North Yorkshire Council
9 July 2024
Area Constituency Committee Feedback Report
Report of the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services
To bring to the attention of the Executive key issues considered at recent meetings of the Area Constituency Committees (ACC).
2.1 Councillor Monika Slater and Peter Lacey were elected as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively of the Committee for the ensuing municipal year.
2.2 There were no public questions or statements received at this meeting.
2.3 The Committee received an informative report on the wide-ranging work of the Stronger Communities team both countywide and at the local level in Harrogate and Knaresborough, and about the recent ‘Let’s Talk Food’ survey which had gathered valuable data about residents’ experiences around accessing healthy food and food waste.
2.4 The Committee discussed and supported the recommendations as contained in the submitted report to Executive in respect of the Pannal and Burn bridge Neighbourhood Plan.
2.5 Transport and Travel – updates reports were received on 20mph implementation (West/South-West Harrogate); Otley Road Sustainable Transport Measures, West of Harrogate and a discussion and presentation on Harrogate Active travel.
2.6 A brief update was provided on the work of the Harrogate Station Gateway and Member appointments made to the ACC working group looking at this matter.
2.7 The Committee also agreed the allocation of £70,000 of the £100,000 ACC Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund after a discussion and debate at the meeting for the development of three schemes which would bring significant economic and social benefits to the area: Decarbonising Knaresborough Wellbeing Hub (£20,000); Harrogate Cycling Infrastructure Plan: Corridor 2 (£40,000); and A59 Harrogate to Knaresborough missing link (£10,000).
2.8 Further information about the meeting can be found here - Agenda for Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee on Thursday, 30th May, 2024, 10.00 am | North Yorkshire Council
3.1 Councillors Richard Foster and Andy Solloway were elected as Chair and Vice Chair respectively for the ensuing municipal year
3.2 Representatives from the Modality GP Partnership attended to answer Members’ queries regarding access to GP appointments. Members had previously raised concerns that the system that is used is inaccessible to those with limited computer literacy. Modality informed the Committee of the ways in which patients could book appointments, settling their concerns. Members asked for an update on the statistics provided to the Committee at this meeting to be presented to the meeting on 12 December 2024.
3.3 Members endorsed the spending of £75,000 of the ACC Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund on two projects. The Sector Growth Opportunities – Health, Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences project (£25,000) will research the sector, engaging with businesses to gain an understanding of the opportunities and limitations affecting their future growth. The Ripon Mobility Hub project (£50,000) will consider the requirements of various transport modes, complementary facilities and how the Hub can support Ripon and its wider hinterland. At the Skipton and Ripon ACC on 7 March 2024, the Langcliffe Quarry – A History of the Limeworks Industry project (£25,000) had been endorsed and therefore all the funds for 2023/24 and 2024/25 have now been committed by the Committee.
3.4 The following reports were welcomed and noted: Sandylands Masterplan, which sets out the vision for the Sandylands sports site and provides a long-term guide to its future growth and evolution into the future; Stronger Communities Annual Report, which provides an overview of the progress made in the Skipton and Ripon Constituency; and Let’s Talk Food – Survey Feedback, which presented the feedback from the latest ‘Let’s Talk’ campaign on residents’ experiences around accessing healthy food and food waste.
3.5 Members discussed adding the following topics to the work programme: a standing item to discuss local issues with the Combined Authority Mayor, a review into the impact of tourism on communities in the constituency, as well as others.
3.6 Further information about the meeting can be found here - Agenda for Skipton and Ripon Area Constituency Committee on Thursday, 6th June, 2024, 10.00 am | North Yorkshire Council
4.1 Councillors Liz Colling and Janet Jefferson were elected as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively of the committee for the ensuing municipal year.
4.2 Following the receipt of a public question at the March meeting of the committee raising concerns about the safety of children who will walk to school along the cinder track from Stainsacre in Whitby to the new Whitby School, the committee received presentations from the Head of Strategic Planning (Children and Young People’s Service) and Walked Route Assessor (Highways and Transportation) about how the legislation and statutory guidance in respect of walked routes to school had been applied to assess this particular route. Following a lengthy discussion, the committee resolved to (i) promote the use of a walking bus by parents on this route, (ii) ask officers to consider lighting the cinder track on this section, and (iii) ask officers to consider providing another pedestrian crossing on Helredale Road again for reasons of child safety when walking to the new school.
4.3 The committee was pleased to endorse that the Corporate Director spends £66,000 of the Scarborough and Whitby ACC Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund on the development of four schemes which would bring significant economic, social, cultural and health benefits to the area: coastal access at Cayton Bay, offshore economic opportunities, active travel / social prescribing pilot project, and commemorations in 2026 to mark 400 years of Scarborough’s status as the first seaside spa resort.
4.4 Members welcomed the proposed new Public Space Protection Order for Scarborough Town Centre which had received overwhelming support in the recent public consultation and served as one of a variety of tools to tackle the growing problem of anti-social behaviour in public places as a result of alcohol misuse and other misconduct.
4.5 The committee received an encouraging update on the wide-ranging work of the Stronger Communities team both countywide and at the local level, and about the recent Let’s Talk Food survey which had gathered valuable data about residents’ experiences around accessing healthy food and food waste.
4.6 Various additions were agreed to the committee’s work programme including the decision to arrange a special meeting later in the year to undertake a public, evidence gathering session from a range of stakeholders about bathing water quality. This decision was made in light of the recent multi-agency bathing water summit which had highlighted the progress being made in this regard with the: McCain Foods’ and Yorkshire Water’s investment plans; the extensive testing to be carried out this season by the Environment Agency; and the work commissioned from Professor Grocke at Durham University to investigate the causes of the poor water quality and steps that should be taken to achieve improvement.
