Infrastructure Funding Statement
To be
published March 2025
4.0 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Agreed – contributions that have been agreed within a signed legal agreement but have not yet been collected or delivered because the appropriate trigger point for payment has not yet been reached. If the planning application is not implemented, these will not be received.
Allocated – contributions that have been received and assigned to specific projects.
Bonds – financial securities which will need to be paid at certain trigger points during the development; either held or repaid to the developers.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - applies a charge on new developments to help pay for infrastructure (to be noted this only applies to some parishes within the North Yorkshire curtilage).
Infrastructure – Infrastructure is a broad definition covering the different structures, operations, services, facilities, and space that we use to conduct our lives and those of our families. It primarily encompasses the following areas:
(i) Affordable housing – as defined in the National Planning Policy Framework: housing for sale or rent for those whose needs are not met by the open market.
(ii) Education: nursery and early years/Primary/Secondary/Post-16/SEN.
(iii) Highways (Roads, cycleways, and paths).
(iv) Transport and travel (rail and bus infrastructure).
(v) Open space and leisure (including sports facilities): All open space of public value, including not just land, but also areas of water (such as rivers, canals, lakes, and reservoirs) which offer important opportunities for sport and recreation and can act as a visual amenity.
(vi) Community facilities (such as village halls)
(vii) Digital infrastructure (broadband): this includes electronic communications networks, such as next generation mobile technology (such as 5G) and full fibre broadband connections. It also includes radio and electronic communications masts, and the sites for such installations.
(viii) Green and blue infrastructure and biodiversity resilience such as rivers, streams, and woodland: a network of multifunctional green space, urban and rural, which can deliver a wide range of environmental and quality of life benefits for local communities.
(ix) Flood and water management (flood mitigation, management, and defence): this includes infrastructure with the purpose of managing the risk of flood and coastal erosion. This can include structural measures to reduce the likelihood and impact of floods, such as hard defences and flood relief works. It can also include soft defences such as green infrastructure (e.g. natural flood management and sustainable drainage systems).
(x) Economic development – supporting expansion of resilience to business in the locality.
(xi) Health (GP/Acute/Mental Health/Primary Care).
Land – this includes land which is provided instead of money.
Received – contributions received, either monetary or non-monetary.
Section 106 – A land charge regulation within the planning act which covers aspects that planning conditions cannot.
Spent/Delivered – monetary or non-monetary contributions that have been used as intended, either by spending the allocated funds or completing the contribution as agreed.
CIL regulation definitions:
· 59A - places a duty on charging authorities to pass some Levy funds to local councils where some or all of the chargeable development takes place in an area for which there is a parish or community council. It sets out the proportion of the CIL raised in relation to a development that it applies to. E.g.) 15% neighbourhood.
· 59B – Sets out how the duty in reg 59A applies where the charging authority accepts a land payment.
· Regulation 59E - The charging authority is able to recover funds from the local council in certain circumstances. That is if the local council has not applied the CIL to support the development of its area within 5 years of receipt or has applied the Levy otherwise than in accordance with regulation 59C. When Levy receipts are recovered from a local council, the charging authority must use those funds to support development in the area of that local council.
Regulation 59F - Makes provision for where the duty in
regulation 59A does not apply, namely where a chargeable
development (or part of a development) takes place in an area for
which there is not a parish or community council. In that case, the
charging authority has wider spending powers in relation to those
parts of its area for which there is not a parish or community
council. Those powers are the same as those given to parish or
community councils and apply to those funds that would have been
passed on had the development taken place in an area for which
there is a parish or community council.
2.1 This is the North Yorkshire Council Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS). Local authorities that receive contributions from developers must produce an IFS annually as required by the Community Infrastructure Levy (amendment)(England) Regulation 2019; this came into force 1 September 2019.
2.2 North Yorkshire Council came into being on 1 April 2023 replacing North Yorkshire County Council, Selby District Council, Harrogate District Council, Richmondshire District Council, Hambleton District Council, Craven District Council, Scarborough Borough Council and Ryedale District Council.
2.3 This statement sets out the position for these areas for the first financial year since the establishment of North Yorkshire Council (NYC) (outside the National Parks). The IFS summarises the amount of developer contributions obtained, allocated and spent in the financial year (1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024). The report covers both Section 106 agreements (S106) commuted sums and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) where it is in place.
2.4 The report aims to offer local communities and developers' clarity and transparency on contributions received and how these have been or are intended to be used.
Headline Figures from 2023/24 In summary below are some key headline figures which cover the whole geographical area of the new North Yorkshire Council. CIL is currently collected in the former district areas of Harrogate, Selby, Hambleton and Ryedale, whereas S106 has been collected by all the legacy authorities. In 2023/24 the former districts that now make up North Yorkshire Council:
· Delivered 975 affordable homes across North Yorkshire. · Received £4,570,984.78 of S.106 contributions from new development. · Received 2,253,754.02 in CIL. · Distributed £396,660.19 of CIL (the local allocation) to town and parish councils. · Spent £7,841,365.28 of S.106 funds on infrastructure to mitigate development impacts and £2,394,233.94 of strategic CIL on infrastructure to support development of the area.
