Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The commencement of a formal consultation on
the proposed ETRO prohibiting goods vehicles in excess of 7.5t
between the hours of 07:00-09:30am and 15:00-16:30pm Monday-Friday
on Hambleton Grove, Knaresborough was approved.
To comply with statutory duties when proposing
an ETRO and to obtain feedback from statutory consultees as well as
effected residents and businesses for further
One Way Arrangement
Consideration was made to install a one-way system through
Hambleton Grove which could have removed the potential for vehicle
conflict on Hambleton Grove itself and the junctions with Stockwell
Road and Stockwell Lane as there is insufficient road width for two
vehicles to pass alongside the on-street parking.
Whilst this option could have removed some of the risk of larger
vehicles manoeuvring around Hambleton Grove, it could not be done
in isolation and would require the installation of parking and
waiting restrictions at both junctions to ensure they are clear or
parked cars to improve manoeuvrability (primarily for articulated
This option was discounted due to the reduction in on-street
parking the measure would introduce.
Removal of residential parking bays and installation of single
yellow line waiting restriction
Officers considered how to improve all vehicle manoeuvres at the
highway pinch points (junctions with Stockwell Road and Stockwell
Lane and the junction with the industrial estate). This option
would have allowed all vehicles to establish their position on the
highway side of the give way line at both junctions and removes the
potential for vehicles to reverse out of junctions if two vehicles
came into conflict at the junction. It also still permitted parking
for residents at evenings and weekends rather than full time
waiting restrictions in some locations.
Conversely, there would need to be a permanent loss of on street
parking with the parking bay removal/shortening at the junctions
which was not favoured by local residents where parking is already
an issue, particularly at peak times.
Full time 7.5t environmental weight restriction
This option was considered as it offers a more residential space
along the street and resolves the risk of any HGV clashes with
vehicles. However, this was not taken forward as access would need
to be maintained for the businesses as Hambleton Grove is their
sole means of access and there would need to be an exemption in
place for access which would make the restriction irrelevant.
Permanent timed 7.5t environmental weight restriction
Officers are not proposing to commence with a permanent traffic
regulation order for a timed restriction which matches the current
proposal for the experimental order. This is due to the fact that
we need to understand and evidence what impact the restriction will
have to residents and businesses. This is why officers are
proposing to consult on the experimental order so we can assess the
responses from the consultation.
Publication date: 13/12/2024
Date of decision: 23/10/2024
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