COMPLAINT FORM – Members’ Code of Conduct
If you consider that there has been a breach of the relevant Members’ Code of Conduct by an elected Councillor or voting co-opted member of North Yorkshire Council or of a parish or town council within its area (“Members”) and you wish to make a complaint, please complete this form and then send or email it to:
The Monitoring Officer
North Yorkshire Council
County Hall
North Yorkshire
Please note that the Monitoring Officer can only consider complaints about the alleged behaviour of individual Members of the Council and parish and town councils in its area and whether this behaviour breaches the relevant Code of Conduct for Members. The Monitoring Officer has no jurisdiction to consider complaints about the Councils as a whole, they way in which they have or have not conducted their business or decisions made by them or complaints about Council employees. If you wish to make a complaint about the North Yorkshire Council as a whole, or one of its services, please see the Council’s website for further information - Complaints, comments or compliments | North Yorkshire Council; if you wish to make a complaint against a parish/town council which does not relate to a breach of the Code of Conduct by an individual councillor, please contact the relevant parish/town council Clerk.
Your Details
1. Please provide us with your name and contact details:
First Name:
Last Name:
Address: |
Contact telephone number: |
Email address: |
It is important to provide a name and contact details. Please note that the Council will not take any action in relation to anonymous complaints unless there is a significant public interest in doing so.
As a matter of fairness and natural justice,
tThe Member(s) who is/are the
subject of your complaint (‘the subject Member(s)’)
will be advised of the complaint and who has
made the complaint and copied into any relevant
correspondence (including this completed complaint form, redacted
to remove your contact details) received from you. If you wish to request that your identity to be withheld from the subject
Member(s), you must make this clear to the Monitoring
Officer. Requests for
confidentiality willonly be
granted in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the
Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Independent
2. Please confirm the status in which you are making this complaint:
o Member of the public;
o An elected or co-opted Member of the North Yorkshire Council;
o Member of Parliament;
o Local Authority Monitoring Officer;
o Other Council Officer or North Yorkshire Council employee; or
o An elected or co-opted Member of the subject town/parish council; or
o An employee of the subject town/parish Council; or
o Other (please specify)
3. Please provide us with the name(s) of the Member(s) you believe to have breached the Members’ Code of Conduct:
First name |
Last name |
Council |
For complaints about North Yorkshire Council
Councillors, Aa copy of the North Yorkshire
Council Code is published on the Council’s website (Councillors'
code of conduct | North Yorkshire Council).
(For town/parish councillor
complaints, the relevant Code
is may
be published on the relevant town/parish council
website or is available from the Clerk).
Please indicate which paragraphs of the relevant Code of Conduct you believe the Member(s) to have breached and please ensure you are referencing the applicable Code:
Relevant Code paragraph alleged to have been breached
5. Please explain in this section (or on a separate sheet) what the Member has done whichyou believe breaches the Code of Conduct.
If you are complaining about more than one Member you should clearly explain what each individual person has done which you believe breaches the Code.
Please include your view of what would be a satisfactory outcome of this complaint.
It is important that you provide all the information you wish the Monitoring Officer to take into account when deciding, in consultation with the Independent Person for Standards, whether to take any action in respect of your complaint.
Please provide us with the details of your complaint. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.