2.5 This is the second Infrastructure Funding Statement to be produced by North Yorkshire Council since it came into being on 1 April 2023. Until such time as a new Local Plan is adopted for North Yorkshire the council will report on entries from each of the former district areas separately but within a single document for ease and clarity.
2.6 This statement will include data and information relating to Section 106 planning obligations receipts for the financial year 2023/24 for each of the former district areas, as well as CIL receipts for the financial year only for the four CIL charging areas (Harrogate, Hambleton, Ryedale and Selby). Both sections will include reporting on specific infrastructure projects either delivered or planned, from the monitoring year 2023/24.
3.1 Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 enables a local planning authority (LPA’s) to enter into a negotiated agreement – a planning obligation – to mitigate the impact of a specific development and make it acceptable in planning terms. The planning obligations take the form of a Section 106 (S106) agreement between a developer/landowner, the council, and possibly other parties, or alternatively a unilateral undertaking providing a legal commitment by the developer alone.
3.2 Planning obligations are legal agreements that can be attached to a planning permission to mitigate the impact of development. For example, new residential development can place additional pressure on existing social, physical, and economic infrastructure in the surrounding area. Planning obligations aim to balance extra pressure with improvements to the surrounding area, to ensure that development makes a positive contribution.
3.3 Planning obligations could be sought for the provision or contribution to a new or improved road, school, health facility or local green infrastructure. Local planning authorities can also seek planning obligations to secure a proportion of affordable housing from residential developments.
3.4 Regulations state that a planning obligation may only constitute a reason for granting planning permission for the development if the obligation is:
(i)necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms;
(ii)directly related to the development;
(iii)and fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.
3.5 Prior to Local Government reorganisation (LGR) the former North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) also published a separate IFS. This was a used as a mechanism for presenting the infrastructure position for education and highways departments.
3.6 The previous statement set out the infrastructure position for the former North Yorkshire County Council separately. This included income and expenditure for the Education and Highways S106 contributions held by the former County Council. In this report those figures have been integrated into each of the legacy authority area sections they relate to below.
3.7 It is important to note that in compiling the data for this statement this is done collaboratively with the council’s finance department which operates using the accruals process of accounting. This broadly means that accrued revenue is recognised at the time a company delivers a service or good (at invoice) not when the council is paid. Whilst effort has been taken to ensure money received data is when the income reaches the council there may be occasions were received refers to the date of invoice. Any discrepancies that arise will be addressed in future funding statements.
3.7 It is also noted, particularly in relation to education commuted sums there are occasions when compiling budgets for the delivery of projects initial funds are drawn through other means due to the commuted sums not being available at that time. This is why the spend of S106 funds can be later than the projects construction.
3.8 The statement will now present the S106 position for the monitoring year for each former area, using a summarised and more detailed table.
3.10 The following table sets out the position for the former Selby area in relation to S106 planning obligations in line with the requirements of the CIL Regulation (2019 Amendment) 121A Schedule 2 Section 3:
Regulation requirement |
Amount |
(a)the total amount of money to be provided under any planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year; |
£17,176 (Open Space £7,928, New Recreation facilities £8,728, Waste and Recycling £520) |
(b)the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received during the reported year; |
£380,352.18 |
(c)the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received before the reported year which has not been allocated by the authority; |
(d)summary details of any non-monetary contributions to be provided under planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year, including details of— (i)in relation to affordable housing, the total number of units which will be provided; (ii)in relation to educational facilities, the number of school places for pupils which will be provided, and the category of school at which they will be provided; |
(i) 12
(ii) 0 |
(e)the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was allocated but not spent during the reported year for funding infrastructure; |
£364,458.70 |
(f)the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was spent by the authority (including transferring it to another person to spend); |
(g)in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was allocated by the authority but not spent during the reported year, summary details of the items of infrastructure on which the money has been allocated, and the amount of money allocated to each item; |
£364,458.70 in
Education contributions allocated to
refurbishment of Selby High and the Selby Abbey PS inclusion
room. |
(h)in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was spent by the authority during the reported year (including transferring it to another person to spend), summary details of— (i)the items of infrastructure on which that money (received under planning obligations) was spent, and the amount spent on each item; (ii)the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part); (iii)the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent in respect of monitoring (including reporting under regulation 121A) in relation to the delivery of planning obligations; |
(i) £790,540.09 Education contribution towards Barlby CP extension, St Marys Primary School and improvements at Selby Abbey CE Primary School. £7,656.86 on Waste contributions to a specific development. £3,280,496.28 Affordable housing delivered 34 affordable properties from Selby and District Housing Trust and a further 6 properties at Staynor. £150,000 highways projects £500 monitoring fees
(ii) £0
· £500
(i)the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) during any year which was retained at the end of the reported year, and where any of the retained money has been allocated for the purposes of longer-term maintenance (“commuted sums”), also identify separately the total amount of commuted sums held. |
£0 |
3.12 The below summary table sets out the general Section 106 position for the former Harrogate area for the monitoring year 2023/24.