4.7 Further information about the meeting can be found here - Agenda for Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Committee on Friday, 7th June, 2024, 10.00 am | North Yorkshire Council
5.1 Councillors Melanie Davis and Kirsty Poskitt were elected as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively for the ensuing municipal year.
5.2 There were no public questions or statements received at this meeting.
5.3 Katie Privett, Regional Insights Manager, Northern Powergrid gave a detailed and informative presentation entitled “Northern Powergrid – Enabling Regional Decarbonisation which generated much interest and discussion with the ACC Councillors.
5.4 The Committee received an informative report on the wide-ranging work of the Stronger Communities team both countywide and at the local level in Selby and Ainsty, and about the recent Let’s Talk Food survey which had gathered valuable data about residents’ experiences around accessing healthy food and food waste.
5.5 The Committee also agreed the allocation of £100,000 of the ACC Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund after a discussion and debate at the meeting for the development of three schemes which would bring significant economic and social benefits to the area: Interactive Towns (including a heritage study survey) - £40,000; Real time bus information – digital displays - £40,000 and Village cinemas - £20,000.
5.6 Brief verbal updates were provided on public transport – buses; progress on the new free SEND school for Selby; and changes to Parliamentary Boundaries – Impact on the Area Constituency Committee.
5.7 Further information about the meeting can be found here - Agenda for Selby and Ainsty Area Constituency Committee on Thursday, 13th June, 2024, 10.00 am | North Yorkshire Council
6.1 Councillors Nigel Knapton and Caroline Goodrick were elected as Chair and Vice Chair respectively for the ensuing municipal year.
6.2 A member of the public asked if the Council would improve the switchboard/customer enquiries department. Examples were provided of occasions where customers had difficulty contacting officers of the Council. The Head of Customer Experience and Excellence responded and explained the Council’s plans going forward to ensure continuous improvement in the service.
6.3 The Committee was asked to consider and note the Draft Decision Statement for the Malton and Norton-on-Derwent Neighbourhood Plan. This had reached an advanced stage where the Council decides whether it passed the Basic Conditions test or can do so with modifications, and whether it can proceed to Referendum. Members noted the Decision Statement to agree to modifications (recommended by the Examiner in Appendix 1) of the Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan and for that modified plan to proceed to referendum.
6.4 The Manager of the Howardian Hills National Landscape (HHNL) gave an update and overview of the work of the HHNL. A request was made to the Committee to consider appointing one or two additional councillors to the Joint Advisory Committee.
6.5 Members considered the Work Programme for 2024/25. An informal online meeting had been arranged in July to discuss and consider the Work Programme for the remainder of the year.
6.6 The feedback from the Let’s Talk Food survey and the outcomes of the latest project scoping were shared with Members for information only.
6.7 Further information about the meeting can be found here - Agenda for Thirsk and Malton Area Constituency Committee on Friday, 14th June, 2024, 10.00 am | North Yorkshire Council
7.1 Councillors Yvonne Peacock and Caroline Dickinson were elected as Chair and Vice Chair respectively for the ensuing municipal year.
7.2 Public statements and questions regarding bus provision to the new residential developments north of Northallerton were received. The response from NYC Passenger Transport Services stated that a contribution to support public transport to the area was not included in the planning application as this would have impacted on the viability of the scheme. Members were informed that with regard to future applications the highway authority would review the proposals in due course but accessibility by different modes of transport and all users will be a key requirement.
7.3 A report regarding schools, educational achievement and finance informed Members about the educational landscape of the Richmond (Yorks) constituency.
7.4 The Committee received an informative report on the wide-ranging work of the Stronger Communities team both countywide and at the local level in Richmond (Yorks), and about the recent Let’s Talk Food survey which had gathered valuable data about residents’ experiences around accessing healthy food and food waste.
7.5 A presentation on the Richmondshire Leisure Trust provided Liberty Health Club membership statistics, an overview of the Richmond Pool usage, a summary of challenges facing the organisation and outlined the future plans for the Trust.
7.6 A report on the local bus services in the Stokesley area provided details on funding, the current situation and the challenges faced.
7.7 Following a query by Members, a letter detailing ambulance call outs and response times was received by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service.
7.8 The Committee received a report detailing how flooding issues at Morton Flatts and highways matters across the constituency are being addressed.
7.9 A verbal update on the progress made on projects for the ACC Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund was received.
7.10 Further information about the meeting can be found here - Agenda for Richmond (Yorks) Area Constituency Committee on Monday, 17th June, 2024, 10.00 am | North Yorkshire Council
8.1 The financial and legal implications of the issues raised in this summary report are included in the reports that went to the meetings of the Area Constituency Committees in May and June 2024.
9.1 The climate change implications of the issues raised in this summary report are included in the reports that went to the meetings of the Area Constituency Committees in May and June 2024.
10.1 The equalities implications of the issues raised in this summary report are included in the reports that went to the meetings of the Area Constituency Committees in May and June 2024.
11.1 The recommendations to the Executive have been made by the Area Constituency Committees as part of their consideration of local issues at their May and June 2024 round of committee meetings.
12.1 The Executive is asked to note the report and consider any matters arising from the work of the Area Constituency Committees detailed above, that merit further scrutiny, review or investigation at a county-level. |
Barry Khan
Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services
County Hall
Report Author:
St John Harris – Principal Democratic Services Officer
Background Documents:
Agenda, papers and minutes of the 6 Area Constituency Committee meetings in May and June 2024, which can be accessed via the following link -
Note: Members are invited to contact the author in advance of the meeting with any detailed queries or questions.