
Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

The records of decisions by Executive Members and Corporate Directors for the period January 2020 to February 2021 are available to view via the Library Archive.

Decisions published

10/11/2023 - Grant Acceptance ref: 3484    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Culture, Arts & Housing

Decision published: 20/12/2023

Effective from: 10/11/2023


Reference Selby Place Partnership grant acceptance -
To accept the Arts Council England grant offer of £350,000 from the Place Partnership fund, toward the ‘Now Then’ project.

Lead officer: Yvette Turnbull

16/11/2023 - Department for Transport – Safer Roads Fund 3. Application and Acceptance of funding for Road Safety Improvements on A19, Selby ref: 3442    Recommendations Approved

This is confidential decision as instructed by Department for Transport, pending government announcement

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Highways & Transportation

Decision published: 11/12/2023

Effective from: 16/11/2023


Approve the application and acceptance of the allocated grant funding through the Department for Transport Safer Road Fund project for improvements to the A19 south of the A63 to the county boundary,

Lead officer: David Kirkpatrick

30/10/2023 - National Highways A66 upgrade – de-trunking ref: 3376    Recommendations Approved

To report on National Highways A66 Route upgrade (Scotch Corner to Carkin Moor in NYC) and agree Side Agreement to de-trunk redundant sections of the existing A66 following new parallel highway opening.

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Highways & Transportation

Decision published: 27/11/2023

Effective from: 30/10/2023


Approve the de-trunking of A66 highways sections which will be superseded by the National Highways Trans-Pennine upgrade, to be adopted as local distributor roads.

Urgency procedure applied and exempt from call in.

Lead officer: Richard Binks

22/11/2023 - LB465-2023 Pearson / Esk Valley and Coast ref: 3356    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 27/11/2023

Effective from: 05/12/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Clive Pearson to award £2,000 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the architectural drawing and study for the community and sports improvements for Lealholm Community and Sports Association.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

22/11/2023 - Urgent and Emergency Care Support Fund for local authorities - grant acceptance for up to £1.1m funding ref: 3339    Recommendations Approved

Seeking permission from the Executive Member following consultation with the Corporate Director (Health and Adult Services) and the Corporate Director Resources to accept a bid for a grant from the Department of Health and Social Care for funding under the Urgent and Emergency Care Support Fund for Local Authorities for the amount of £1.1m The Council previously submitted proposals on how they would use the funding to strengthen the resilience of urgent and emergency care services this winter.
The Executive Member is taking the decision under their urgency power in paragraph 13 of the Executive Members’ Delegation Scheme due to the time constraints outlined in the report which does not allow for the required 5 day call-in period.

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Health & Adult Services

Decision published: 23/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


The Executive Member following consultation with the Corporate Director Health and Adult Services and the Corporate Director Resources accepts grant funding of £1,137,090 from the Department of Health and Social Care. The Council previously submitted proposals on how they would use the funding to strengthen the resilience of urgent and emergency care services this winter.

The Executive Member is taking the decision under their urgency power in paragraph 13 of the Executive Members’ Scheme of Delegation and is implementing the earlier key decision to submit the bid.

Lead officer: Anton Hodge

22/11/2023 - Contract Between North Yorkshire Council and Learning Curve Group ref: 3338    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Operating Officer - York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership

Decision published: 23/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To terminate the contract for the Skills Bootcamp delivery in 2023-24.

Lead officer: Marie Woodhouse

21/11/2023 - Procurement of a Server Storage Solution (SAN) for all NYC systems ref: 3337    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of the report is to recommend the procurement of a preferred storage solution.
The decision required is to procure the preferred option.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Technology

Decision published: 23/11/2023

Effective from: 01/12/2023


Purchase and provision a Dell VxRail Storage solution with capacity to allow for the consolidation of IT server storage infrastructure and Datacentres across NYC by 2026.
Purchase a backup solution to allow for immutable backups of key systems across all NYC and provision for a separate offsite and offline immutable backups.

Lead officer: Trevor Peacock

15/11/2023 - Ecological Data Services Contract ref: 3335    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Head of Planning Policy and Place

Decision published: 22/11/2023

Effective from: 15/11/2023


To agree a contract for specialist ecological data services between NYC and the North and East Yorkshire Ecological Data Centre (NEYEDC) for the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2025.

Lead officer: Marie Woodhouse

22/11/2023 - Re-procurement of an integrated HR and Payroll system ref: 3336    Recommendations Approved

Reprocure an integrated HR and Payroll system for NYC.
The Purpose of the report is to update and provide relevant info to the decision maker so they can make a relevant decision.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Technology

Decision published: 22/11/2023

Effective from: 30/11/2023


To re-procure the HR and Payroll system from Zellis UK Ltd on an initial 3 year contract with the option to extend for 12 months.

Lead officer: James Boak

13/11/2023 - Assessment of Assets of Community Value Nomination NYCACV0022 Markington village shop and post office ref: 3334    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Chief Executive - Local Engagement

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 13/11/2023


a) The nomination for the Markington village shop and post office is successful and meets the definition of community value as detailed in the Localism Act 2011
b) It should be placed on the North Yorkshire Council Assets of Community Value List of Successful Nominations

Lead officer: Mark Codman

09/11/2023 - ZB23/01079/REM - Reserved matters application under outline permission 22/02555/OUT for the erection of 88 dwelling houses (C3) with siting, landscaping, design and external appearance for consideration at Old Hatchery, Blind Lane, Aiskew for Colin B ref: 3278    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 09/11/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 16/11/2023

Effective from: 09/11/2023


The report was withdrawn prior to the meeting to enable further consultation to take place and will be resubmitted to a future meeting.

09/11/2023 - 22/00047/OUT - Outline Application for Demolition of the Vacant Dalesway Lodge Motel and Restaurant, and the Construction of a Petrol Filling Station (sui generis) with Associated Kiosk/Shop (Use Class E) and Two Drive-Through Restaurants (sui generi ref: 3279    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 09/11/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 16/11/2023

Effective from: 09/11/2023


Considered :-


The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for the outline application for demolition of the vacant Dalesway Lodge Motel and Restaurant, and the Construction of a petrol filling station (sui generis) with associated kiosk/shop (Use Class E) and two drive-through restaurants (sui generis), together with construction of a new vehicular access, car parking, electric vehicle charging facilities and other works at Eastside Barracks Bank Scotch Corner Richmond for Scotch Corner Richmond LLP.


Steve Hill spoke on behalf of a number of Middleton Tyas residents objecting to the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following:-

·        The traffic issues encountered at Scotch Corner roundabout and the implications of further development at the location.

·        The current condition of the brownfield site and how the proposed development will tie in with the area.

·        The Parish Council being supportive of the application due to its location on the western side of the roundabout.

·        The proposed pedestrian crossing and it’s impact on the traffic. The Committee were advised that Highways England were satisfied with the proposals.

·        The bus stop provision and lack of bus shelters, with the Committee requesting Officers to seek the provision of bus shelters at the stops on both the north and south side of the highway.


The Decision :-


That the Committee were MINDED TO GRANT planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in section 12 of the report and the additional condition shown below, with delegation to the Planning Manager (Richmond Office) in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair in relation to seeking the provision of bus shelters on both the north and south side of the highway.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried unanimously.


Additional Condition


Condition 18: Biodiversity Net Gain

Prior to commencement of development a Biodiversity Net Gain Scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall demonstrate how a net gain life of 10% can be achieved for all habitat types including hedgerows. The scheme shall include:


(a)   Evidence that suitable Biodiversity Credits have been secured and paid for; or


(b) An on and/or off-site scheme together with any necessary permissions to deliver the scheme including:

       - Phasing and timetable for delivery

       - 30 years upkeep and monitoring

       - Mechanism for 30 years of funding


The development shall take place in complete accordance with the approved details including the 30 years retention, upkeep and monitoring.


