Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.
The records of decisions by Executive Members and Corporate Directors for the period January 2020 to February 2021 are available to view via the Library Archive.
The decision is required to undertake the
procurement for a contract for the servicing, repairs, and
maintenance of solar panels installed on social housing across
North Yorkshire.
Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Housing
Decision published: 29/11/2024
Effective from: 07/12/2024
To procure a contract for the servicing,
repairs and maintenance of solar panels via a further competition
on Procure Plus’ Retrofit Program Delivery Services
Lead officer: Michael Woodhouse
To submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for
Warm Homes funding, to provide insulation measures, renewable
heating, Solar PV and other energy efficiency measures. To assist
the council to alleviate fuel poverty across the county and support
the councils drive towards net zero.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Resources
Decision published: 29/11/2024
Effective from: 07/12/2024
That the Corporate Director Resources in
consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and the
Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing authorises the
submission of an expression of interest for external grant funding
of up to £9.5m per annum for a maximum of 3 years from the
Warm Homes: Local Grant.
Lead officer: Lynn Williams
Decision Maker: Assistant Chief Executive - Local Engagement
Decision published: 29/11/2024
Effective from: 04/11/2024
To review and update the approved Assistant
Chief Executive Local Engagement’s Scheme of Sub-delegation
as shown in Appendix 1
Lead officer: Claire Wilson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 26/11/2024
Effective from: 04/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Neil Swannick to award £1,300 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the food, cooking equipment and room hire at the Green Lane
Centre for the Hope foodbank cookery classes with Hope
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 26/11/2024
Effective from: 04/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Neil Swannick to award £1,000 of his Locality Budgets funding
to provide support towards the cost of the warm space at Green Lane
Community Centre for Green Lane Community Connections.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 26/11/2024
Effective from: 04/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
David Staveley to award £850 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase and installation of a new noticeboard for
Horton in Ribblesdale Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 26/11/2024
Effective from: 04/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
John Ritchie to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase and installation of a new gate for Childhaven
Community Nursery School.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 26/11/2024
Effective from: 04/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Hannah Gostlow to award £400 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of equipment to make the site more secure for
Knaresborough Forest Park.
Cllr Gostlow does not have a pecuniary interest but does know many
of the trustees/committee members.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 26/11/2024
Effective from: 04/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Caroline Dickinson to award £2,000 of her Locality Budgets
funding to fund the purchase of food and presents for the community
Christmas lunch with CRUTCH.
Cllr Dickinson is a volunteer at the event.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 26/11/2024
Effective from: 04/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
John Cattanach to award £400 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase and installation of a replacement parish
noticeboard for Stillingfleet Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 26/11/2024
Effective from: 04/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Philip Broadbank to award £2,000 of his Locality Budgets
funding to fund the repairs to the fire doors in the church halls
at St Andrews Church.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 26/11/2024
Effective from: 04/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor Joy
Andrews to award £500 of her Locality Budgets funding to fund
the hall, food and decorations for the Christmas lunch at the
memorial hall with Pickering CIC.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 26/11/2024
Effective from: 04/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Richard Foster to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the new Christmas lights for the main street with
Grassington Chamber of Trade.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Andrew Williams to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of equipment for the various activities at
Ripon Men's Shed.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Annabel Wilkinson to award £600 of her Locality Budgets
funding to fund the purchase of a new noticeboard, folding tables
and a hot water boiler for Yafforth Village Group.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Steve Shaw-Wright to award £1,000 of his Locality Budgets
funding to fund the purchase of 2 new laptops for Selby Abbey
Primary School.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Andrew Murday to award £300 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of a defibrillator for Wilsill with Pateley
