This report brings to the attention of the Planning Committee any late information, amendments, or corrections to the agenda items that have been published. The report is circulated at the start of the Committee meeting and copies can be inspected by anyone attending that meeting.
Late information, amendments, or corrections
Planning Ref. ZA24/25923/FUL Proposal: Proposed construction of a covered steel portal frame agricultural building. |
Additional Information Received Further correspondence has been received raising matters for members during the site visit. Points raised within the correspondence which are not material to the consideration of this application: - · Existence of other feed bunkers on the site · Condition of road surface on the bridge next to the towpath closure · Note fence where the canal towpath is closed and diversion.
2no. Documents have also been received by R Berry & Bank Newton Parish Council.
However, it is not unusual given the nature of the road network surrounding the site and the other farms in this rural area that some degree of erosion associated with all large vehicles in rural areas is not uncommon. It is also noted that the highways authority is responsible for repairs on the public highway.
1no. Document has also been received from Gargrave Parish Council including images and referring to a Traffic Regulation Order.
The Highway officer has confirmed that the weight restriction is in place over the full length of Church Street between the A59 and A65. It is not related to traffic movements on Marton Road.
Amendments to the Report or Recommendation Additional condition: A scheme for the provision of solar panels including details of appearance shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To help mitigate against climate change and to accord with Policy ENV3 (t) of the Craven Local Plan 2012 – 2032. |