Reason: To secure a biodiversity net gain in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 174.

09/11/2023 - ZB23/00938/FUL - Revised application for construction of 38no. residential dwellings with associated access, parking, landscaping and infrastructure at OS Field 6504, Northallerton Business Park, Thurston Road, Northallerton for Taylor Wimpey ref: 3277    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 09/11/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 16/11/2023

Effective from: 09/11/2023


Considered :-


The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for a revised application for the construction of 38no. residential dwellings with associated access, parking, landscaping and infrastructure at OS Field 6504, Thurston Road, Northallerton for Taylor Wimpey.


The applicant’s agent, Richard Holland, spoke in support of the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following:-

·        The collaboration of all parties involved to enable everyone’s needs to be met, in particular the acoustic remedial works resulting in objections being withdrawn. Confirmation was sought that the reduced bund size was appropriate with the Committee advised that Environmental Health assessments were based on the reduced size.

·        The need to protect the existing operations around the site and the requirement for monitoring to ensure the development delivers what is expected.

·        The Committee sought clarification on the lack of affordable housing provision on the site and were informed that following a viability assessment the affordable housing provision would be not be delivered but that a number of other public benefits had been delivered.


The Decision :-


That the Committee were MINDED TO GRANT planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in section 12 of the report, as amended and the additional conditions shown below, with delegation to the Chief Planning Officer in relation to any conditions recommended by the LLFA and Environmental Health (Ground Contamination) in any subsequent responses.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried with 5 for and 1 abstention.


Amended Condition


Condition 11

Prior to occupation of any part of the development a scheme shall be submitted to, and approved in writing, by the Local Planning Authority detailing how Designing Out Crime principles will be implemented. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved scheme.


Additional Conditions


Condition 19

Prior to the first occupation of any of the residential dwellings hereby approved, the bunding and acoustic fencing shall be completed in accordance with approved plans NTH-PH-006 Rev.B (Bund Sections Plan) and 154200/8001 Rev.A (Landscape Proposals Plan). Once completed, the bund and acoustic fencing shall be retained and maintained throughout the lifetime of the development as approved, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All seeding, tree and hedgerow planting on the bund structure shall be undertaken in accordance with the requirements, including timescales, as required by condition 14.


Reason: To ensure that suitable noise mitigation is implemented prior to the occupation of residential dwellings and maintained for the lifetime of the residential development, in accordance with Policy E2 of the Local Plan.


Condition 20

Prior to the commencement of the development, a noise mitigation and attenuation scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include the details of all noise mitigation and attenuation measures to be implemented within the development to ensure that none of the following noise criteria area exceeded for each approved residential property:


(a)    Bedrooms – 30dB LAeq, 8hr / 35dB LAeq, 16hr


(b)    Living Rooms – 35dB LAeq, 16hr


(c)     Dining Rooms – 40dB LAeq, 16hr


(d)    Individual Noise Events (no more than 10 times a night – 45dB LAmax


(e)    External Amenity Areas – 50dB LAeq, 16hr


The noise mitigation and attenuation measures within the approved noise mitigation and attenuation scheme shall be implemented prior to occupation of any of the dwellings hereby approved and shall be maintained as approved thereafter.


Reason: To ensure that the development hereby permitted is not detrimental to the amenity of the future residents by reason of undue external noise, in accordance with Policy E2 of the Local Plan.


Condition 21

Within two months of the first occupation of the 38th dwelling, a validation test shall be carried out in relation to a representative sample approved properties during daytime and night-time hours and the results of the testing and the details of any additional noise mitigation and attenuation measures required to meet the specified noise criteria within condition 20 above submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approve in writing. Any additional noise mitigation and attenuation measures approved in writing shall be fully implemented in accordance with the approved details within two months of the written approval being issued by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure that the development hereby permitted is not detrimental to the amenity of the future residents by reason of undue external noise, in accordance with Policy E2 of the Local Plan.




Decision Maker: Assistant Chief Executive - Local Engagement

Decision published: 15/11/2023

Effective from: 15/11/2023


To authorise the creation and associated enforcement framework of the following Public Space Protection Order;

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

17/10/2023 - Appointment of a North Yorkshire Council member to the North York Moors National Park Authority ref: 3331    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Executive Officer

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 17/10/2023


To appoint North Yorkshire Councillor David Hugill to the North York Moors National Park Authority (NYMNPA) to fill the existing Conservative vacancy, for the period through to the next meeting of full Council on 15 November 2023. At that meeting, full Council will then re-consider the appointment to the vacant seat on the NYMNPA.

Lead officer: Melanie Carr

13/11/2023 - LB448-2023 Webster / Bedale ref: 3330    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor David Webster to award £1,500 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the surveys and purchase of a Vehicle Activated Speed Camera for Tanfield Parish Council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB447-2023 Swiers / Cayton ref: 3329    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Roberta Swiers to award £820 of her Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase of LED lights for Cayton Village Hall.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB446-2023 Staveley / Settle and Penyghent ref: 3328    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor David Staveley to award £450 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase of dog fouling signs for Settle Beavers Group.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB445-2023 Sanderson / Thornton Dale and Wolds ref: 3327    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Janet Sanderson to award £1,500 of her Locality Budgets funding to fund the food and electricity for the 2023 Christmas Lights event with Thornton le Dale Christmas Lights.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB444-2023 Sanderson / Thornton Dale and Wolds ref: 3326    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Janet Sanderson to award £1,000 of her Locality Budgets funding to fund the consultation events and printing of the finished Parish Plan for Thornton le Dale for Thornton le Dale Parish Council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB443-2023 Poskitt / Tadcaster ref: 3325    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Kirsty Poskitt to award £500 of her Locality Budgets funding to fund the catering and entertainment for the Tadcaster Christmas Treat dinner with Tadcaster Christmas Treat Association.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB442-2023 McCartney / Osgoldcross ref: 3324    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor John McCartney to award £680 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the repairing of the access to the tower of St Peters Church, Kirk Smeaton to check on the swift nest boxes at St Peters Parochial Parish Council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB441-2023 McCartney / Osgoldcross ref: 3323    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor John McCartney to award £375 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase of a new oven for the children's baking area at Kirk Smeaton Primary School.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB440-2023 McCartney / Osgoldcross ref: 3322    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor John McCartney to award £400 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase of a new bingo machine and bingo tickets for the Thursday Bingo Group at Eggborough Village Hall.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB439-2023 Mann / Oatlands and Pannal ref: 3321    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor John Mann to award £5,000 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the refurbishing, replacing and provision of additional lights within the 7 to 8 trees on the green, using tree wrapping lights for Pannal & Burn Bridge Parish Council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB438-2023 Lunn / Thorpe Willoughby and Hambleton ref: 3320    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Cliff Lunn to award £600 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the hire and royalties on script for the children's annual production with Willoughby Players.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB437-2023 Lunn / Thorpe Willoughby and Hambleton ref: 3319    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Cliff Lunn to award £600 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the construction of soakaways near the Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB436-2023 Lunn / Thorpe Willoughby and Hambleton ref: 3318    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Cliff Lunn to award £650 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the supply and installation of a dishwasher in Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB435-2023 Jordan / Camblesforth and Carlton ref: 3317    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Mike Jordan to award £836 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the creation of a pathway and new entrance to the allotments with Carlton Parish Council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB434-2023 Grogan / Monk Fryston and South Milford ref: 3316    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Tim Grogan to award £951 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase and planting of the Hillam Ring Tree with Hillam Parish Council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB433-2023 Dickinson / Northallerton South ref: 3315    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Caroline Dickinson to award £2,000 of her Locality Budgets funding to fund the Finger post and Garthway Arcade Sign with Northallerton BID.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