Bridge Town Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Rich Maw to award £950 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase of a large interactive screen for the activity
room at the centre with Scarborough and District Mencap.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Cliff Lunn to award £2,000 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the provision of weatherproof cover for the cricket screens at
Thorpe Willoughby Cricket Club.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
George Jabbour to award £1,000 of his Locality Budgets
funding to fund the feasibility study for a programme of
regeneration for Castlegate and adjacent Greenspaces in Malton with
NYC – Regeneration Team.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
George Jabbour to award £5,000 of his Locality Budgets
funding to fund the upgrades to the public toilets on Borogate in
Helmsley with NYC - Waste and Street Scene Operations.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nathan Hull to award £1,500 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the flood prevention/alleviation works at Askwith Village
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nathan Hull to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase and installation of a new bench at East View,
Summerbridge for Hartwith cum Winsley Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Bryn Griffiths to award £2,000 of his Locality Budgets
funding to provide support to meet the running costs of the
Community Care Minibuses for Stokesley and District Community Care
Cllr Griffiths is a member of SDCCA.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor Liz
Colling to award £500 of her Locality Budgets funding to fund
the purchase and installation of a new gate at Childhaven Nursery
Cllr Colling is vice-chair of the governors for the
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Lindsay Burr to award £4,210 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of sculptures and planting for the Eden
Business Park Roundabout Project with Malton in Bloom.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase of replacement picnic tables for the village play
area for Marton Le Moor Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Andy Brown to award £400 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase of a new oven and equipment at Kildwick and
Farnhill Institute.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Alyson Baker to award £500 of her Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase and installation of soundboards at Tholthorpe
Village Hall.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Alyson Baker to award £400 of her Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase of acoustic panels to soundproof the hall at
Kilburn Village Institute.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
To appoint and enter into contract with the
chosen supplier for the Whitby Old Town Hall and Market Place
project constructions works.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Community Development
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 03/12/2024
Approval to enter into contract with Tenderer
C for the value of £788,198.26 to deliver the construction
works on the Old Town Hall and Market Place, Whitby
Lead officer: Kerry Levitt
NYC is preparing a bid for Social Housing
Decarbonisation Fund Wave 3. This provides financial support of up
to 50% for housing retrofit measures to Council owned stock.
Following an expression of interest submitted to the fund on 16th
October 2024 the Council can bid for Wave 3 of this fund, with bid
closing date of 25th November 2024.
The bid value is anticipated to be up to £20.5million, with a
total project cost of up to £41million. This would support
housing retrofit of approximately 2700 dwellings over 3 years April
2025 to September 2028.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Resources
Decision published: 25/11/2024
Effective from: 22/11/2024
The Corporate Director of Resources as Chief
Finance Officer in consultation with the Executive Member for
Finance, the Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing and the
Executive Member for Managing our Environment, authorises the
submission of an application for grant funding of up to
£35.3m and that approval of the scope of the submission and
the final bid document be delegated to the Housing Standards
Lead officer: Paul Cole
Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Resources (Community Development)
Decision published: 22/11/2024
Effective from: 22/11/2024
To accept the Scarborough Town Centre Sites
funding of £100,000 from the YNY Combined Authority Mayoral
Lead officer: Marie Woodhouse
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Resources
Decision published: 20/11/2024
Effective from: 06/03/2024
The current insurance broker contract is for
the period of two years from 1st January 2021 with the option to
extend for one year, plus one year, plus one year to 31st December
2025. A decision has been taken to extend the broker contract with
Marsh for the final year from 1st January 2025 to 31st December
Lead officer: Louise Heaps
To seek approval from the Executive Member for
Culture, Arts and Housing to adopt the revised Anti-Social
Behaviour Policy (Landlord Services) and accompanying Good
Neighbourhood Management Policy.
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Culture, Arts & Housing
Decision published: 20/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
Approval has been given to adopt the proposed
Anti-Social Behaviour Policy and accompanying Good Neighbourhood
Management Policy.
