Reference Number:    NYCACV00046






Re: Nomination for The George & Dragon Public House Whitley as an Asset of Community Value



The following decision has been taken: -



a)    The nomination for The George & Dragon Public House Whitley is Successful and meets the definition of community value as detailed in the Localism Act 2011


b)    It should be placed on the North Yorkshire Council Assets of Community Value List of Successful Nominations





By whom:

Marie-Ann Jackson Head of Localities



15 July 2024

Was this an executive decision?                                                                No

If an executive decision, was it also a key decision?                              NO

Does the call-in period apply?                                                                    NO

Have any urgency or call in exemption procedures been followed?     NO

·         Constitution Schedule 4 Officers Scheme of Delegation - Section 14 Delegation to the Assistant Chief Executive Local Engagement  page 189 (b) (iii)


Reasons for decision: -

The George & Dragon Whitley has been a public house for many years and is at the heart of the local community.


The parish council believes it is a place generally, to share information and socialise, where

knowledge and skills can be shared, learnt and a place to sell and promote local businesses

and products.


Without this asset in the village many residents would struggle with social isolation and local

groups may not have an alternative venue in which to hold their regular meetings and annual

events. Those who do not drive may find it considerably inconvenient and expensive to travel

to other venues in surrounding villages The George & Dragon has been a focal point of village

for many years and is used as a social hub for residents to meet with friends and family,

hosting cultural events and activities within the village.


It is a place where the public can discuss issues of concern, to celebrate local, national, and

charitable events. It is also used by local groups, families, and the wider community to come

together for family fun days, barbecues, and weekly quiz/bingo nights. The pub also hosts

regular live music, film screenings, exhibitions Christmas fairs, weddings and charitable

support events.


Whitley Parish Council believe the George & Dragon is at the heart of the village

geographically, socially, culturally, and that it is essential to the social wellbeing of the village

residents and wider community.


The use as a public house, meeting venue and community hub has been continuous, and it

reasonable to think the property will be used as a public house and as a community hub in the

future. It is realistic that if the owners did not renew their lease, or if the land were sold, the

public house would continue under the same directive. Therefore, it is considered central to

the local community’s wellbeing and an asset of community value.





Details of any alternative options considered and rejected: -



None. Not to consider the nomination for The George & Dragon Whitley would not fulfil the Council’s responsibilities required by the Localism Act 2011 and The Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012.



Conflicts of Interest


Please record below details of any conflict of interest declared by a Member or Officer regarding the decision and any dispensation granted by the Standards and Governance Committee or Monitoring Officer in respect of that conflict.












Background Papers


Please attach to this decision record, for publication, the background papers that disclose any facts or matters on which this decision, or an important part of the decision, was based and which were relied on to a material extent in making the decision, but this does not include published works or those which disclose exempt or confidential information (as defined in Access to Information Procedure Rule 10).


Publication Date: [to be inserted by the relevant Directorate Governance contact officer]


Contact for further information:

Contact  for copy of report considered: