Appendix 2 - Initial equality impact assessment screening form
This form records an equality screening process to determine the relevance of equality to a proposal, and a decision whether or not a full EIA would be appropriate or proportionate.
Directorate |
Central Services |
Service area |
Legal and Democratic Services |
Proposal being screened |
Report and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Member Allowances regarding the recommendations for Basic Allowance and Special Responsibility Allowances for councillors in 2025-26. |
Officer(s) carrying out screening |
Daniel Harry, Head of Democratic Services and Scrutiny. |
What are you proposing to do? |
Recommendations for the Basic Allowance and the Special Responsibility Allowances for councillors in 2025-26. |
Why are you proposing this? What are the desired outcomes? |
Each year the Independent Remuneration Panel for Member Allowances reviews the roles and responsibilities of councillors, comparator data on allowances in similar local authorities and the economic climate and then makes recommendations to Council for the Basic Allowance and Special Responsibility Allowances for councillors. The desired outcome is that allowances are recommended that enable the Council to attract high quality candidates to stand as councillors, from a wide variety of backgrounds, whilst also ensuring that financial barriers to anyone who wishes to stand for election are minimised.
Does the proposal involve a significant commitment or removal of resources? Please give details. |
The overall increase in cost of the recommended changes to the allowances paid to councillors in 2025-26 is £33,298. This is less than inflation (based upon 2% CPI) on all the costs of member allowances.
Impact on people with any of the following protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010, or NYCC’s additional agreed characteristics As part of this assessment, please consider the following questions: · To what extent is this service used by particular groups of people with protected characteristics? · Does the proposal relate to functions that previous consultation has identified as important? · Do different groups have different needs or experiences in the area the proposal relates to?
If for any characteristic it is considered that there is likely to be an adverse impact or you have ticked ‘Don’t know/no info available’, then a full EIA should be carried out where this is proportionate. You are advised to speak to your Equality rep for advice if you are in any doubt.
Protected characteristic |
Potential for adverse impact |
Don’t know/No info available |
Yes |
No |
Age |
No |
Disability |
No |
Sex |
No |
Race |
No |
Sexual orientation |
No |
Gender reassignment |
No |
Religion or belief |
No |
Pregnancy or maternity |
No |
Marriage or civil partnership |
No |
NYCC additional characteristics |
People in rural areas |
No |
People on a low income |
No |
Carer (unpaid family or friend) |
No |
Does the proposal relate to an area where there are known inequalities/probable impacts (e.g. disabled people’s access to public transport)? Please give details. |
No. The proposal relates to members across all 89 divisions of the county and applies to all 90 councillors equally.
Will the proposal have a significant effect on how other organisations operate? (e.g. partners, funding criteria, etc.). Do any of these organisations support people with protected characteristics? Please explain why you have reached this conclusion. |
Decision (Please tick one option) |
EIA not relevant or proportionate: |
✓ |
Continue to full EIA: |
No |
Reason for decision |
When setting the allowances, consideration is given as to how the allowances enable the Council to attract high quality candidates to stand as councillors, from a wide variety of backgrounds, whilst also ensuring that financial barriers to anyone who wishes to stand for election are minimised. |
Signed (Assistant Director or equivalent) |
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive Legal & Democratic Services |
Date |
7 October 2024