461 Environment Agency Grants for North Bay Urgent Wall Improvements – Phase 2 PDF 363 KB
i) Executive accept the capital grant contribution of £1,510,855 from the Environment Agency
ii) Subject to following the relevant procurement procedures, delegate to the Corporate Director of Environment, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Resources, the Assistant Chief Executive Legal & Democratic Services and Executive Member for Highways and Transportation, Road Safety and Cycling, the authority to enter into contract with a specialist consultant to design, and project manage the works, and a contractor to construct works, subject to the cost of the works being contained within the current grant awarded
iii) Executive agree to receive a further report once the full costs are known if further grant funding is required prior to the approval of a construction contract and the works starting.
Additional documents:
Considered – A report of the Corporate Director – Environment proving an update on a former Scarborough Borough Council legacy costal protection scheme and requesting approval to accept a grant from the Environment agency of £1,510,855. The grant would allow the council to progress the project to completion including the procurement of a specialist consultant to design and project manage the works, and a contractor to undertake the works.
Councillor Keane Duncan, Executive Member for Highways and Transportation, introduced the report and advised that the works would be 100% funded by the Environment Agency and the grant included £400k of contingency. Further funding could be drawn down if required to complete the works.
In response to a question on the timeframe for the works Councillor Duncan advised that the design and project management phase would need to be completed by November 2024 and the works completed by October 2026.
Resolved (unanimously) – that:
i) the capital grant contribution of £1,510,855 from the Environment Agency be accepted;
ii) subject to following the relevant procurement procedures, delegate to the Corporate Director of Environment, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Resources, the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services and Executive Member for Highways and Transportation, Road Safety and Cycling, the authority to enter into contract with a specialist consultant to design and project manage the works, and a contractor to construct works, subject to the cost of the works being contained within the current grant awarded; and
iii) a further report be provided to Executive once the full costs are known if further grant funding is required prior to the approval of a construction contract and the works starting.