The Council has published an Unacceptable Complainant Behaviour Policy, which covers unacceptable behaviour and unreasonable persistency and vexatiousness on the part of complainants - Unacceptable complainant behaviour policy | North Yorkshire Council
Helpful general guidance on unreasonable persistence/vexatiousness is also given by the Information Commissioner’s Office in its guidance on dealing with repeat requests (Dealing with repeat requests | ICO) and dealing with vexatious requests (Dealing with vexatious requests (section 14) | ICO), in the context of Freedom of Information.
In adopting its Constitution
and local ethical framework under the Localism Act 2011, the
Council agreed that it would be appropriate for the
Standards and
Governance Committee to have a role in dealing with persistent
and/or unreasonably persistent/vexatious complainants behaviour and the handling of the complaints raised
by them, in order to provide increased support to Officers and
Members who are the subject of such complaints and who are dealing
with such complaints, and to minimise the
administrative,and financial
and emotional burden such complaints can impose upon the
Council and its Officers and
Whilst decisions
in relation to imposing restrictions in relation to unreasonably
persistent/vexatious complainantsbehaviour are taken by officers at
senior level, the Standards and
Governance Committee is the appropriate body for
Member-level consultation and
support (where deemed appropriate and requested by the relevant
senior officer) for
the designation of a complainant behaviour as unreasonably persistent or vexatious, in accordance
with the Council’s Unacceptable Complainant Behaviour
Policy: the Committee has a key role in relation to conduct and
propriety matters and the Council’s statutory Independent
Persons for Standards are invited to all meetings of the Committee and
provide an independent viewpoint on all key standards
issues. Where the
Monitoring Officer is minded to declare a complainant’s behaviour as
vexatious/unreasonably persistent, they shall consult with a panel
of three Members of the Committee along with an Independent Person
for Standards.
A panel of three Members of the Standards and Governance Committee, along with an Independent Person for Standards, may also be consulted upon and be asked to consider whether any restrictive action needs to be taken in each particular case presented to it for designation, in accordance with the Council’s Policy. This restrictive action may include a decision that a standards complaint has ended and any further complaints on essentially the same issue(s) do not need to be considered through the assessment process in the usual way through the standards complaints procedure.
The Committee will review any matters in which it has been involved at the end of the time period allocated or after six months, whichever is earliest.
The fact that a
complainant’s behaviour has
been identified as an unreasonably
persistent/vexatiouscomplainant, may be taken into
account in determining the action taken in response to a
Where a matter is proposed to be referred to the Standards and Governance Committee under this Protocol, the affected Member(s) shall be informed and shall be kept updated as to the progress of the matter and the outcome of the Committee’s consideration of it and all future developments in the matter.
This Protocol has been instigated by the Committee in good faith and aims to address issues with, and relating to, such complainants’ behaviour in a manner which is fair to all concerned.
6 September