Regulation requirement |
Amount |
(a) the total amount of money to be provided under any planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year; |
£5,247,690.19 (A total of 23 agreements signed. The sum noted includes monitoring fees, travel plans, education, highways, affordable housing, open space and health contributions) |
(b) the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received during the reported year; |
£2,153,892.59 (£1,461,642.59 Parks & open space, £40,000 Health contributions, £389,750 Highways contributions, £262,500 Affordable housing contributions) |
(c)the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received before the reported year which has not been allocated by the authority; |
£11,541,668.85 |
(d) summary details of any non-monetary contributions to be provided under planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year, including details of— (i) in relation to affordable housing, the total number of units which will be provided; (ii) in relation to educational facilities, the number of school places for pupils which will be provided, and the category of school at which they will be provided; |
(i) 339
(ii) 0 |
(e) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was allocated but not spent during the reported year for funding infrastructure; |
(f) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was spent by the authority (including transferring it to another person to spend); |
(g) in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was allocated by the authority but not spent during the reported year, summary details of the items of infrastructure on which the money has been allocated, and the amount of money allocated to each item; |
All allocated open space contributions are associated with the seven types of open space set out below. Each type of open space has its own 'vision', which describes the purposes and particular features of the open space. · Parks and gardens · Natural and semi-natural greenspace (including urban woodlands) · Outdoor sports facilities · Amenity greenspace (includes green corridors) · Provision for children and young people · Allotments and community gardens · Cemeteries, disused churchyards and other burial grounds
More detail and examples of the types of projects allocated are available here: Provision for Open Space SPD October 2016
Health Contributions: £77,968.50 allocated to Knaresborough GP Practice for clinical space expansion.
Education allocations of £1,419,562.00 towards Manse Farm New School, Harrogate West Primary and Tockwith CE expansion. |
(h) in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was spent by the authority during the reported year (including transferring it to another person to spend), summary details of—
(i) the items of infrastructure on which that money (received under planning obligations) was spent, and the amount spent on each item;
(ii) the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part);
(iii) the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent in respect of monitoring (including reporting under regulation 121A) in relation to the delivery of planning obligations; |
(i) £44993.73 (children's play) · New play equipment · Replacement of safety surfacing at play areas · Seat/Play Creations £366208.86 (village hall enhancement) · Major works to village halls in Pannal and Hampsthwaite · Lighting projects · Roof works · New blinds · Projector · Flooring upgrades · New chairs · New kitchen £11708.31 (allotments) · Site clearance · Fencing for pond · Path works · New shed · New toilet block · Hedgerow works £49824.04 (churchyard/cemetery enhancement/repair) · Churchyard Lighting · Restoration of Memorial Stones · Pathway resurfacing · Tree works · Environmental projects (building habitats for wildlife) · Outside tap £33540.06 (outdoor sports repair/enhancement) · Relining of basketball court · Tennis court resurfacing · Cricket score box · Wicket works · Goal storage · Tennis court improvements · Fencing · Club house improvements £13630.50 (amenity green space) · Bulbs and planting · Notice boards · Tree works · Making Spofforth Castle tunnel safe · Accessibility works · Drainage and path works · Benches £45132.91 (parks and open space) · Tree works · Ecological surveys · Security improvements · Wildflower planting · Fencing · Planting · Tree works · Tree planting · Benches
£40,000 of Health contributions
£19,831.47 for Air Quality projects.
£350,000 Education when towards Manse Farm New School, Harrogate Pannal Community Primary School and King James Form Building replacement.
(ii) S106 Refund £5,912.97
(iii) £0
(i) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) during any year which was retained at the end of the reported year, and where any of the retained money has been allocated for the purposes of longer-term maintenance (“commuted sums”), also identify separately the total amount of commuted sums held. |
