North Yorkshire Council


Skipton and Ripon Area Committee


12 December 2024


Impact of Tourism on the Skipton and Ripon Constituency




1.1       To highlight concerns previously raised by the Committee and suggest potential ways to progress.



2.0       BACKGROUND


2.1       On 23 June 2021, Craven District Council’s Select Committee agreed to establish a working group to undertake an in-depth review of the positive and negative impacts of tourism on the Craven District. Between October 2021 and February 2022, over the course of six sessions, the working group received evidence from Parishes, Welcome to Yorkshire, the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, emergency services and local businesses. A report was produced that outlined the key concerns raised by Councillors and made recommendations regarding improvements (Appendix A). The report was accepted by Craven District Council’s Policy Committee on 4 October 2022 and Councillors suggested that a review be carried out by North Yorkshire Council.




3.1       Following an informal discussion on the 5September 2024, Members agreed to add the item to the 12 December 2024 agenda.


3.2       Concerns that have been raised previously regarding the impact of tourism include the following.


·         Traffic (parking, congestion, speeding).

·         Litter.

·         Anti-social behaviour and noise.

·         Wear and tear on facilities.

·         Stakeholders not contributing enough.

·         Housing shortages.

·         Pressures on emergency services.

·         Wariness not to turn tourists away.


3.3       Members may wish to consider how to progress with these concerns.




4.1       If it is deemed that there are concerns across the whole County, it may be that Members wish to raise these with the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committees. The relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committees are listed below.


            Corporate and Partnerships - Scrutinises the Council’s corporate organisation and structure, resource allocation, asset management, procurement policy, equalities, people strategy, performance management and the implementation of corporate initiatives. Also, partnership working, community development, community engagement, community strategies and community safety.


            Housing and Leisure - Scrutinises the Council’s role and remit as a social landlord, including policy review; service improvement; governance arrangements to help ensure compliance with provision and regulation of social housing.  In addition, those housing services for which the Council is responsible, including housing strategy; homelessness and housing needs; the delivery of affordable housing as well as private sector housing renewal.


            Transport, Economy, Environment and Enterprise - Scrutinises the transport and communications infrastructure of all kinds, however owned or provided, and how the transport needs of the community are met. Supporting business, economic development, regeneration and helping people develop their skills, including lifelong learning. The committee will also study sustainable development, climate change strategy, countryside management, waste management, environmental conservation, and enhancement flooding.


4.2       Members may also invite NYC Officers to future meetings so that concerns can be raised and discussed.


4.3       External organisations and stakeholders may also be invited to future meetings.


4.4       The Committee may also establish a working group to investigate specific concerns. If this is how Members wish to progress, the membership of that working group should be decided.






i)              That the report is noted.


ii)             That Members agree on how to progress.





Appendix A – Review of the Impact of Tourism on the Craven District – Report of the Select Committee Working Group, Craven District Council (approved by Policy Committee on 4 October 2022).


Report Author – David Smith, Democratic Services Officer