10/11/2023 - LB432-2023 Chance / Danby and Mulgrave ref: 3314    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor David Chance to award £1,000 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the architectural drawing and study for the community and sports improvements at Lealholm Community and Sports Association.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB431-2023 N Brown / Wathvale and Bishop Monkton ref: 3313    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Nick Brown to award £1,500 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the installation of a new heating system for the Friends of Christ the Consoler.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

13/11/2023 - LB430-2023 Barrett / Glusburn, Cross Hills & Sutton-in-Craven ref: 3312    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Philip Barrett to award £5,000 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the contractor's materials and labour costs of resurfacing a section of a PROW in Sutton in Craven with NY Countryside Services.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

09/10/2023 - The Award of a waste management software contract for the former Selby area ref: 3311    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Head of Commissioning Contracts and Procurement Waste Selby

Decision published: 13/11/2023

Effective from: 09/10/2023


To award a contract for the supply of waste management software for the former Selby area waste service transferring from the private sector back to The North Yorkshire council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

30/10/2023 - Options to Revise Household Waste Recycling Centre Policies ref: 3310    Recommendations Approved

To inform the Corporate Director of Environment and Executive Member for Managing our Environment of options to amend the Household Waste Recovery Centre policies.
To seek approval to undertake a public engagement exercise regarding the Household Waste Recycling Centre options so that the findings are considered when the decision whether to amend the policies is taken.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment

Decision published: 10/11/2023

Effective from: 30/10/2023


To undertake a public engagement exercise regarding the Household Waste Recycling Centre options so that the findings are considered when the decision whether to amend the policies is taken.

Lead officer: Peter Jeffreys

09/11/2023 - Crosby New Bridge - Decision to Award ref: 3309    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment

Decision published: 09/11/2023

Effective from: 09/11/2023


Award of the contract for Crosby New Bridge - Design & Build New Deck & Parapets to PBS Construction for £179,986. The is a capital scheme and exceeds the budget of £150,000 but is within acceptable parameters.

Lead officer: Tricia Richards

30/10/2023 - Procurement exercise for Fuel Cards 2023 - 2028 ref: 3304    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval for the provision of fuel cards for the supply of fuel for NY Council vehicles

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment

Decision published: 09/11/2023

Effective from: 30/10/2023


Approval to proceed with the procurement to directly award a contract for the provision of Fuel Cards to Allstar Business Solutions Ltd via the Fuel Cards and associated Services Framework Agreement.

Lead officer: Kelly Baxter


Decision Maker: Deputy Leader & Executive Member for Finance & Resources

Decision published: 09/11/2023

Effective from: 08/11/2023


i)To take the properties referred to off the market, for the properties to remain in the general fund and to allow CYPS to place UASC and/or other young people from supported housing provision into these properties
ii)Agree that the properties will sit within the General Fund and Housing Services will be responsible for the management and maintenance of the properties.
iii)To delegate authority to the Corporate Director Resources to finalise the financing, rental and associated charges

Lead officer: Louise Heaps

07/11/2023 - Report and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Member Allowances for 2024-25 ref: 3307    Recommendations Approved

To make a recommendation to Full Council based on Independent Remuneration Panel Recommendations

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 07/11/2023 - Executive

Decision published: 08/11/2023

Effective from: 14/11/2023


Considered – Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) to consider the report of the Independent Renumeration Panel for Member Allowances.


Councillor Carl Les introduced the item, thanking the Independent Renumeration Panel for their further work. It was noted this report would go to full Council for elected members to choose whether they accepted the report recommendations.


Therefore, it was


Resolved – That the Executive consider the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Member Allowances and recommend it to the meeting of Council on 15 November 2023 regarding the recommended Basic Allowance and Special Responsibility Allowances for 2024-25.



Lead officer: Barry Khan

07/11/2023 - Council Tax Reduction ref: 3306    Recommendations Approved

To recommend the implementation of North Yorkshire Council’s Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTR) with effect from 1 April 2024

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 07/11/2023 - Executive

Decision published: 08/11/2023

Effective from: 14/11/2023


Considered – Report of the Corporate Director – Resources to present the proposed North Yorkshire Council Tax Reduction (CTR) Scheme for 2024/25.


Councillor Gareth Dadd introduced the report, noting that there are no fundamental changes to the current CTR scheme that was introduced last year, as the seven former district and borough councils were brought together with the county council to create a new scheme to operate under the new unitary authority. Even with a further £1million put into the 2023/24 scheme through an uplift in charges on empty properties, it was felt the introduction of the CTR scheme for 2023/24 had been a success


It is pleasing to note the current 2023/24 scheme has seen reductions in the number of council tax recovery notices issued, with a decrease of over 10% across the county, whilst council tax collection rates have remained stable. This aligns with the priority of helping those most vulnerable residents within our county.


The proposed uplift of 6.7% in the current income bands is in line with the rate of the CPI (Consumer Price Index) and will be funded by an uplift in grant funding from central government.


The officer team who designed the proposed scheme were thanked, with the introduction of the 2023/24 CTR scheme seen as one of the benefits of unitarisation to date.


Marcus Lee, Head of Welfare and Benefits emphasised the scheme was proving successful to support the most vulnerable residents of the county with its simplistic approach to the application process and also the administration of it for officers.




i)            recommend the proposed Council Tax Reduction scheme for 2024/25 to full Council, retaining the scheme as that operating in 2023/24


ii)          delegate authority to the Section 151 officer to approve the accompanying Exceptional Hardship Scheme


iii)         authorise the Section 151 officer, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Finance, to undertake the necessary consultation work to design a scheme for 2025/26.

Lead officer: Margaret Wallace

07/11/2023 - Sale of Land at Gatherley Road, Brompton on Swale ref: 3305    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval to the sale of a 4.06 hectare site at Gatherley Road, Brompton On Swale.

To approve the proposed disposal, on terms to be agreed by the Corporate Director of Resources.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 07/11/2023 - Executive

Decision published: 08/11/2023

Effective from: 07/11/2023

Lead officer: Shaun Wilson

07/11/2023 - 2024/25 Funding Transfer – Schools Block Dedicated Schools Grant ref: 3303    Recommendations Approved

Mainstream schools and academies, and the North Yorkshire Schools Forum are to be consulted on the transfer of 0.5% funding from the Schools Block Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) to the High Needs budget for the 2024/25 financial year. In the event of the North Yorkshire Schools Forum not supporting the transfer request and the local authority still seeking to proceed with the transfer, the local authority will be required to submit a disapplication request to the DfE for Secretary of State consideration of the request. An in-principle approval for the submission of the disapplication request to the DfE is requested, in the event of this being required.
The final decision on the 2024/25 school budget, including any transfer of funding, where permitted, from the Schools Block DSG to the High Needs budget, will be taken by the Executive on 9 January 2024

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Education, Learning & Skills

Decision published: 07/11/2023

Effective from: 15/11/2023


To approve the submission of a disapplication request by North Yorkshire Council to the Department for Education (DfE), for consideration by the Secretary of State, for a 0.5% funding transfer from the 2024/25 Schools Block of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) to the High Needs Block DSG.
The disapplication request will be required to be enacted with the DfE in the event of the North Yorkshire Schools Forum not supporting the local authority proposed funding transfer at its meeting on 23 November 2023

Lead officer: Howard Emmett

07/11/2023 - Proposal to close Fountains Earth, Lofthouse Church of England Endowed VC Primary School, Harrogate – School Closure Proposal ref: 3302    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval to begin a consultation on a proposal to close Fountains Earth, Lofthouse, Church of England Endowed VC Primary School, Harrogate with effect from 31 March 2024.