£0 |
3.14 The below table sets out the Section 106 position for the former Ryedale area for the monitoring year 2023/24.
Regulation requirement |
Amount |
£20,077.33 (£7,101.28 and £12,967.05 for BNG contributions) |
(b) the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received during the reported year; |
£385,644.00 (£51,484.00 Affordable Housing Commuted Sums, £40,674.00 Public Open Space Improvement, £39,775.00 Highways Commuted Sums, and £253,711.00 Education Commuted Sums). |
(c) the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received before the reported year which has not been allocated by the authority; |
£2,136,852.76 (Affordable Housing £870,379.18, Parks & Open Space £553,375.06, Highways £642,441.00 and Education £40,057.00)
(d) summary details of any non-monetary contributions to be provided under planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year, including details of— (i) in relation to affordable housing, the total number of units which will be provided; (ii) in relation to educational facilities, the number of school places for pupils which will be provided, and the category of school at which they will be provided; |
(i) 58
(ii) 0 |
(e) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was allocated but not spent during the reported year for funding infrastructure; |
£742,586.39 (£95,645.39 Affordable Housing, £642,441.00 Education, £170,000 Parks and Open Space and £4,500 Highways) |
(f) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was spent by the authority (including transferring it to another person to spend); |
£190,575.72 |
(g) in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was allocated by the authority but not spent during the reported year, summary details of the items of infrastructure on which the money has been allocated, and the amount of money allocated to each item; |
£98,645.39 - 5 Vine Street, Norton, Affordable housing project. £642,411.00 Education contributions allocated to Kirkbymoorside CPS and Pickering Infant and Juniors. Parks and open space £170,000 - Malton Sports Centre for a sports hall project. |
(h) in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was spent by the authority during the reported year (including transferring it to another person to spend), summary details of— (i)the items of infrastructure on which that money (received under planning obligations) was spent, and the amount spent on each item; (ii)the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part); (iii)the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent in respect of monitoring (including reporting under regulation 121A) in relation to the delivery of planning obligations; |
Parks and Open Space: £16,998 towards Scagglethorpe playing field development and £1,198 towards Hovingham playgroup and replacement of junior double tower.
Affordable housing: £35,400 contributing to the Rural Housing Enabler and the housing partnership.
£136,879.72 in Education contributions towards Kirkbymoorside CPS and Malton St Mary’s RC School
(ii) £0
(iii) £0 |
(I) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) during any year which was retained at the end of the reported year, and where any of the retained money has been allocated for the purposes of longer-term maintenance (“commuted sums”), also identify separately the total amount of commuted sums held. |
£0 |
3.16 The below table sets out the Section 106 position for the former Hambleton area for the monitoring year 2023/24.
Regulation requirement |
Amount |
(a) the total amount of money to be provided under any planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year; |
£136,763.00 |
b) the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received during the reported year; |
£235,995.00 (£117,510.20 Education £35,906.30 Highways £64,818.00 Affordable Housing £17,760.50 Parks & Open Space) |
(c)the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received before the reported year which has not been allocated by the authority; |
£433,416.25 |
(d) summary details of any non-monetary contributions to be provided under planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year, including details of— (i) in relation to affordable housing, the total number of units which will be provided; (ii) in relation to educational facilities, the number of school places for pupils which will be provided, and the category of school at which they will be provided; |
(i) 421
(ii) 0 |
(e) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was allocated but not spent during the reported year for funding infrastructure; |
(f) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was spent by the authority (including transferring it to another person to spend); |
£1,242,247.57 Total |
(g) in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was allocated by the authority but not spent during the reported year, summary details of the items of infrastructure on which the money has been allocated, and the amount of money allocated to each item; |
£227,801.19 open space projects including: £535 allocated to Mill gardens grass/shrub area, £86.34 towards extending existing play area, £50.81 to grounds at Raskelf, £2,227.45 for clubhouse upgrade at Ingleby Cross, £4,030.36 towards Southfields drainage, £3,688.65 for sports and recreation area improvements at Hutton Rudby, £364.22 for Millfields trim trail, £10,405.03 for East Thirsk MUGA, £200,000 for Stokesley Sports Village, £90 for installation of 5 interpretation boards, £2960.16 for installation of natural play equipment, £593.67 towards village pond and tree planting and £2,769.50 for Crakehall play area.
£249,803.00 Education contributions allocated to Easingwold CP Expansion. |
(h) in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was spent by the authority during the reported year (including transferring it to another person to spend), summary details of— (i) the items of infrastructure on which that money (received under planning obligations) was spent, and the amount spent on each item; (ii) the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part); (iii) the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent in respect of monitoring (including reporting under regulation 121A) in relation to the delivery of planning obligations; |
(i) Education contributions of £1,023,514.55 went towards Northallerton New School (Oakbridge), Easingwold CP expansion, Hambleton CE School and Dishforth CE School.
Open Space, Sports and leisure £217,733.02
(ii) £0
(iii) £0 |
(i) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) during any year which was retained at the end of the reported year, and where any of the retained money has been allocated for the purposes of longer-term maintenance (“commuted sums”), also identify separately the total amount of commuted sums held. |
£0 |
3.18 The below table sets out the Section 106 position for the former Craven area for the monitoring year 2023/24.
Regulation requirement |
Amount |
(a) the total amount of money to be provided under any planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year; |
£0 |
(b) the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received during the reported year; |
£90,373 |
(c)the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received before the reported year which has not been allocated by the authority; |
£15,000.00 |
(d) summary details of any non-monetary contributions to be provided under planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year, including details of: (i) in relation to affordable housing, the total number of units which will be provided; (ii) in relation to educational facilities, the number of school places for pupils which will be provided, and the category of school at which they will be provided; |
(i) 9
(ii) 0 |
(e) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was allocated but not spent during the reported year for funding infrastructure; |
£606,457.97 (£538,457.97 Public Open Space £68,000 Highways) |
(f) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was spent by the authority (including transferring it to another person to spend); |
£493,551.60 Public open space
(g) in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was allocated by the authority but not spent during the reported year, summary details of the items of infrastructure on which the money has been allocated, and the amount of money allocated to each item; |
Children's Equipped Play £104,817.35 Youth Provision & Informal Play £72,770.21 Adult Provision, recreation & playing fields, £327,501.84, Allotment and Civic & Amenity Space £33,368.57.
