The purpose of this report is to submit an
Expression of Interest for additional funding from the Local
Authority Housing Fund.
The additional funding has been released by MHCLG to enable Local
Authorities to deliver more homes both for Refugee Resettlement
Schemes and for the provision of Temporary Accommodation.
The decision required is to approve submission of the Expression of
Interest for additional funding from MCHLG.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affect on communities;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/01/2025
This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.
Reason for urgency:
On 23 December 2024 the Council received notification from MHCLG inviting Local Authorities to submit Expressions of Interest for additional funding from the Local Authority Housing Fund (Round 3). Expressions of Interest need to be submitted by 17 January 2025.
The additional funding is for both Refugee Resettlement Schemes and for the provision of Temporary Accommodation. This will represent a rare opportunity to access additional funding to enable us to deliver more properties where we have a current shortage of suitable properties to meet these high priority needs.
Decision due: 16 Jan 2025 by Assistant Director - Resources (Community Development)
Lead member: Executive Member for Culture, Arts & Housing
Lead director: Corporate Director of Community Development
Contact: John Burroughs, Housing Strategy and Development Officer Email: Email:
Consultation process
Consultation will take place on an on-going
basis with the Refugee Resettlement Manager in order to identify
suitable locations and properties for the Afghan households.
Similarly consultation will take place with the Head of Housing
Needs to identify suitable locations and properties for the
temporary accommodation for the homeless households.
The Council’s Refugees Resettlement
The Council’s Head of Housing Needs