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Education, Learning & Skills

Decision published: 07/11/2023

Effective from: 15/11/2023


To approve the consultation on a proposal that the Council should close Fountains Earth, Lofthouse Church of England Endowed (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School from 31 March 2024.

Lead officer: Andrew Dixon

03/11/2023 - Extension of existing contracts for the provision of specialist adult drug and alcohol service for North Yorkshire and the Young People’s Substance Misuse Service ref: 3301    Recommendations Approved

To approve the extension of contracts for the provision of the North Yorkshire Horizons (specialist adult drug and alcohol service) and the North Yorkshire RISE (specialist young people's drug and alcohol service) to September 2025

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 11/11/2023


It has been agreed to extend the contracts for the provision of North Yorkshire Horizons (specialist adult drug and alcohol service) and North Yorkshire RISE (specialist young people’s drug and alcohol service) to 30 September 2025. The decision was made by the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Executive member and Corporate Director.

Lead officer: Angela Hall

01/11/2023 - LB429-2023 Warneken / Ouseburn ref: 3300    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 14/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Arnold Warneken to award £2,200 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase and installation of a compost toilet for Goosemoor Reserve with Cowthorpe Community Forum.

Cllr Warneken is connected with the Nature Reserve and his wife is Treasurer of Cowthorpe Community Forum.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

01/11/2023 - LB428-2023 Swiers / Cayton ref: 3299    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 14/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Roberta Swiers to award £500 of her Locality Budgets funding to fund the hot drinks and lunch for residents in Gristhorpe and Lebberston with Gristhorpe and Lebberston Village Hall Committee.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

01/11/2023 - LB427-2023 Packham / Sherburn in Elmet ref: 3298    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 14/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Bob Packham to award £750 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the transport and activities for Selby young carers with Carers Resource.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

01/11/2023 - LB426-2023 Gostlow / Knaresborough East ref: 3297    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 14/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Hannah Gostlow to award £500 of her Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase of consumable materials for the 12-month community project – Art.Craft.Chat with Sunflower Art Studios CIC.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

01/11/2023 - LB425-2023 Cross / Filey ref: 3296    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 14/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Sam Cross to award £1,000 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the insurance, toilet hire, fencing and music for the community bonfire and firework display with Filey Lions.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

01/11/2023 - LB424-2023 Cross / Filey ref: 3295    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 14/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Sam Cross to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the construction of a footpath and edging around the Model Train at the Station with Filey in Bloom.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

01/11/2023 - LB423-2023 Cross / Filey ref: 3294    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 14/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Sam Cross to award £750 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the fireworks and insurance for the Fishtivetree Event with Fileyfishtive Tree.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

01/11/2023 - LB422-2023 Cross / Filey ref: 3293    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 14/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Sam Cross to award £480 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the training of 3 junior coaches and DBS checks for Filey Holts Junior Football Team.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

01/11/2023 - LB421-2023 A Brown / Aire Valley ref: 3292    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 14/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Andy Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the improvements to the shelter at the recreation park in Lothersdale with Lothersdale Parish Council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

01/11/2023 - LB419-2023 Arthur / Cliffe and North Duffield ref: 3290    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 14/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Karl Arthur to award £1,000 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the hall hire and activities for Skipwith Rainbows and Brownies with North Duffield Parish Council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

03/11/2023 - Autism Strategy Consultation ref: 3289    Recommendations Approved

The report details the proposals for the consultation on the draft Autism Strategy with a recommendation for a 12 + week public consultation from 27/11/23 – 31/03/24

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Health & Adult Services

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 11/11/2023


Approval has been given for a public consultation on the draft North Yorkshire All-age Autism Strategy.

Lead officer: Naomi Smith

03/11/2023 - Infection Prevention Control Service ref: 3288    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval for the development of a new contract and legal framework for the Infection Prevention Control Service

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 11/11/2023


To proceed with the development of a new contract and legal framework for the community
Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Service.

Lead officer: Victoria Turner

01/11/2023 - LB420-2023 A Brown / Aire Valley ref: 3291    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 14/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Andy Brown to award £345.20 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the improved signage to walks on the Leeds Liverpool canal starting in Farnhill Parish with Farnhill Parish Council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

30/10/2023 - Garden Waste Subscription charge 2024-25 ref: 3287    Recommendations Approved

To inform Members of the current charge made for one garden waste licence and to obtain approval of the charge for 2024/25 to enable the subscription window for renewals to open in January 2024.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment

Decision published: 03/11/2023

Effective from: 30/10/2023


In 2024/25:

i) the full year charge for the garden waste collection service is £46.50.

ii) the pro-rata charge applicable to residents in Craven, Hambleton and Ryedale is £42.00

Lead officer: Michael Leah

24/10/2023 - Application for the granting of powers under the Traffic Management Act 2004 – Part 6: Moving Traffic Enforcement ref: 3286    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of the report is to set out how North Yorkshire Council has completed the mandatory process to apply to the Secretary of State for a Moving Traffic Enforcement designation order to be made under Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004
Like the existing Civil Enforcement Area for parking, the designation order would apply to the whole county
A decision is required to approve the application for submission to the Secretary of State.

Decision Maker: Chief Executive Officer

Decision published: 03/11/2023

Effective from: 11/11/2023


Subject to any further consultation responses received and the updating of Appendix C of the report:

i) the application to the Secretary of State designating North Yorkshire as a Civil Enforcement Area for moving traffic offences in accordance with the Traffic Management Act 2004, Part 6;

ii) the Penalty Charge Notice for a Moving Traffic Offence is set at £70.00 reduced to £35.00 if paid within 14 days as per the higher parking contravention rate and changed as and when regulations change the higher rate and;

iii) the A19/A1238 Yellow Box junction, Selby as the applicant site

Lead officer: David Kirkpatrick

03/11/2023 - Granting consent for the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Order 2023 ref: 3285    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Executive Officer

Decision published: 03/11/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


The Chief Executive Officer in consultation with the Leader of the Council has granted consent to the making of the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Order 2023.
If an executive decision, was it also a key decision? NO (decision was already on the Forward Plan for Devolution for the Executive on 14th February 2023 and Council on 22nd February 2023)

In the attached report, paragraph 2.4 provides that the wording of the Order was confidential until it was laid before Parliament. The Order has now been laid before Parliament and a copy of the Order can be found at:

The York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Order 2023 (

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

18/10/2023 - UK Shared Prosperity Fund Grant Award to Mashamshire Community Office ref: 3284    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Economic Development, Regeneration, Tourism & Skills

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 18/10/2023


To award a UK Shared Prosperity Fund grant of £145,000 to Mashamshire Community Office for the decarbonisation and purchase of the Mashamshire Community Office in Masham.

Lead officer: Marie Woodhouse

18/10/2023 - UK Shared Prosperity Fund Grant Award to the Wesley Chapel Malton ref: 3283    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Economic Development, Regeneration, Tourism & Skills

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 18/10/2023


To award a UK Shared Prosperity Fund grant of £370,000 to the Wesley Chapel in Malton towards the restoration and renovation of the chapel for the purposes of community uses and cultural events.

Lead officer: Marie Woodhouse

18/10/2023 - UK Shared Prosperity Fund Grant Award to the North Yorkshire Moors Railway ref: 3282    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Economic Development, Regeneration, Tourism & Skills

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 18/10/2023


To award a UK Shared Prosperity Fund grant of £350,000 to the North Yorkshire Moors Railway towards the development of a new Mutual Improvement Classroom, supporting the development of skills and knowledge essential to the running and maintenance of the North Yorkshire Moors Railway and also to other steam railways across the world.