Lead officer: Carl Doolan
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Annabel Wilkinson to award £400 of her Locality Budgets
funding to fund the relocation of the village defibrillator for
Appleton Wiske Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Andrew Timothy to award £450 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of 2 freezers for the food bank at Harrogate
Homeless Project.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Roberta Swiers to award £500 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of competition uniforms for the East Coast
Tigers cheerleading group.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Karin Sedgwick to award £600 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of a banner for the army cadet force with
gloves, pole, case and base for Wensleydale School Army
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Karin Sedgwick to award £300 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of clay, activity books, giant activity sticks
and bands for the summer holiday club with Kings Club.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Karin Sedgwick to award £500 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase a storage unit for the village hall with West
Witton Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Yvonne Peacock to award £500 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the improvements to the play surface, renew shackles on the
swings and paint the swing frames at the play area with
Burton-cum-Walden Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Yvonne Peacock to award £300 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the fees, licensing, hire of film and equipment for the
residents at Sycamore Hall with the Sycamore Activities
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Andy Paraskos to award £1,300 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase and installation of a defibrillator for
Plompton with Follifoot Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Andy Paraskos to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the printing of the Parish and Village Magazine New Year
edition for The Church of the Epiphany.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Steve Mason to award £340 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the feasibility study for a programme of regeneration for
Castlegate and adjacent Greenspaces in Malton with NYC –
Regeneration Team.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Kevin Foster to award £300 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the venue and food for the Richmondshire District Scouts team
building day with Richmondshire District Scouts.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff to award £500 of her Locality
Budgets funding to fund the hall rental for the Staxton &
Willerby Youth Group.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor Liz
Colling to award £500 of her Locality Budgets funding to fund
the purchase of furniture and resources for the children’s
counselling room at St Catherines Hospice.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
John Cattanach to award £2,500 of his Locality Budgets
funding to fund the purchase and replacement of 16 lanterns to new
LED in Kelfield with Kelfield Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Lindsay Burr to award £1,560 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the feasibility study for a programme of regeneration for
Castlegate and adjacent Greenspaces in Malton with NYC –
Regeneration Team.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Lindsay Burr to award £1,670 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the feasibility study in relation to pedestrian crossing
provision in two locations within Malton with NYC - Align Property
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Derek Bastiman to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the Fund the repainting and refurbishment in part of the
community rooms at Cloughton Community Church Hall.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Technology
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from:
The award of a contract for Supply of VMware
licences and software support to Phoenix Software Limited following
a further competition through CCS Framework RM6098 Technology
Products and Associated Services 2.
The contract is for five years and commences on 1 November 2024. No
options to extend are available.
The contract value is £515,164.64 (exc VAT).
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Technology
Decision published: 18/11/2024
Effective from: 16/10/2024
This decision relates to a previously taken
Key Decision:
To award a contract to Inseego Ltd for the provision of a vehicle
telematics and portal system for the Council vehicle fleet as well
as those of its subsidiaries or local authority trading companies
(wholly owned company).
Contract is for three years from 1 November 2024 – 31 October
2027, with a 24-month optional extension available to 31 October
2029. The awarded value is £600,000.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
To seek approval for re-procurement of the
Seasonal Vegetation Cutting Programme.
The current framework agreement expires on 31 March 2025.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision published: 15/11/2024
Effective from: 23/11/2024
To undertake a procurement exercise for
delivery of a Seasonal Vegetation Cutting Programme. The current
framework agreement expires on 31 March 2025.
Lead officer: Rosie Sanderson
Procurement of a Six Month Microsoft Licensing
Solution Partner contract to consolidate North Yorkshire Councils
Enterprise Subscription Licenses on to a single
Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Technology
Decision published: 14/11/2024
Effective from: 22/11/2024
To direct award the License Solution Provider
contract for 6 months, to enable the transfer and the consolidation
of NYC’s ESA license onto a single agreement for future
procurement exercises.