(h) in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was spent by the authority during the reported year (including transferring it to another person to spend), summary details of—
(i) the items of infrastructure on which that money (received under planning obligations) was spent, and the amount spent on each item;
(ii) the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part);
(iii) the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent in respect of monitoring (including reporting under regulation 121A) in relation to the delivery of planning obligations; |
(i) £493,551.60 Public open space including: Children's Equipped Play £46,989.57 Youth Provision & Informal Play £40,248.63 Adult Provision, recreation & playing fields £398,979.77 Allotment and Civic & Amenity Space £7,333.63. Specific projects include: Upgrade to Airville park (pump track, benches, lighting). Improvements and upgrade to Cononley Park (MUGA installation and pump track). Installation of walkway and bird hide in Cononley. Access improvement to canal tow path in Cononley. Upgrade to Cononley Sports Association pavilion and pitch. Improvement to Thornton Street play area. Improvements to Middletown Allotments. New building at Skipton Community Sports Hub Sandylands. Upgrade to Gargrave Sports Association pavilion and pitch. Improvement to Gargrave Bowling club. Installation of new equipment and improvements to Gargrave play area. Installation f new equipment at Goodenber play area.
(ii) £0
(iii) £0 |
(i) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) during any year which was retained at the end of the reported year, and where any of the retained money has been allocated for the purposes of longer-term maintenance (“commuted sums”), also identify separately the total amount of commuted sums held. |
£0 |
3.20 The below table sets out the Section 106 position for the former Scarborough area for the monitoring year 2023/24.
Regulation requirement |
Amount |
(a) the total amount of money to be provided under any planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year; |
£1,079,757.84 |
(b) the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received during the reported year; |
£1,289,328.01 |
(c)the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received before the reported year which has not been allocated by the authority; |
£3,279,537.46 |
(d) summary details of any non-monetary contributions to be provided under planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year, including details of— (i) in relation to affordable housing, the total number of units which will be provided;
(ii) in relation to educational facilities, the number of school places for pupils which will be provided, and the category of school at which they will be provided; |
(i) 132
(ii) 0 |
(e) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was allocated but not spent during the reported year for funding infrastructure; |
(f) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was spent by the authority (including transferring it to another person to spend); |
£260,232.61 |
(g) in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was allocated by the authority but not spent during the reported year, summary details of the items of infrastructure on which the money has been allocated, and the amount of money allocated to each item; |
Cinder Track, Scarborough £12,414.34 Falsgrave Park, Scarborough £6,995.87 Oliver’s Heights, Scarborough £5,336 Eastside Community Centre, Whitby (Sports) £50,000 Filey Road Tennis Courts £36,356.36 MUGA at Filey £15,520 Bowling Green Lane Nature reserve £14,223.83 West Ayton Sports Field Changing £48,469.24
Health contributions: £54,329 towards SMG/Hackness Road surgery to increase clinical space, Practice for clinical space expansion, £38,614.06 for West Ayton Surgery and £11,794 to increase clinical space for Whitby Group Practice
£45,107 Education contributions towards Lindhead School.
Scalby-Scarborough bus service subsidy. £19,861 Highways contributions. |
(h) in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was spent by the authority during the reported year (including transferring it to another person to spend), summary details of—
(i) the items of infrastructure on which that money (received under planning obligations) was spent, and the amount spent on each item;
(ii) the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part);
(iii) the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent in respect of monitoring (including reporting under regulation 121A) in relation to the delivery of planning obligations; |
(i) £247,232.61 on affordable housing/homelessness strategy.
(ii) £0
(iii) £13,000
(i) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) during any year which was retained at the end of the reported year, and where any of the retained money has been allocated for the purposes of longer-term maintenance (“commuted sums”), also identify separately the total amount of commuted sums held. |
£0 |
3.22 The below table sets out the Section 106 position for the former Richmondshire area for the monitoring year 2023/24.
Regulation requirement |
Amount |
(a) the total amount of money to be provided under any planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year; |
£654,085.50 |
(b) the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received during the reported year; |
£35,400 |
(c)the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received before the reported year which has not been allocated by the authority; |
£190,326.00 |
(d) summary details of any non-monetary contributions to be provided under planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year, including details of (i) in relation to affordable housing, the total number of units which will be provided; (ii) in relation to educational facilities, the number of school places for pupils which will be provided, and the category of school at which they will be provided; |
(i) 4
(ii) 0 |
(e) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was allocated but not spent during the reported year for funding infrastructure; |
£0 |
(f) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was spent by the authority (including transferring it to another person to spend); |
£326,500 |
(g) in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was allocated by the authority but not spent during the reported year, summary details of the items of infrastructure on which the money has been allocated, and the amount of money allocated to each item; |
None |
(h) in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was spent by the authority during the reported year (including transferring it to another person to spend), summary details of— (i) the items of infrastructure on which that money (received under planning obligations) was spent, and the amount spent on each item; (ii) the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part); (iii) the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent in respect of monitoring (including reporting under regulation 121A) in relation to the delivery of planning obligations; |
(i) Affordable housing project £325,000 towards Hudswell Community Charity and Highways Traffic Monitoring.
