North Yorkshire Council
Care and Independence Overview and Scrutiny Committee
5 December 2024
Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023-24
1.0 Purpose of report
1.1 The purpose of this report is to introduce the Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023-24: ‘Live, Age, Engage: healthy ageing in North Yorkshire’.
2.0 Background
2.1 The Director of Public Health Annual Report is an independent report on the health of the local population. The Director of Public Health has a duty to write an annual report, whereas the local authority’s duty is to publish it[1].
3.0 Issues
3.1 The Director of Public Health Annual Report for 2023-24 focuses on older people in North Yorkshire.
3.2 The report explores healthy ageing and what this looks like in North Yorkshire, responding to the projected increase in the older population and the opportunities and challenges that this brings.
3.3 Built around older people’s voice, and with partner contributions and case studies, the report focuses on the four healthy ageing priorities for North Yorkshire:
· Health & reducing inequalities
· Housing
· Financial security & employment
· Making North Yorkshire an age-friendly place
3.4 Older people’s creativity is also showcased through the inclusion of images from the recent, very successful, ‘Healthy ageing’ photography competition.
3.5 The report provides recommendations for each of the four priorities, and some overarching ones. It also gives an update on the recommendations from the DPHAR 2022-23, ‘In Our Words: a child’s life in North Yorkshire’.
3.6 The published report will be accompanied by an interactive dashboard so that people can review data for their area and explore local trends further.
4.0 Milestones
4.1 Following Care and Independence Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 5th December, the report will be shared with Scrutiny of Health Committee on 18th December 2024. It will be published by the end of December 2024.
5.0 Financial implications
5.1 Whilst there are no specific financial implications in the report, it is intended to inform and influence service design and commissioning decisions for healthy ageing both within the council and more widely with system partners. The recommendations focus on enabling older adults to maintain independence and quality of life, and as such, provide many opportunities to reduce the costs associated with ageing.
6.0 Legal implications
6.1 The local authority has a legal duty to publish the Director of Public Health Annual Report, as outlined in paragraph 2.1, ‘Purpose of report’.
7.0 Climate change implications
7.1 Whilst the report does not focus specifically on climate change, there are some relevant themes. Older people fed back in our engagement that they are concerned about climate change, and in particular would like to be able to use their cars less but are unable to do so due to the limitations of public transport. Housing was also highlighted, around support (financial and advice) to make their homes more energy efficient.
8.0 Equalities implications
8.1 Age is a protected characteristic, and older people shared their experiences of discrimination based on their age; this includes being perceived as less competent, a burden on society, and being offered fewer opportunities in the workplace. Older people wanted everyone to know that they were valuable, not vulnerable.
9.0 Recommendations
9.1 That the Care and Independence Overview and Scrutiny Committee notes the content of the Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023-24.
9.2 That the Committee considers the recommendations made within the report and how these relate to the whole local authority.
Louise Wallace
Director of Public Health
County Hall
25 November 2024
Background Papers: None
Appendix A - Director of Public Health Annual Report – ‘Live, Age, Engage: healthy ageing in North Yorkshire’
[1] Section 73B(5) & (6) of the National Health Services Act 2006, inserted by section 31 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012)