Lead officer: Gordon Atkin
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Janet Sanderson to award £2,380 of her Locality Budgets
funding to fund the purchase and installation of village gateway
signs for Foxholes with Butterwick Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Carl Les to award £300 of his Locality Budgets funding to
provide a contribution to the new litter bins for Scorton Parish
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
John Cattanach to award £460 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of equipment for the Skipwith Community
Speedwatch group in collaboration with Skipwith Parish
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase of two parish noticeboards for Baldersby &
Baldersby St James Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase of a solar panel for a speed sign for Melmerby
& Middleton Quernhow Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase and installation of a new Parish noticeboard for
Kirby Hill and District Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the pollarding of the lime trees within the village with Wath
and Norton Conyers Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the refurbishment of the lamps and the light at the gate with
Skelton cum Newby Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase and installation of a replacement cemetery
noticeboard for Dishforth Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the planting of 35 trees along the old access road for Rainton
with Newby Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Andrew Timothy to award £2,500 of his Locality Budgets
funding to fund the restoration of carpets and flooring in the
Homeless Project Day centre for Harrogate Homeless
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Subash Sharma to award £1,000 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase and installation of a new boiler at Yorkshire
Coast Sight Support.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Karin Sedgwick to award £300 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the lunch and refreshments at the high ropes and paint
balling event for Richmondshire Scouts.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Stuart Parsons to award £1,000 of his Locality Budgets
funding to provide funding for the archival activities at
Richmondshire Museum.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
John McCartney to award £2,000 of his Locality Budgets
funding to fund the lighting upgrade at Kellington Village Hall
with Kellington Parish Council.
Cllr McCartney is a member of Kellington Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Peter Lacey to award £2,000 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the costs of the Help Our Harrogate volunteering project
with Harrogate & District Community Action (HADCA).
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Peter Lacey to award £2,240 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of replacement flooring for Harrogate Homeless
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Peter Lacey to award £2,600 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of equipment, paint and artists time for the
community shed mural at Coppice Valley Primary School.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase and installation of a new noticeboard for Bar
Lane with Roecliffe & Westwick Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 12/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase of plants and compost for the Community Park and
verges in the village for Asenby Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Andrew Williams to award £2,000 of his Locality Budgets
funding to fund the activities for children to participate in
during the summer school holidays (2025) with Ripon Together.
Cllr Williams represents Ripon City Council on the Ripon Together
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Andrew Williams to award £1,000 of his Locality Budgets
funding to fund the free community activities at the festival in
June 2025 for Ripon Theatre Festival.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
David Webster to award £2,000 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase and installation of Under 5s equipment in the
Playing Field at Snape for Snape with Thorp Parish
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Phil Trumper to award £3,000 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the fireworks display at the Whitby Christmas Festival with
Whitby Town Council.
Cllr Trumper does not have a pecuniary interest but does help the
Town Council organise the event.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Angus Thompson to award £630 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of 2 village signs and a litter/dog poo bin
for Kirby Hill Parish Meeting.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Tony Randerson to award £400 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of 20 fruit trees for the community orchard on
land between Dunn Grove and Dale Edge in Eastfield for Grow
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Yvonne Peacock to award £300 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the venue and equipment hire for the Richmondshire District
Scouts team building day with Richmondshire District
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Yvonne Peacock to award £2,500 of her Locality Budgets
funding to fund the new finger post and specialist restoration of
the original post for the Waymarker project with Marske and New
Forest Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Yvonne Peacock to award £300 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase and installation of safety signs in Thwaite
for Muker Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Carl Les to award £300 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase of fleece jackets for the choir members
performing at the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall
with Service Children’s Community Choir.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor Tim
Grogan to award £430 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund
the purchase of an outdoor book library for Fairburn Community
Primary School.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor Liz
Colling to award £3,600 of her Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase and installation of a new boiler for Yorkshire
Coast Sight Support.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase and installation of a new bench on Leeming Lane,
near the bus stop for Langthorpe Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase and installation of a new noticeboard for Norton
le Clay with Cundall with Norton le Clay Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase of a defibrillator for Hutton Conyers with Hewick
and Hutton Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Nick Brown to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase of new IT equipment for Bishop Monkton Parish
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
To consider and approve the required budget to
fund the Service Management Platform convergence project as well as
the required budget to procure the system for Environmental Health,
Licensing and Trading Standards (including Farming, Food and
Decision Maker: Deputy Leader & Executive Member for Finance & Resources
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 29/10/2024
The funding of an implementation budget of
£577,784 for the 5768 Regulatory and Licensing Services
System and Business Process Convergence Project is
Lead officer: Callum McKeon
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 19/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Philip Barrett to award £1,500 of his Locality Budgets
funding to fund the labour and material costs including flags and
landscaping for the garden area at Cross Hills
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
To seek approval to begin a consultation on a
proposal to remove Sixth Form Provision at Wensleydale School and
Sixth Form by the 31 August 2025.