Lead officer: Marie Woodhouse

18/10/2023 - UK Shared Prosperity Fund Grant Award to POW Camp 83 ltd. ref: 3281    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Economic Development, Regeneration, Tourism & Skills

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 18/10/2023


To award a UK Shared Prosperity Fund grant of £224,000 to POW Camp 83 Ltd towards the restoration of the POW huts at Eden Camp, Malton.

Lead officer: Marie Woodhouse

12/10/2023 - 20/02047/OUT - Application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved (except for access) for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of up to 32 dwellings, with public open space, landscaping, and sustainable drainage syste ref: 3276    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 12/10/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 12/10/2023




The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved (except for access) for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of up to 32 dwellings, with public open space, landscaping, and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point from The Avenue at Prices Paving and Tiles Limited, The Manor House, Snape.


David Smith spoke objecting to the application.


John Duck spoke on behalf of Snape Parish Council supporting the application.


The applicant’s agent, Steven Hesmondhalgh, spoke in support of the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following issues:-

·       The proposed access arrangements, with the preferred option being the reduction in the pillar and that all avenues to bring this option forward be explored fully before the alternative is progressed.


The decision:-




a) planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions set out in section 12 of the report, as amended and the additional condition shown below.


b) a section 106 agreement be completed to ensure provision of affordable housing along with management of the Sustainable Drainage and Public Open Space as necessary.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried unanimously.


Amended Conditions


Condition 15: Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme for the delivery of improved sight lines at the junction of the application site and The Avenue shall be submitted to and agreed upon by the local planning authority. This will take the form of either the reduction of the pillar and wall to the west of the site access or a white lining solution that will improve the movement of the site junction northwards in order to achieve an improved level of site visibility. Thereafter the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


Condition 17: No demolition or construction for any phase of the development shall take place until a Construction Phase Management Plan for that phase relating to the programme of demolition and construction works has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.  The approved Construction Phase Management Plan be adhered to throughout the construction period for the phase.


The plans shall include, but not be limited, to arrangements for the following in respect of each phase of the works:


(i)      Protection of carriageway and footway users at all times during demolition and construction

(ii)      Erection and maintenance of hoardings, including decorative displays, security fencing and scaffolding on/over the footway and carriageway and facilities for public viewing where appropriate

(iii)     Protection of contractors working adjacent to the highway

(iv)     Measures to manage the delivery of materials and plant to the site, including routing and timing of deliveries

(v)     Loading and unloading of materials and plant

(vi)    Storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development

(vii)    Wheel washing facilities

(viii)   Measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction

(ix)    Storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development

(x)    Removal of materials from site including a scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works

(xi)   The protection of trees

(xii)    The parking of contractors' site operatives and visitor's vehicles; and

(xiii)   A program for the works

(xiv)   Construction times on site including site deliveries

(xv)   Management of surface water during construction


Reason: In the interest of public safety and amenity.


12/10/2023 - ZB23/01360/FUL - Change of use of domestic extension to mixed use for domestic use and holiday let at Sedgefield House, Ainderby Steeple, Northallerton for Stuart Tweddle ref: 3275    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 12/10/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 12/10/2023




The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for a change of use of domestic extension to mixed use for domestic use and holiday let at Sedgefield House, Ainderby Steeple, Northallerton.


Giles Chaplin, Lister Haigh spoke on behalf of the objectors to the application.


The application, Catherine Tweddle, spoke in support of the application.


The officer recommendations were proposed and seconded without debate.


The decision:-


That planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions set out in section 12 of the report.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried unanimously.


12/10/2023 - 22/02741/FUL - Application for Planning Permission for the Construction of a New 2 Bed Dwelling with a Shop/Post Office and Change of Use of an Existing Shop/Post Office to Residential Use - as amended (revised plans/documents received by the Local P ref: 3273    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 12/10/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 12/10/2023




The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for the construction of a new 2 bed dwelling with a Shop/Post Office and Change of Use of an Existing Shop/Post Office to Residential Use – as amended (revised plans/documents received by the Local Planning Authority on 16.05.2023) at Village Shop and Post Office, Front Street, Appleton Wiske


Simon Cooper spoke objecting to the application.


Derek Partington spoke on behalf of Appleton Wiske Parish Council supporting the application.


The applicant’s agent, Richard Stephenson, spoke in support of the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following issues:-

  • The impact the loss of the shop/post office would have on Appleton Wiske and the surrounding villages.
  • The highways implications of the shop/post office.
  • The impact on neighbouring properties.


The decision:-


Contrary to Officer recommendations the Committee indicated that they were MINDED TO GRANT planning permission, with delegation of the decision with the relevant conditions to the Chief Planning Officer for the following reason:-


(a)   The Committee was satisfied that due to the current location of the Post Office/shop the highways safety concerns would not be compromised any further by the proposed development.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried unanimously.


12/10/2023 - 23/00625/FUL - Proposed change of use of agricultural and amenity building including alterations to west elevation to a wedding venue with associated parking facilities and new access along with the formation of passing places on the highway subject ref: 3274    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 12/10/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 12/10/2023




The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for a proposed change of use of agricultural and amenity building including alterations to west elevation to a wedding venue with associated parking facilities and new access along with the formation of passing places on the highway subject to report received on 22 August 2023 at Sedgefield House, Ainderby Steeple, Northallerton.


Giles Chaplin, Lister Haigh spoke on behalf of the objectors to the application.


Charles Duffield spoke on behalf of Warlaby Parish Meeting objecting to the application.


Andrew Thompson, Ainderby Steeple Parish Council spoke on behalf of Ainderby Steeple Parish Council in support of the application.


The application, Catherine Tweddle, spoke in support of the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following issues:-

·         The impact of the additional traffic on the highway and the safety of users.

·         The Committee sought further information on the size of the passing places to be delivered.


The decision:-


That planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions as set out in section 12 of the report and the additional condition shown below.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried unanimously.


Additional Condition


Condition 18: The proposed bund detailed on the landscaping plan shall be implemented before first use of the new access. The bund shall be maintained in perpetuity.


Reasons: To protect the amenity of neighbouring occupiers in accordance with Policy E2.




14/09/2023 - 22/00127/REM - Application for approval of reserved matters (considering appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) following approval 19/02101/OUT for outline planning application with all matters reserved (excluding access) for the construction of ref: 3268    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 14/09/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 14/09/2023




The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for approval of reserved matters for the construction of up to 25 no. residential dwellings at White House Farm, Stokesley.


Councillor Bryn Griffiths as Division Member spoke in objection to the types and tenures proposed in the application.


The applicant’s agent, Martin Bonner, spoke in support of the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following:-

·       The mix of housing types and tenures, including the provision of affordable housing.

·       The current condition of the site in relation to the surrounding area.


The decision:-


That the reserved matters for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale be APPROVED subject to the conditions, as amended set out in paragraph 12 of the report and the additional conditions shown below.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried with 5 for and 1 against.


Amended Conditions


Condition 2: Approved Plans

The permission hereby granted shall not be undertaken other than in complete accordance with the following plans:

BH20002-APP-94-XX-DR-C-2020-S1 P03

BH20002-APP-94-XX-DR-C-2100-S1 P02

BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-200 P2

BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-001 P8


BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-051 P6

BH20002-APP-90-DR-C-2400 P03

BH20002-APP-90-M3-C-3000 P03

BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-101 P3

EDS 07-0102.05 Version D

BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-100 P3

BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-108 P3

BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-106 P4

BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-103 P3 C002-A

BH20002-APP-94-XX-DR-C-7200 P02

BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-104 P3

BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-105 P3

BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-1001 P1

BH20004_APP_ZZ_XX_DR_A_300 P1

BH20004_APP_ZZ_XX_DR_A_S01_301 P1

BH20002-APP-XX-00-DR-A-107 P4

0401 P5

EDS-07-0102.05 Version A

LL01 Rev.F


0402 P1

0403 P1

0404 P1

DRA 120 P1 (garage detail)


Reason: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans listed above.


