507 Council-Run Care Services in Malton and Pickering PDF 433 KB
i) That Executive notes the ongoing work to support the development of the care market and care services in the Malton area to meet the emerging and changing needs of the locality
ii) That Executive approves the intention to re-configure the Council-run care homes in Malton and Pickering whilst further developments are progressed and to consolidate residential services at the 5 Whitby Road Pickering location and, once all Ashfield Malton residents have new homes, to close Ashfield Malton.
Additional documents:
Considered – A report of the Corporate Director – Health and Adult Services which provided an update on ongoing work to support the development of the care market and care services in the Malton area to meet the emerging and changing needs of the locality. An update was also provided on sustainability issues at Ashfield Malton Elderly Person’s Home impacting on the ability of the service to support the care and support needs of the local community. In light of this approval was sought to re-configure Council-run care homes in Malton and Pickering whilst further developments were progressed.
Six written representations were received and were circulated to Members of the Executive in advance of the meeting. The representations have been included at Minute 498 – Public Participation.
The Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, Councillor Michael Harrison, introduced the report reporting that the approach within North Yorkshire was to replace outdated elderly person’s homes with extra-care schemes, and usually it has been possible to have a replacement ready before the existing home was closed. In the case of Ashfield Malton the ambition has been for an on-site replacement however this was not possible given the condition of the building. Section 4.5 of the report detailed the impacts the proposed closure of Ashfield Malton would have on the 12 residents and 45 staff and the Executive Member confirmed these decisions were not taken lightly.
The Corporate Director Health and Adult Services advised that it was proposed that residential services in Malton and Pickering would be brought together and new homes would be offered to everyone currently resident in Malton and this would include undertaking individual assessments of people’s care needs.
Resolved (unanimously) – that:
i) That Executive notes the ongoing work to support the development of the care market and care services in the Malton area to meet the emerging and changing needs of the locality
ii) That Executive approves the intention to re-configure the Council-run care homes in Malton and Pickering whilst further developments are progressed and to consolidate residential services at the 5 Whitby Road Pickering location and, once all Ashfield Malton residents have new homes, to close Ashfield Malton.