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Education, Learning & Skills
Decision published: 08/11/2024
Effective from: 16/11/2024
Executive Member approval to consult on a
proposal that the Council should change the age range at
Wensleydale School and Sixth Form, Leyburn, effective from 31
August 2025, by ceasing the Sixth Form Provision.
Lead officer: Jon Holden
To seek approval to begin a consultation on a
proposal to close Hackforth and Hornby, Church of England,
Voluntary Controlled Primary School by 31 August 2025.
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Education, Learning & Skills
Decision published: 07/11/2024
Effective from: 16/11/2024
The Executive Member for Education and Skills
has agreed approval to consult on the proposal that the Council
should close Hackforth and Hornby Church of England Voluntary
Controlled Primary School from 31 August 2025.
Lead officer: Jon Holden
To approve the extension of the Dementia
Support and Advice Service countywide contract for a term of 2
years, commencing on 01/04/2025 ceasing on 31/03/2027. Amendments
are permitted under the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules
and associated Public Contract Regulations.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services
Decision published: 07/11/2024
Effective from: 15/11/2024
Approval has been given for the extension of
the Dementia Support and Advice Service countywide contract for a
term of 2 years, commencing on 01/04/2025 and ceasing on
Lead officer: Joanne Waldmeyer
Decision Maker: Assistant Chief Executive - Local Engagement
Decision published: 05/11/2024
Effective from: 04/11/2024
a) The change of use planning application site
(The Cottage) is to be removed from the register of Assets of
Community Value.
b) The remaining site (The Blacksmith’s Arms, Flaxton) is to
remain on the register of Assets of Community Value.
Lead officer: Claire Wilson
To seek approval for the Vehicle Procurement
Plan for 2024-25.
This will enable fleet management to further procure vehicles for
the former NYCC replacements not covered under the existing Gateway
while clarity is sought on budgets for the county and former
districts, on a priority need. A 10 year can then be
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision published: 05/11/2024
Effective from: 01/11/2024
Authorisation to commence a procurement
process for requirements for 2024-2025 for vehicle replacements and
including short term hire for all services.
Lead officer: Kelly Baxter
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision published: 05/11/2024
Effective from: 14/10/2024
To review and update the approved Corporate
Director of Environment’s scheme of sub-delegation as shown
in the attached breakdown at Appendices 1 and 2.
Lead officer: Tricia Richards
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Highways & Transportation
Decision published: 05/11/2024
Effective from: 02/11/2024
Endorsement of work to develop an Urban Gull
Strategy for the North Yorkshire Coast.
Lead officer: Tricia Richards
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision published: 05/11/2024
Effective from: 01/11/2024
The parking and waiting restrictions at
Hookstone Park, Harrogate be introduced as proposed and the impact
upon on-street parking opportunity is noted.
Lead officer: Tricia Richards
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision published: 05/11/2024
Effective from: 01/11/2024
The additions to the Highways Capital Forward
Programme for Structural Highway Maintenance identified since the
last Highways Capital Programme report dated 12 September 2024 are
Area 3
A171 Normanby Bends Drainage, Hawsker - £35,000
U2413 Stoupe Brow Landslip, Fylingdales Moor –
Lead officer: Tricia Richards
To inform the Corporate Director of
Environment and the Executive Member for Managing our Environment
of the options for waste service fees and charges.
To obtain approval to set charges for 2025/26 and to agree the
principles of future reviews.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision published: 05/11/2024
Effective from: 13/11/2024
The proposals for fees and charges for 2025/26
as detailed in the report and for setting of future fees and
charges is approved.
