinking beer from bottles Scarborough has so much more potential to appeal to a wider range of people and to make the most of any investment into the town, tackling anti-social behaviour and intimidating behaviour must be addressed. I think the restrictions would be very beneficial so long as there are people on the ground to ensure action is taken if ignored.

·         I’ll be amazed if this finally gets sorted

·         If something is not done the town will become a no go area and it affects locals and tourism

·         We need more vigilance on Scarborough streets day to day and nighttime too. We can’t put everything down to cut backs and lack of funding. Get residents onside, fight and keep residents associations/ councillor meetings going in collaboration with local police and community support officers

·         Education is key - work with local schools about the cause and effect of alcohol, the highs and lows. This isn't anything new, but there is no point just giving an 'order' without full explanations of what alcohol can do to you and others, education in schools, local youth groups (none left). Introduce to the 'one punch' campaign as again alcohol is a huge impact on fighting. Finally licensees need to take some responsibility in how much the serve people, but also work with local shops and supermarkets and ask them to place posters up and take responsibility. Finally - more housing and wellbeing support for the hundreds of young people and adults in temporary accommodation in Scarborough, facing homelessness or street homeless. Town Centre is not welcoming, inviting, clean or well lit, nothing for young people to do - all of this contributes. Council should be held accountable for lack of infrastructure, closed premises and run down areas ... as long as they keep the front tidy for tourists .. spend money on gardens in South Cliff .. but leave the rest of town looking like a dead end tired shambles.

·         I've rang police before to try get help with various scenarios around the front of the Stephen Joseph Theatre and am always amazed that I'm put through to a call centre somewhere to someone who doesn't know Scarborough to the point where I'm trying to explain the incident is 100m down the road from the police station but by the time ten minutes have passed for them to work out where I am the incident has passed and the people run off. If someone from Scarborough answered they could be with me straight away. So stupid that were so close yet I've never had a response in time for any action to be taken.

·         I can't believe we are even discussing whether we think urinating or defecating in public is a bad thing and should be banned. Of course it should. Also the high levels of people smoking weed around the town centre has significantly increased with nothing done about it

·         Street drinking is antisocial in itself and I seldom see street drinking being done to good effect or with good intentions. It is by definition exhibitionist and is on a sliding scale towards antisocial behaviour. Street urinating and defecation are even more disgusting. In fact, if it isn't stopped it, this is taken as a sign that people can 'get away with murder' and treat the town disrespectfully. Please stamp it out now and without impunity. It is ruining our town.

·         The people I have spoken to about the issue are angry and upset that nothing is being done by the authorities to bring back the peace there was when the bans were in force. They have not been informed about the reason for this. Many did not realise the bans had expired. Many could not see why they should have expired when the negative impact of anti-social drinking is so obvious. The opinion was that the Council should have taken action knowing that the ban was due to expire. Thus disruption would have been addressed by the police. Residents would have been able to enjoy their town and an outcry from tourists about the state of Scarborough would have been prevented. The dumping of disruptive people in seaside towns without any responsibility from those towns which dump them should be prohibited. Landlords of housing in multiple occupation should not be allowed to house disruptive people in peace-abiding neighbourhoods where it results in neighbours wanting to sell their houses and in breaking up communities

·         I agree that action should be taken to reduce, or remove individuals who are likely to cause antisocial behaviour and/or disorder, however I also believe there should be facilities available for people to give them the option of being able to do something instead, or in a safe, non-public environment.

·         I know the council knows the views already of many of the concerned residents over the anti-social behaviour. We were told this consultation would be our chance to change things, please act with good faith towards your residents who care about the town and want to make it a thriving, healthy and safe place to live and visit.

·         NYC needs to reopen access to 24/7 public toilets in Scarb/Whitby/Filey given our reputation of being the premier hospitality area and welcoming visitors.

·         Urination in the streets around foreshore / sandside largely due to not enough open toilets in the area.

·         Good luck

·         There are no problems on the seafront, focus on the. Town centre

·         I am at a loss to understand why SBC should even have a consultation on this matter surely common sense tells us this is anti social behaviour as anyone drinking on the street has an alcohol problem and support with from the various appropriate agencies to address their needs. i.e. housing rehabilitation etc.

·         Good idea, it’s very bad for tourism etc

·         The wording of the questions is wrong and is loaded to give the required response Delphi. No legislation is required for these problems, a Police Constable acting under Oath is there to keep the peace and has the power to arrest if necessary.

·         If you create regulations they need to be enforced. Nothing in my residential area is

·         Yes, the view of visitors to alcoholic consumption and drinking has been noted by my guests as off-putting which could have a negative impact on the economy

·         Hugely agree with the proposal of no drinking in the streets

·         Have struggled with some of questions due to learning disabilities. Want proposal 2. Hope my contribution will be taken into account even if I’ve missed a few questions out. If there is to be a ban on drink in the centre need clear signage, and firm management of everyone….regardless of age, sex, religious beliefs, or ethnicity

·         NYC and police have a duty to council tax payers to have alcohol related issues under control. It seems common sense that people who repeatedly cause problems should not just be banned from drinking on streets but made to put right what they destroy/disrupt. For example if they damage property they help fix it, if they disturb the peace they help the special officers keep peace for a duration of time, seems like a crazy idea but it would stop them recommitting such crimes/issues.

·         Anti social behaviour caused by alcohol is a serious issue in Scarborough and I strongly support the consultation and measures to be taken This will make Scarborough a much safer and family friendly visitor and residential town

·         Have more public toilets available. To make any of these work it has to be policed properly and there should be a dedicated team to do so. There has to be a deterrent and a suitable punishment. You see it time and time again, it happens in the open, people are drunk and behave anti socially yet when you call the police there is insufficient manpower to deal with this. Therefore there needs to be a dedicated team to deal with this.

·         A full ban on drinking throughout the area including villages

·         I have lived in Scarborough for 14 years and have seen a big increase in drinking and drug taking in the town centre. I have had abuse and been threatened by both men and woman in the town. I have watch young families run into stores or huddle in doorways as gangs of men have gone through the town shouting abuse, smoking drugs and drinking. The local businesses are suffering. Why would you want to come on holiday with your family and risk your children being scared. My own daughter who is 15 says she find the men in groups are very intimidating and shout to her in their language. God only knows what they are saying. The drinking and drug taking has to stop, for all our sakes.

·         I support plans that encourage good behaviour friendships and growth in community cohesion. Drink and drugs are symptom of wider malaise but important to start the action. Thanks.

·         Should also include drug use, especially weed which is smelt in all areas of the town. In some areas the drug problem is greater than alcohol related issues. Dog mess is a greater problem than human soiling.