Committee attendance

Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Val Arnold 1
Councillor Annabel Wilkinson 1
Councillor Eric Broadbent 1
Councillor Lindsay Burr MBE 0
Councillor Mel Hobson 0
Councillor Richard Musgrave 1
Councillor Janet Jefferson 2
Councillor Andy Paraskos 1
Councillor Stephanie Duckett 1
Councillor David Jeffels 1
Councillor Cliff Lunn 2
Councillor John Mann 1
Councillor Stuart Martin MBE 0
Councillor Joe Plant 0
Councillor Gillian Quinn 0
Councillor Zoe Metcalfe 0
Councillor Tom Jones 1
Councillor Heather Phillips 1
Councillor Kirsty Poskitt 1
Councillor Nathan Hull 1
Councillor John Ritchie 1
Councillor Mike Schofield 1
Councillor Barbara Brodigan 1
Councillor Alyson Baker 1
Councillor Bridget Fortune 1
Councillor Peter Wilkinson 0
Councillor Dave Whitfield 1
Scarborough and Whitby Area Committee, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Andrew Backhouse 0
Councillor Eric Broadbent 2
Councillor Derek Bastiman 2
Councillor Janet Jefferson 2
Councillor David Chance 1
Councillor Liz Colling 2
Councillor David Jeffels 2
Councillor Andrew Jenkinson 0
Councillor Clive Pearson 2
Councillor Joe Plant 1
Councillor Tony Randerson 0
Councillor Roberta Swiers 2
Councillor Callam Walsh 0
Councillor Subash Sharma 1
Councillor Heather Phillips 1
Councillor John Ritchie 1
Councillor Phil Trumper 1
Councillor Neil Swannick 1
Councillor Rich Maw 0