This report brings to the attention of the Planning Committee any late information, amendments, or corrections to the agenda items that have been published. The report is circulated at the start of the Committee meeting and copies can be inspected by anyone attending that meeting.
Late information, amendments, or corrections
Planning Ref: 2020/22109/FUL Land At Richard Thornton's School Burton In Lonsdale Carnforth Lancaster LA6 3JZ
Proposal: Revised description Construction of eleven dwellings with landscaping, infrastructure, associated works and off-street parking on allocated site. |
Additional Information Received Further objection received expressing disappointment that no affordable dwellings are now proposed when they are much needed. Solar photovoltaic panels and ground source heat pumps are missed opportunities. Amendments to the Report or Recommendation In the interests of ensuring that a scheme for the provision of solar photovoltaic renewable energy generation is secured and implemented prior to first use, that recommended Condition 16 be revised as follows: Prior to occupation of any dwelling hereby approved, a scheme for the provision of solar photovoltaic panels including full details of their siting and appearance shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Thereafter, the scheme shall be implemented prior to first occupation and retained for the lifetime of the development. Reason: To promote sustainability through renewable energy in accordance with policy ENV3 of the Craven Local Plan 2012 to 2032. |