Lead officer: Aimi Brookes
To set out the rationale and methodology for
the countywide strategic speed limit review and prioritisation of
resultant schemes.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision published: 05/11/2024
Effective from: 13/11/2024
The introduction of a 50mph speed limit as
advertised is approved and the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and
Democratic Services) be authorised to seal the relevant Traffic
Regulation Order by the Corporate Director, Environment and
Executive Member for Highways and Transportation for access in
light of the objections received and that the objectors are
notified within 14 days of the order being made.
Lead officer: Allan McVeigh
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision published: 05/11/2024
Effective from: 05/11/2024
To review and update the approved Corporate
Director of Environment’s scheme of sub-delegation as shown
in the attached breakdown at Appendices 1 & 2.
Lead officer: Maureen Wilson
To approve the procurement of a Framework
Agreement for the Supply of Winter Road Surface Treatments
2021-2025 with an estimated spend of £4.0M per year or
£16m over the life of the four-year Framework.
This will enable the relevant procurement activity to take place to
ensure a supply of Rock Salt is maintained following the cessation
of the existing contract on 30 April 2025.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision published: 05/11/2024
Effective from: 13/11/2024
The Council establishes a procurement
framework for the Supply of Winter Road Surface Treatments
2025-2029 with an estimated spend of £2.5M per year which is
£10M over the life of the Framework.
Lead officer: James Gilroy
Decision Maker: Assistant Chief Executive - Local Engagement
Decision published: 04/11/2024
Effective from: 04/11/2024
a) The nomination for NYCACV0051 Minster
Gardens/Kirkgate Park, Ripon is successful and meets the definition
of community value as detailed in the Localism Act 2011
b) It should be placed on the North Yorkshire Council Assets of
Community Value Register of successful nominations
Lead officer: Claire Wilson
To set out, and seek approval for, the
deployment of a sixth Household Support Fund (HSF) allocation (1
October 2024 – 31 March 2025) in order to provide assistance
to vulnerable and low-income households in most need of support,
and to help with essential living costs over the winter
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 04/11/2024
Effective from: 04/11/2024
• That the Council will deploy a sixth
Household Support Fund (HSF) allocation (1 October 2024 – 31
March 2025) of £3,537,549.92, in order to provide support to
vulnerable households in need of crisis support, with the cost of
essentials over the next 6 months.
• That in line with Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
guidance for the sixth phase of HSF, the Council will deliver a
programme of targeted and universal support through the following
- Direct award in the form of a shopping voucher to eligible
households in receipt of maximum Council Tax Reduction (CTR).
- HSF Exceptional Circumstances Fund for those who have not
benefitted from support due to circumstances beyond their control
and meet the eligibility criteria.
- Energy support
- Grants for food banks and providers of free or low-cost
- Emergency awards available through North Yorkshire Local
Assistance Fund (NYLAF).
- Support for Care Leavers.
North Yorkshire’s Delivery Plan will be submitted to DWP on 5
November 2024 to reflect the programme.
• That the Assistant Director for Customer, Revenue and
Benefits will undertake any subsequent residual funding decisions
in liaison with the Executive Member for Corporate
Lead officer: Margaret Wallace
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 11/10/2024
The parking and waiting restrictions at Old
Park Mews and King Street, Ripon be introduced as proposed and the
impact upon parking opportunity for neighbouring residents is
Lead officer: Tricia Richards
Decision Maker: Corporate Director Children and Young People's Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 11/10/2024
To publish the North Yorkshire Council Permit
Scheme evaluation reports for 2018/19 to 2020/21 and to note a
further evaluation report for the next three year period.
Lead officer: Tricia Richards
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 30/10/2024
Award of contract for Long Gill East Bridge
Repairs for £115,678.00 to Thomas Armstrong (Construction)
Lead officer: Tricia Richards
Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Highways and Transportation, Parking Services, Parks & Grounds
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 30/10/2024
North Yorkshire Council intends to enter an
agreement with landowners Stephen Martin Gill and John Robin Marris
and Elaine Marris the for the dedication of approximately 560m2
area of land encompassing Smeaton Bridge, Womersley for highway
purposes pursuant to section 72 of the Highways Act 1980. The land
is to be used to form embankments on the elevations of the bridge
to replace the existing structure which has partially failed and
allow for improvements to the road.
