Issue - meetings

Acquisition of 11 new build properties in Scarborough for use as affordable rented accommodation to take into the Housing Revenue Account

Meeting: 15/10/2024 - Executive (Item 540)

540 Acquisition of 11 new build properties in Scarborough for use as affordable rented accommodation to take into the Housing Revenue Account pdf icon PDF 284 KB



That the Executive approves of the acquisition of 11 new build properties from Keepmoat Homes in Scarborough for use as affordable rented accommodation, which will be taken into the Housing Revenue Account for use as temporary accommodation for homeless households as and when required on terms to be agreed in accordance with this report and as agreed by the Corporate Director for Resources. 


Additional documents:


Considered – A report of the Corporate Director for Community Development seeking approval to acquire 11 new build properties from a developer to use as affordable rented accommodation.  The homes would be taken into the Housing Revenue Account and rented out to local households in housing need, who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.


The Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing, Councillor Simon Myers, introduced the report which was before Members following approval by Executive on 18 June 2024 of a business case for the provision of accommodation for up to 90 homeless households in North Yorkshire to enable the Council to fulfil its statutory duty in this regard. 


Councillors Tony Randerson and Rich Maw addressed the Executive in support of the scheme and spoke of the importance of increasing the amount of council house and social housing stock.


Resolved (unanimously)


Approval be given for the acquisition of 11 new build properties from Keepmoat Homes in Scarborough for use as affordable rented accommodation, which will be taken into the Housing Revenue Account for use as temporary accommodation for homeless households as and when required on terms to be agreed in accordance with this report and as agreed by the Corporate Director for Resources. 



Reasons for decision


The reason for the first recommendation is to provide 11 properties of temporary accommodation for homeless households in Scarborough in line with the requirements of the Temporary Accommodation business case for the development of 90 new units of temporary accommodation across North Yorkshire.


In order to ensure the Council can proceed at speed to take up similar opportunities in the future, the Constitution Working Party will be asked to review the Constitution to enable a streamlined process for purchasing properties for the HRA that are in line with the Housing Revenue Account 30-year Business Plan and the approved Temporary Accommodation Business Case. 



Alternative options considered


The acquisition of “off the shelf” properties from developers forms an important part of the Councils plans for developing and/or acquiring 90 units of temporary accommodation. The acquisition of these properties forms a quick win for the Council, and there were no other viable options for acquisition of new properties available to the Council at the present time.