(ii) £0
(iii) £0 |
(i) the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) during any year which was retained at the end of the reported year, and where any of the retained money has been allocated for the purposes of longer-term maintenance (“commuted sums”), also identify separately the total amount of commuted sums held. |
£0 |
4.1 The 2008 Planning Act made provision that most financial contributions could be secured by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). It was the government’s intention at the time that this would become the usual means of securing funding for off-site infrastructure, excluding affordable housing. This general intention has not changed and may be expanded in due course. It would also allow the pooling of contributions (in a manner not previously permitted by S106 agreements) over a wide geographic coverage (rather than only to the town/parish where the development which generated the funds was sited).
4.2 In contrast to S106 contributions with CIL spending:
• there does not need to be a direct link between the payment and the infrastructure provided.
• the use of CIL is not specified at the point of collection.
• CIL is calculated using an administrative process rather than a negotiation based on an assessment of development impacts.
• it applies to developments that are often smaller in scale as well as large scale.
• A proportion of the CIL is allocated locally, as is a portion to cover administrative expenses.
4.3 Prior to the establishment of North Yorkshire Council, CIL was adopted in four of
the former Councils:
· Selby District Council, adopted CIL in 2016
· Harrogate District Council, adopted CIL in 2020
· Hambleton District Council, adopted CIL in 2015
· Ryedale District Council, adopted CIL in 2016
4.4 The Charging Schedules in place for these former districts will continue for the respective areas as part of North Yorkshire Council until such time as the new North Yorkshire Local Plan is adopted. The Craven, Scarborough and Richmondshire areas do not currently have a CIL Charging Schedule in operation and therefore only use S106 commuted sums to contribute to the financial provision of infrastructure.
4.6 CIL was adopted by the former Harrogate Borough Council and came into effect on 1 October 2020. The Levy rates are published in the charging schedule:
4.7 The following sets out a summary of the CIL receipts for 2023/24:
Amount |
(a) The total value of CIL set out in all demand notices issued in the reported year; |
£572,306.61 (Includes £214,857.98 of relief applied) |
(b) the total amount of CIL receipts for the reported year; |
£145,996.45 |
(c) the total amount of CIL receipts, collected by the authority, or by another person on its behalf, before the reported year but which have not been allocated; |
£132,876.12 |
(d) the total amount of CIL receipts, collected by the authority, or by another person on its behalf, before the reported year and which have been allocated in the reported year; |
£0 |
(e) the total amount of CIL expenditure for the reported year; |
£21,899.48 |
(f) the total amount of CIL receipts, whenever collected, which were allocated but not spent during the reported year; |
£0 |
(g) in relation to CIL expenditure for the reported year, summary details of— (i) the items of infrastructure on which CIL (including land payments) has been spent, and the amount of CIL spent on each item; (ii) the amount of CIL spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part); (iii) the amount of CIL spent on administrative expenses pursuant to regulation 61, and that amount expressed as a percentage of CIL collected in that year in accordance with that regulation; |
(i) £0
(ii) N/A
(iii) £7,299.82
(h) In relation to CIL receipts, whenever collected which were allocated but not spent during the reported year. Summary details of the items of infrastructure on which CIL (including land payments) has been allocated, and the amount of CIL allocated to each item; |
None |
(i) the amount of CIL passed to— (i) any parish council under regulation 59A or 59B (definition in Section 1); and (ii) any person under regulation 59(4); |
(i) £0
(ii) £0 |
(j) summary details of the receipt and expenditure of CIL to which regulation 59E (CIL recovered from a local Council, further description in Section 1 of Statement) or 59F (CIL development that takes place in an area without a parish or community council, details in Section 1) applied during the reported year including— (i) the total CIL receipts that regulations 59E and 59F applied to; (ii) the items of infrastructure to which the CIL receipts to which regulations 59E and 59F applied have been allocated or spent, and the amount of expenditure allocated or spent on each item; |
(i) £0
(ii) £0 |
(k) summary details of any notices served in accordance with regulation 59E, definition including— (i) the total value of CIL receipts requested from each parish council; (ii) any funds not yet recovered from each parish council at the end of the reported year; |
(i) None
(ii) None |
(l) the total amount of— (i) CIL receipts for the reported year retained at the end of the reported year other than those to which regulation 59E or 59F applied; (ii) CIL receipts from previous years retained at the end of the reported year other than those to which regulation 59E or 59F applied; (iii) CIL receipts for the reported year to which regulation 59E or 59F applied retained at the end of the reported year; (iv) CIL receipts from previous years to which regulation 59E or 59F applied retained at the end of the reported year |