Additional Conditions


Condition 6: Except for investigative works, no excavation or other groundworks or the depositing of material on site in connection with the construction of any road or any structure or apparatus which will lie beneath the road must take place on any phase of the road construction works, until full detailed engineering drawings of all aspects of roads and sewers for that phase, including any structures which affect or form part of the highway network, and a programme for delivery of such works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development must only be carried out in compliance with the approved engineering drawings.


Reason: To secure an appropriate highway constructed to an adoptable standard in the interests of highway safety and the amenity and convenience of all highway users


Condition 7: No part of the development to which this permission relates must be brought into use until the carriageway and any footway or footpath from which it gains access is constructed to binder course macadam level or block paved (as approved) and kerbed and connected to the existing highway network with any street lighting installed and in operation. The completion of all road works, including any phasing, must be in accordance with a programme submitted to and approved in writing with the Local Planning Authority before any part of the development is brought into use.


Reason: To ensure safe and appropriate access and egress to the premises, in the interests of highway safety and the convenience of all prospective highway users.


Condition 8: No dwelling must be occupied until the related parking facilities have been constructed in accordance with the details approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Once created these areas must be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times.


Reason: To provide for adequate and satisfactory provision of off-street accommodation for vehicles in the interest of safety and the general amenity of the development.


12/10/2023 - 22/00730/FULL - Full planning permission for the erection of 5no. dwellings, creation of access and landscaping at Land at Station Road, Scorton for Rothstone and Torsion Homes ref: 3271    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 12/10/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 12/10/2023




The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for full planning permission for the erection of 5no. residential dwellings, creation of access and landscaping at land at Station Road, Scorton.


Ian Threlfall spoke on behalf of Scorton Parish Council objecting to the application.


The applicant’s agent, Matthew Mortonson, spoke in support of the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following issues:-

·       The location of the site, its visibility from the highway on the approach into the village and the location of the water pipe which sets the development back, providing a green corridor.

·       The former designation of the area as a landscape site within a previous Local Plan and the weight it can be given in determining the application. Members were advised the application should be considered based on the current Local Plan and no weight should be given to a previous plan.

·       The proposed layout of the site and its suitability.


The decision:-


That planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions set out in section 12 of the report.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried with 4 for and 3 against.






12/10/2023 - 23/00085/OUT - Outline Planning Application (with all Matters Reserved Except Access) for the Erection of 15 No. Residential Dwellings at Land off Wild Hill Lane, Hunton ref: 3270    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 12/10/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 12/10/2023




The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of an outline planning application (with all matters reserved except access) for the erection of 15 no. residential dwellings at Land off Wild Hill Lane, Hunton.


Mark Newsam spoke objecting to the application.


Wendy Knight spoke on behalf of Hunton Parish Council objecting to the application.


The applicant’s agent, Eric Bainbridge, spoke in support of the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following issues:-

·       Clarification was sought on the details of the drainage proposals, the implications of the topography, the capacity of the drainage ditch and the flood implications from the site.

·       The percentage and housing mix of affordable units on the site was welcomed and the Committee sought assurance that this would not be diluted to ensure viability.

The definitive route of the public footpath indicated to provide safe connectivity to the village as this appears to go through the gardens and buildings of nearby houses meaning occupants would have to use Wild Hill Lane to access the village on foot.

·       The minimum number dwellings having already been delivered during this plan period within the sub area.


The decision:-


That the application be DEFERRED for further clarification on the drainage proposals, access arrangements, educational needs and the current level of affordable housing in Hunton.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried with 5 for and 2 against.


12/10/2023 - Opposed Public Path Order (a Public Path Diversion Order) relating to public rights of way at Thimbleby ref: 3269    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 12/10/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 12/10/2023




The Assistant Director Integrated Passenger Transport, Licensing, Fleet, Harbours and Countryside Access – Environment Services sought direction what stance the Authority should take in its submission to the Secretary of State in relation to the confirmation of the opposed public footpaths 10.146/013, 10.146/015 & 10.146/200 and public bridleway 10.146/016 at Thimbleby Grange, Thimbleby Diversion Order 2023.


The applicant’s agent, Diane Baines, spoke in support of the application.


During consideration, the Committee discussed the following issues:-

·         The dangers posed to members of the public from agricultural operations in farmyards.

·         That the proposed diversion was an improvement to the route of the current footpath and bridleway.


The decision:-


(a)    That the Diversion Order be supported and submitted to the Secretary of State for a decision on confirmation as an opposed Order.


(b)    That the Corporate Director of Environment be given delegated authority to make representations to the Secretary of State.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried unanimously.

14/09/2023 - 22/00063/FUL - Full Planning Permission (including Change of Use) for 12 Holiday Lodges, Installation of Package Treatment Plant and Amended Access to Easby Park Field between Southern Junction at Easby Access Road and Easby ref: 3265    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 14/09/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 14/09/2023




The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for 12 holiday lodges, installation of package treatment plant and amended access at Easby Park Field between Southern Junction of Easby Access Road and Easby.


John Clark spoke objecting to the application.


Graham Berry spoke on behalf of Easby Parish Meeting objecting to the application.


The applicant’s agent, Jeremy Lambe, spoke in support of the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following issues:-

·       The form of occupation of the lodges, making it clear that the lodges should be for holiday let only and not permanent residential purposes.

·       Road safety and highways issues based on consultee responses, in particular the provision of the passing places.

·       The impact of the proposed package treatment plant on the water supply of nearby properties and the requirement for an Environmental Permit.


The decision:-


That planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions set out in section 12 of the report and additional conditions for foul drainage and ecological walkover, together with condition 12 to be updated to reflect best practice and ensure enforceability.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried with 5 for and 1 against.


Additional Conditions


Condition 13: Details of foul drainage to be agreed pre-commencement including an environmental permit, if required.


Condition 14: Prior to commencement of development an ecology walkover be carried out and if needed, mitigation be undertaken.


Condition 15: Delegated authority be given to officers to review best practice for holiday use conditions and update condition 12 accordingly.



Note: The meeting was adjourned at 12.10pm and reconvened at 1.30pm.


Note: Councillor Bryn Griffiths entered the meeting at 1.30pm.


14/09/2023 - 21/030001/FUL - Application for the construction of a 100 per cent affordable housing scheme consisting of 53 dwellings (additional and amended plans and documents received by the Local Planning Authority on 30th and 31st March 2023) on Land to the r ref: 3266    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 14/09/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 14/09/2023


The report was withdrawn prior to the meeting, following receipt of Counsel Opinion with regard to the application of policy HG4, further consideration is necessary. In addition, amendments to the layout have proven necessary to meet Highways requirements and further consultation may be necessary.


12/10/2023 - 22/00583/FULL - Full Planning Permission for the Creation of 5 New Dwellings and Access on Agricultural Land at Land Adjacent to Runnymede, Leyburn - REPORT WITHDRAWN ref: 3272    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 12/10/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 12/10/2023


The report was withdrawn prior to the meeting and was not considered.



Note: Cllr Parsons left the meeting at 11.30am.


Note: The meeting was adjourned at 11.30am and reconvened at 1.30pm.


