5 May 2021
Health & Adult Services continue to play a lead role in responding to the ongoing pandemic and the following are key points to note:
· The consultation on our proposed 7 day week operating model continues with a good level of engagement from colleagues. Weekday coverage has reduced to 0800-1800 as demand has reduced. Weekend cover ends at 1730. This will be stepped up as required.
· The discharge to assess model that has been introduced by central government is in place, but needs to be funded. Funding to provide up to 6 weeks care outside the home to the end of June, and up to 4 weeks care to the end of September has been confirmed and is welcome, but there remains a need for longer term certainty over both requirements and funding.
· The directorate is currently liaising with the Department of Health & Social Care regarding their guidance for visits out of care homes to try and ensure that any trips out from a care home do not necessitate a 14 day isolation period.
· The Council have distributed a range of support grants to care providers from central government to support with costs in relation to covid including funds for infection prevention control and to support rapid testing of workforce and visitors.
· A review of designated settings in light of the reducing numbers of people hospitalised and subsequently being discharged with covid is now complete. The Council and NHS partners continue to have designated discharge capacity for the County Council area for anyone who is covid positive on discharge who requires a residential or nursing home placement.
· Reflecting the national picture, we have much reduced number of people self-isolating in care settings, and low levels of outbreaks.
NHS White Paper
· Work is ongoing to help shape our response to the white paper, and the potential impact on the councils operations. There will be an Integrated Care Partnership for North Yorkshire and York, as well as one for Bradford & Craven. The council continues to be represented at both the Humber Coast & Vale Integrated Care System (ICS), and the West Yorkshire & Harrogate ICS.
Extra Care Programme
· Schemes that opened in 2020 in Scarborough and Great Ayton are both fully occupied.
· 3 further schemes in development – Filey, Bentham and Skipton - will all open this year bringing the total number of schemes to 28.
· It was disappointing that a scheme in Bedale was refused planning, but we will continue to work with providers to explore options for the area.
· Acquisition of a site at Whitby hospital is progressing for development of an Extra Care scheme, and we will continue to seek Extra Care solutions for the Harrogate and Malton areas.
· We are developing new models of Extra Care focussed on supporting people with higher care needs as well as smaller scale schemes to support rural communities