(i) £116,797.15
(ii) £132,876.12
(iii) £0
(iv) £0 |
4.11 CIL was adopted by the former Selby District Council and came into effect January 2016. The Levy rates are published in the charging schedule:
4.12 The following table sets out a summary of the CIL receipts for 2023/24:
Regulation requirement |
Amount |
(a) The total value of CIL set out in all demand notices issued in the reported year; |
£612,053.73 |
(b) the total amount of CIL receipts for the reported year; |
£621,363.86 |
(c) the total amount of CIL receipts, collected by the authority, or by another person on its behalf, before the reported year but which have not been allocated; |
£2,455,203.04 |
(d) the total amount of CIL receipts, collected by the authority, or by another person on its behalf, before the reported year and which have been allocated in the reported year; |
£0 |
(e) the total amount of CIL expenditure for the reported year; |
£98,613.48 |
(f) the total amount of CIL receipts, whenever collected, which were allocated but not spent during the reported year; |
£0 |
(g) in relation to CIL expenditure for the reported year, summary details of— (i) the items of infrastructure on which CIL (including land payments) has been spent, and the amount of CIL spent on each item; (ii) the amount of CIL spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part); (iii) the amount of CIL spent on administrative expenses pursuant to regulation 61, and that amount expressed as a percentage of CIL collected in that year in accordance with that regulation; |
(i) £0
(ii) £0
(iii) £31,068.19 |
(h) In relation to CIL receipts, whenever collected which were allocated but not spent during the reported year. Summary details of the items of infrastructure on which CIL (including land payments) has been allocated, and the amount of CIL allocated to each item; |
£0 |
(i) the amount of CIL passed to— (i) any parish council under regulation 59A or 59B (definition in Section 1 of statement); and (ii) any person under regulation 59(4); |
(i) £98,613.48
(J) summary details of the receipt and expenditure of CIL to which regulation 59E (CIL recovered from a local Council, further description in Section 1 of Statement) or 59F (CIL development that takes place in an area without a parish or community council, details in Section 1) applied during the reported year including— (i) the total CIL receipts that regulations 59E and 59F applied to; (ii) the items of infrastructure to which the CIL receipts to which regulations 59E and 59F applied have been allocated or spent, and the amount of expenditure allocated or spent on each item; |
(ii) £0 |
(k) summary details of any notices served in accordance with regulation 59E, definition including— (i) the total value of CIL receipts requested from each parish council; (ii) any funds not yet recovered from each parish council at the end of the reported year; |
(i) £0
(ii) £0 |
(l) the total amount of— (i) CIL receipts for the reported year retained at the end of the reported year other than those to which regulation 59E or 59F applied; (ii) CIL receipts from previous years retained at the end of the reported year other than those to which regulation 59E or 59F applied; (iii) CIL receipts for the reported year to which regulation 59E or 59F applied retained at the end of the reported year; (iv) CIL receipts from previous years to which regulation 59E or 59F applied retained at the end of the reported year |
(i) £491,682.19
(ii) £2,455,203.04
(iii) £0
(iv) £0 |
4.16 CIL was adopted by the former Hambleton District Council and came into effect April 2015. The Levy rates are published in the charging schedule:
4.17 The following sets out a summary of the CIL receipts for 2023/24:
Regulation requirement |
Amount |
(a) The total value of CIL set out in all demand notices issued in the reported year; |
£534,590.17 |
(b) the total amount of CIL receipts for the reported year; |
£1,409,538.21 (cash collected in year based on in year invoices and previous years invoices) |
(c) the total amount of CIL receipts, collected by the authority, or by another person on its behalf, before the reported year but which have not been allocated; |
£4,398,538.82 |
(d) the total amount of CIL receipts, collected by the authority, or by another person on its behalf, before the reported year and which have been allocated in the reported year; |
£2,764,234.76 |
(e) the total amount of CIL expenditure for the reported year; |
£2,646,605.76 |
(f) the total amount of CIL receipts, whenever collected, which were allocated but not spent during the reported year; |
(g) in relation to CIL expenditure for the reported year, summary details of— (i) the items of infrastructure on which CIL (including land payments) has been spent, and the amount of CIL spent on each item;
(ii) the amount of CIL spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part);
(iii) the amount of CIL spent on administrative expenses pursuant to regulation 61, and that amount expressed as a percentage of CIL collected in that year in accordance with that regulation; |
(i) £133,407.91 towards Thirsk and Sowerby Sports Village for 3G pitch, pavilion and peripheral hard landscaping works, £198,968.86 towards Northallerton Sports Village for construction cost phase 1, £61,857.17 towards Bedale improvement project, £2,000,000 towards the new Northallerton Primary School.