Note: Cllr Bryn Griffiths entered the meeting at 1.30pm.

14/09/2023 - 22/00136/FULL - Hybrid Planning Permission for 29 Dwellings and 3 Self/Custom Build Plots together with associated Open Space and Infrastructure at Hurgill Stables, Hurgill Road, Richmond, DL10 4TA ref: 3264    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 14/09/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 14/09/2023




The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a hybrid planning application for 29 dwellings and 3 self/custom build plots together with associated open space and infrastructure at Hurgill Stables, Hurgill Road, Richmond. This application was submitted for Committee decision due to raising significant material planning considerations.


Tom Pearson spoke objecting to the application.


Ian Woods spoke on behalf of Richmond Town Council objecting to the application.


Councillor Stuart Parsons as Division Member spoke objecting to the application.


The applicant’s agent, Kevin Ayrton, spoke in support of the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following issues:-

·     The proximity of the application site to the built line of the town and its impact on the surrounding landscape.

·     The provision of footpaths and what currently exists, due to the development site not being in walking distance of the town.


The decision:-


That contrary to Officers recommendations planning permission be REFUSED.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried unanimously.




The Committee’s reasons for refusing the application are as set out below:


(i)    The development will have an unacceptable impact on the surrounding landscape, heritage assets and the approach to and from the town, contrary to CP4 and CP12.


Note: Councillor Bryn Griffiths left the meeting at 10.50am.


Note: The meeting was adjourned at 10.50am and reconvened at 11.30am.


Note: Councillor Stuart Parsons took his seat on the Committee at 11.30am and considered all of the following applications.


14/09/2023 - 20/02047/OUT - Application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved (except for access) for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of up to 32 dwellings, with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system ref: 3267    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 14/09/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 14/09/2023




The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of an outline planning application with some matters reserved (except for access) for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of up to 32 dwellings, with public open space, landscaping, and sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) and vehicular access point from The Avenue at Prices Paving and Tiles Limited, The Manor House, Snape, Bedale.


David Smith spoke objecting to the application.


John Duck spoke on behalf of Snape with Thorp Parish Council objecting to the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following:-

·       The amount of affordable housing and how this fits with policy. They were advised that the scheme is policy compliant and exceeds the required level, the Section 106 Agreement will provide certainty, with any reduction in the number changing the planning balance.

·       The recommended highways changes to increase the visibility splay and their acceptability based on the impact to the existing road network.

·       The potential flooding implications from development of the site and the operation of the pumping station.


The decision:-


That the application be DEFERRED and Area 2 Highways be asked to contact the Parish Council to discuss ongoing issues with the highways and bridges.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried unanimously.




The Committee agreed that the application should be deferred to seek further information on the drainage proposals together with information on traffic numbers and speeds in the village.


18/10/2023 - UK Shared Prosperity Fund Grant Award to North Yorkshire Council for the delivery of the Selby and Tadcaster ‘Now Then’ Cultural Festival ref: 3280    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Economic Development, Regeneration, Tourism & Skills

Decision published: 02/11/2023

Effective from: 18/10/2023


To award a UK Shared Prosperity Fund grant of £300,000 towards the delivery of the Selby and Tadcaster ‘Now Then’ Cultural festival.

Lead officer: Marie Woodhouse

25/10/2023 - Assessment of Assets of Community Value Nomination NYCACV0024 Grassland, Guisborough Road, Great Ayton ref: 3263    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Chief Executive - Local Engagement

Decision published: 27/10/2023

Effective from: 25/10/2023


a) The nomination for the Grassland on Guisborough Road, Great Ayton is not successful as it does not meet the definition of community value as detailed in the Localism Act 2011

b) It should not be placed on the North Yorkshire Council Assets of Community Value List of Unsuccessful Nominations

Lead officer: Mark Codman

25/10/2023 - Assessment of Assets of Community Value Nomination NYCACV0023 Great Ayton Allotments, Guisborough Road, Great Ayton ref: 3262    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Chief Executive - Local Engagement

Decision published: 27/10/2023

Effective from: 25/10/2023


a) The nomination for Great Ayton Allotments, Guisborough Road, Great Ayton is successful and meets the definition of community value as detailed in the Localism Act 2011

b) It should be placed on the North Yorkshire Council Assets of Community Value List of Successful Nominations

Lead officer: Mark Codman

20/10/2023 - Assessment of Assets of Community Value Nomination NYCACV0020 Methodist Chapel (Ebenezer Chapel), Kirkby Malzeard ref: 3261    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Chief Executive - Local Engagement

Decision published: 27/10/2023

Effective from: 20/10/2023


a) The nomination for the Methodist Chapel (Ebenezer Chapel), Kirkby Malzeard is unsuccessful and does not meet the definition of community value as detailed in the Localism Act 2011

b) It should be placed on the North Yorkshire Council Assets of Community Value List of Unsuccessful Nominations

Lead officer: Mark Codman

26/10/2023 - LB418-2023 P Wilkinson / Romanby ref: 3260    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Peter Wilkinson to award £1,000 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase of a new Starting Block and Racing Lanes for Northallerton Amateur Swimming Club.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB417-2023 Trumper / Whitby West ref: 3259    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Phil Trumper to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the venue hire for the festival with Eskdale Festival of the Arts.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB416-2023 Taylor / Huby and Tollerton ref: 3258    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Malcolm Taylor to award £2,000 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the improvements and replacement of play equipment on Newton on Ouse Playing Field with Newton on Ouse Community Association/Playing Field Committee.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB415-2023 Schofield / Harlow and St. Georges ref: 3257    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Mike Schofield to award £750 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase of uniforms and safety footwear for Essential Needs.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB414-2023 Sanderson / Thornton Dale and Wolds ref: 3256    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Janet Sanderson to award £2,050 of her Locality Budgets funding to provide a contribution to the replacement heritage roof at Thornton Le Dale Squash and Racketball Club.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB413-2023 Noland / Skipton North and Embsay-with-Eastby ref: 3255    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor David Noland to award £700 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the insurance for the newly formed social enterprise, Share Skipton.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB412-2023 Myers / Mid Craven ref: 3254    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Simon Myers to award £400 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase of new lights for the Christmas Tree with Gargrave Parish Council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB411-2023 Murday / Pateley Bridge and Nidderdale ref: 3253    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Andrew Murday to award £1,256 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase and installation of handrails at Pateley Bridge recreation ground war memorial with Bewerley Parish Council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB410-2023 Moorhouse / Great Ayton ref: 3252    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Heather Moorhouse to award £1,500 of her Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase of a Hedge Cutter, brush cutter, batteries and personal protection equipment for Great Ayton Lawn Bowls Club.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB409-2023 Maw / Weaponness and Ramshill ref: 3251    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Rich Maw to award £667.40 of his Locality Budgets funding to funding the venue hire, catering and equipment for the Scarborough Sports Awards with Scarborough Swimming Club.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB408-2023 Jeffels / Derwent Valley and Moor ref: 3250    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor David Jeffels to award £350 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the provision of food and heating for the Winter Warmth & Meals hub at Brompton by Sawdon Village Hall.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB407-2023 Jeffels / Derwent Valley and Moor ref: 3249    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor David Jeffels to award £350 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the provision of food and heating for the Winter Warmth & Meals hub with Ayton Methodist Church, Ayton Scarborough.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB406-2023 Donohue-Moncrieff / Hunmanby and Sherburn ref: 3248    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff to award £500 of her Locality Budgets funding to fund the beacon for D-Day 80th Anniversary event with Staxton and Willerby Parish Council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB405-2023 Andrews / Pickering ref: 3247    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Joy Andrews to award £600 of her Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase and installation of a 24-hour access defibrillator at the allotments on Outgang Lane Pickering with Outgang Lane Allotment Association.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

26/10/2023 - LB404-2023 Aldred / High Harrogate and Kingsley ref: 3246    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 03/11/2023


To accept the recommendation by Councillor Chris Aldred to award £3,000 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund the purchase of 15 tablets for outdoor project use for Northern Star Academies Trust at Harrogate High School.