Lead officer: Tricia Richards
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Arnold Warneken to award £700 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the Bat Survey for The Pinewoods Ecological Study for
Pinewoods Conservation Group.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Neil Swannick to award £1,000 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the ‘This is the Coast’ Radio Station at the
Whitby Christmas Festival for Whitby Town Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Neil Swannick to award £1,000 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of replacement roses and other planting for
the Alice Garden renovation, Cliff Street, Whitby with Whitby in
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Neil Swannick to award £5,000 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the supply and erection of 5 lighting columns at Airy Hill
Primary School, Whitby.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor Dan
Sladden to award £300 of his Locality Budgets funding to fund
the purchase of external housing for the defibrillator outside the
Guard Room for 4th Regiment Royal Artillery (the North East
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Steve Shaw-Wright to award £3,000 of his Locality Budgets
funding to fund the Drumba activity programme licence at Selby
Abbey Primary School.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Mike Schofield to award £1,400 of his Locality Budgets
funding to fund the heating bill for the Wednesday Kitchen and Warm
Place at Resurrected Bites.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Clive Pearson to award £2,000 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase of a 20ft steel container to securely house
the groundsman's equipment at Lealholm Community and Sports
Cllr Pearson is a member of the association.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Clive Pearson to award £1,000 of his Locality Budgets funding
to fund the purchase and installation of Christmas Lights in
Glaisdale High Street for Glaisdale Women’s
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Steve Mason to award £340 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the feasibility study in relation to pedestrian crossing
provision in two locations within Malton with NYC - Align Property
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Steve Mason to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the general repairs to the roof and kitchen floor at Hovingham
Village Hall.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Carl Les to award £500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase of a replacement Parish Council noticeboard for
Brompton on Swale Parish Council.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Janet Jefferson to award £810 of her Locality Budgets funding
to fund the marshals at the annual Raft Race within Scarborough
Harbour on Boxing Day 2024 with Scarborough Sub Aqua Club 83.
Cllr Jefferson is the councillor for Castle Division and has
participated in the annual Boxing Day events for many
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor Tim
Grogan to award £1,500 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase and installation of new replacement windows for
Fairburn Church Hall Trustees.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff to award £1,500 of her Locality
Budgets funding to fund the purchase of equipment and decorating
materials to enhance the club house and bowling green for members
at Hunmanby Bowls Club.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
To accept the recommendation by Councillor
Karl Arthur to award £900 of his Locality Budgets funding to
fund the purchase of materials to reroof the club house and repairs
to the tennis courts at Cliffe Tennis Club.
Lead officer: Julie Robinson
To note changes to the route to market and
capital grant value since permission to procure was granted in July
2023 and seek permission to launch a procurement exercise for a
Charging Point Operator (CPO)
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision published: 01/11/2024
Effective from: 09/11/2024
Having noted that changes have been made to
the route to market and capital available for the procurement of a
delivery partner to undertake the rollout of Electric Vehicle
Charging Points (EVCPs) across North Yorkshire since the key
decision in July 2023, the Corporate Director - Environment, in
consultation with the Executive Member for Highways
•a further report will follow after the procurement exercise
to award the contract; and
•the procurement of a delivery partner to undertake the design
and, separately, the delivery of the renewable system proposed as
part of the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund Pilot
scheme to take place.
Lead officer: Keisha Moore
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Resources
Decision published: 31/10/2024
Effective from: 08/11/2024
To submit an application to the Public Sector
Decarbonisation Scheme Phase 4.
This funding stream is being made available by the Government to
provide public sector bodies with access to funding to support heat
decarbonisation schemes in their properties.
Lead officer: Louise Heaps