(ii) £0
(iii) £24,591.27
(h) In relation to CIL receipts, whenever collected which were allocated but not spent during the reported year. Summary details of the items of infrastructure on which CIL (including land payments) has been allocated, and the amount of CIL allocated to each item; |
£330,000 Bedale 3G Pitch £40,000 Thirsk Primary School MUGA
(i) the amount of CIL passed to—
(i) any parish council under regulation 59A or 59B (definitions found in Section 1); and
(ii) any person under regulation 59(4); |
(i) £252,371.82
(ii) None |
(j) summary details of the receipt and expenditure of CIL to which regulation 59E (CIL recovered from a local Council, further description in Section 1 of Statement) or 59F (CIL development that takes place in an area without a parish or community council, details in Section 1) applied during the reported year including— (i) the total CIL receipts that regulations 59E and 59F applied to; (ii) the items of infrastructure to which the CIL receipts to which regulations 59E and 59F applied have been allocated or spent, and the amount of expenditure allocated or spent on each item; |
(i) £0
(ii) £0 |
(k) summary details of any notices served in accordance with regulation 59E, definition including— (i) the total value of CIL receipts requested from each parish council; (ii) any funds not yet recovered from each parish council at the end of the reported year; |
(i) N/A
(ii) N/A
(l) the total amount of— (i) CIL receipts for the reported year retained at the end of the reported year other than those to which regulation 59E or 59F applied; (ii) CIL receipts from previous years retained at the end of the reported year other than those to which regulation 59E or 59F applied; (iii) CIL receipts for the reported year to which regulation 59E or 59F applied retained at the end of the reported year; (iv) CIL receipts from previous years to which regulation 59E or 59F applied retained at the end of the reported year |
(i) £0
(ii) £2,665,428.18 (does not include allocation of £370,000)
(iii) £0
(iv) £0
4.21 CIL was adopted by the former Ryedale District Council and commenced on 1st March 2016. The Levy rates are published in the charging schedule:
4.22 The following table sets out a summary of the CIL receipts for 2023/24:
Regulation requirement |
Amount |
(a) The total value of CIL set out in all demand notices issued in the reported year; |
£162,869.15 |
(b) the total amount of CIL receipts for the reported year; |
£76,855.50 |
(c) the total amount of CIL receipts, collected by the authority, or by another person on its behalf, before the reported year but which have not been allocated; |
£0 |
(d) the total amount of CIL receipts, collected by the authority, or by another person on its behalf, before the reported year and which have been allocated in the reported year; |
£193,300.50 |
(e) the total amount of CIL expenditure for the reported year; |
£23,775.41 |
(f) the total amount of CIL receipts, whenever collected, which were allocated but not spent during the reported year; |
£3,000,000 |
(g) in relation to CIL expenditure for the reported year, summary details of— (i) the items of infrastructure on which CIL (including land payments) has been spent, and the amount of CIL spent on each item; (ii) the amount of CIL spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part); (iii) the amount of CIL spent on administrative expenses pursuant to regulation 61, and that amount expressed as a percentage of CIL collected in that year in accordance with that regulation; |
(i) £0
(ii) N/A
(iii) £3,842 |
(h) In relation to CIL receipts, whenever collected which were allocated but not spent during the reported year. Summary details of the items of infrastructure on which CIL (including land payments) has been allocated, and the amount of CIL allocated to each item; |
£2,000,000 towards Welburn Hall School project and £1,000,000 towards Norton Lodge Primary School. |
(i) the amount of CIL passed to—
(i) any parish council under regulation 59A or 59B (parish and land payments); and
(ii) any person under regulation 59(4); |
(i) £23,775.41
(ii) £0 |
(j) summary details of the receipt and expenditure of CIL to which regulation 59E (CIL recovered from a local Council, further description in Section 1 of Statement) or 59F (CIL development that takes place in an area without a parish or community council, details in Section 1) applied during the reported year including— (i) the total CIL receipts that regulations 59E and 59F applied to; (ii) the items of infrastructure to which the CIL receipts to which regulations 59E and 59F applied have been allocated or spent, and the amount of expenditure allocated or spent on each item; |
(i) £0
(ii) £0 |
(k) summary details of any notices served in accordance with regulation 59E, including— (i) the total value of CIL receipts requested from each parish council; (ii) any funds not yet recovered from each parish council at the end of the reported year; |
(i) £0
(ii) £0 |
(l) the total amount of— (i) CIL receipts for the reported year retained at the end of the reported year other than those to which regulation 59E or 59F applied; (ii) CIL receipts from previous years retained at the end of the reported year other than those to which regulation 59E or 59F applied; (iii) CIL receipts for the reported year to which regulation 59E or 59F applied retained at the end of the reported year; (iv) CIL receipts from previous years to which regulation 59E or 59F applied retained at the end of the reported year |
(i) £56,922.09
(ii) £3,193,300.50
(iii) £0
(iv) £0 |
5.1 North Yorkshire Council is in the process of applying the agreed CIL Spending Protocol. An Officer Cross-Service Working Group has been formed and from that a List of proposed projects have been compiled.
5.2 Alongside this IFS Members will be making initial decisions on CIL spending. Updates on this will be provided in the next IFS (2024/25).