(Cllr Aldred is employed by the School as an Exam Invigilator during Mock and Public Examinations - approx 30 hours work per year.)

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

24/10/2023 - Approval to appoint a Director on NY Highways Limited ref: 3245    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Executive Officer

Decision published: 26/10/2023

Effective from: 24/10/2023


To re-appoint Martin Duffy as a Non-Executive Director onto the Board of NY Highways Limited for a period of three years commencing on 1 April 2024.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

25/10/2023 - Leases for gritting vehicles by NY Highways Limited ref: 3243    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Executive Officer

Decision published: 25/10/2023

Effective from: 25/10/2023


That NYC, acting as Shareholder of NY Highways Limited (the “Company”), has approved the Company entering in to a lease for 31 gritters with anticipated effect from 1st September 2024.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

24/10/2023 - Hildyard Arms Retaining Wall - Award of Contract ref: 3244    For Determination

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment

Decision published: 25/10/2023

Effective from: 24/10/2023


Award of contract for Hildyard Arms Retaining Wall Rebuild to Hinko Construction Construction for £79,425.12.

The is a capital scheme and exceeds the budget of £75,000 but is within acceptable parameters.

Lead officer: Tricia Richards

24/10/2023 - Coach Street Car Park, Skipton ref: 3241    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Property, Procurement & Commercial

Decision published: 25/10/2023

Effective from: 24/10/2023


1.Purpose of Decision Record
To record the decision for Kevin Fisher to take enforcement action under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 in accordance with his delegated powers contained within the Council’s Constitution.
2.Background and Action to date
On Friday, 13th of October we were notified by Environmental Services Manager that caravans had parked on Coach Street Car Park, in Skipton. A site visit and welfare needs assessments have been carried out on the 17th of October by our Housing Team. This has established that there is no welfare needs.
Where a welfare need is present NYC’s policy states the following:
‘The County Council will seek to identify any relevant welfare needs of the site occupiers. Where needs are identified the County Council will try to assist or refer the matter to the relevant service or agency.
Where welfare needs are identified the case will be assessed on its own merits and any appropriate occupation period agreed. The situation will be monitored and the occupation period will be extended as the County Council deems necessary.’
Coach Street Car Park is an operational site. It is an unacceptable location and as such, in accordance with adopted policy, the occupiers will be served with notice to leave the site without delay to enable the operational service to resume.
The Council has a power under s77 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 to give a direction to leave land to people residing in vehicles, including caravans on land forming part of a highway, other unoccupied land or occupied land on which there are residing without the occupier’s consent.
The Council may give a direction that those persons and any others with them are to leave the land and remove the vehicles and any other property they have with them on the land.
If a person knowing that a direction under s77(1) has been given which applies to him –
(a)Fails, as soon as practicable, to leave the land or remove from the land any vehicle or other property which is the subject of the direction, or
(b)Having removed any such vehicle or property again enters the land with a vehicle within the period of 3 months being with the day on which the direction was given,
commits an officer and is liable upon summary conviction to a fine.
Then the Council may apply to the Magistrates Court for an order under S78 requiring the removal of any vehicle or other property which is present on the land and any persons residing in it.
A welfare needs assessment was conducted on 17th October 2023. Having regard to the Human Rights 1998 and Equality Act 2010 in particular in regard to the occupiers needs and welfare it would be proportionate when balancing individual needs against the wider public interest having regard to the unacceptable location of the unauthorised encampment to serve a direction under s77 for the removal of the vehicle(s) and person(s) from the site. Given that the location is unacceptable, relevant authorities are aware of the welfare needs on site and an appropriate occupation period has been afforded to the families, it is now in line with the Authorities Policy to serve notice without delay.
Failure to have the ability to open the Park and Ride site could create reputational damage to the Authority and have an impact on the wider tourist economy of the local area.
Therefore, we authorise Kevin Fisher for action to be taken under Sections 77 and 78 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 to secure the removal of those vehicles or other property and any persons residing in it from Coach Street Car Park, Skipton site in order to prevent trespass and protect the Council’s interests and enable the Council to continue to carry out its functions on the site.

Lead officer: Louise Heaps

24/10/2023 - Delivering Better Value in SEND ref: 3242    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval for the submission of an application for funding (for up to £1 million) from the Department for Education’s (DfEs) Delivering Better Value in SEND Programme.
North Yorkshire Council are participating in the Delivering Better Value in SEND Programme, during which we have been supported to identify changes that can be made to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND, whilst optimising the use of funding. As part of the programme we are seeking to submit our bid to access grant funding to support the implementation of the initiatives identified

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Education, Learning & Skills

Decision published: 24/10/2023

Effective from: 01/11/2023


Executive Member for Education, Learning and Skills following consultation with the Corporate Director Children and Young People’s Services and the Corporate Director Resources has authorised the submission of an application for grant funding of up to £1,000,000.

Lead officer: Martin Surtees

20/10/2023 - Participation Support (Self Advoacy) ref: 3240    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval for the procurement of a new Participation Support (Self Advocacy) Service from 1 April 2024

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 24/10/2023

Effective from: 01/11/2023


To extend the current Participation Support Contract for a 6-month period. This would take the contract end date from 1st April 2024 to 30th September 2024.

Lead officer: Claire Canavan

23/10/2023 - LA delivery support funding to enable the implementation and delivery of the government expansion of the Early Years entitlements offer ref: 3239    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval of S31 Grant for local authority delivery support funding to support delivery fo the expanded early years entitlements from April 2024.

The purpose of the grant is to provide support to local authorities in England towards expenditure lawfully incurred or to be incurred by them, to effectively roll out the new expanded Early Years entitlements offer,

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Education, Learning & Skills

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 23/10/2023


To accept the S31 Grant of £113,399.89 for the 2023/24 financial year.

Lead officer: Amanda Newbold

23/10/2023 - Appointment of a North Yorkshire Council substitute member to the York and North Yorkshire Joint Devolution Committee ref: 3238    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Executive Officer

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 23/10/2023


To appoint North Yorkshire Councillor Annabel Wilkinson as a North Yorkshire Council substitute member of the York and North Yorkshire Joint Devolution Committee.

By whom: Richard Flinton, Chief Executive Officer, under his emergency delegated powers in the Officers’ Delegation Scheme in the Constitution, in consultation with Councillor Carl Les, Leader of the Council.

Lead officer: Julie Robinson

20/10/2023 - Integrated Community Equipment Service ref: 3237    Recommendations Approved

To recommend a direct award utilising an appropriate framework in order that the incumbent provider can deliver an Integrated Community Equipment Service contract for a period of 16 months from 1st December 2023 to 31st March 2025. This will also include the option to extend should be exercised until 31st March 2026. This time frame will enable a full review of the service to determine future intentions

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 01/11/2023


A direct award has been given for the provision of community equipment services utilising a framework from 1st December 2023 to 31st March 2025.

Lead officer: Abigail Barron

20/10/2023 - Extension of Assistive Technology Contract ref: 3235    Recommendations Approved

To consider an extension to the contract for the provision of Assistive Technology Services from 1 April 2024 to 30th September 2024

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 01/11/2023


To approve the extension to the contract for the provision of assistive technology services in consultation with the Executive Member.

Lead officer: Michael Rudd