Venue: Committee Room - Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT
Contact: Palbinder Mann 01757 292207 or Email:
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Margaret Bontoft, Fred Matthews and Councillors Mark Crane and Jennifer Shaw-Wright. |
Disclosures of Interest A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at
Board members should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not (in the case of Selby District Councillors) already entered in their Register of Interests.
Board members should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Board members should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.
If in doubt, Board members are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer. Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Central CEF Partnership Board held on 14 March 2018. Minutes: The Partnership Board considered the minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2018.
RESOLVED: To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Partnership Board meeting held on 14 March 2018. |
Appointment of Vice Chair To appoint a Vice-Chair for the 2018/19 municipal year. Minutes: It was proposed, and seconded, that Steve Shaw-Wright be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Central CEF for the 2018-19 municipal year.
RESOLVED: To appoint Steve Shaw-Wright as Vice-Chair of the Central CEF for the 2018-19 municipal year.
Appointment of Funding Sub-Committee To appoint members to the Central CEF Funding Sub-Committee for the municipal year 2018/19. Minutes: It was proposed and seconded that Councillor Judith Chilvers, Councillor Paul Welch, Tony Wray, Melanie Davis and Michael Dyson be appointed to the Central CEF Funding Sub-Committee for 2018-19.
RESOLVED: To appoint Councillor Judith Chilvers, Councillor Paul Welch, Tony Wray, Melanie Davis and Michael Dyson as members of the Central CEF Funding Sub-Committee for 2018-19.
Meeting Start Times To agree the start time for Partnership Board meetings, Funding Sub-Committee meetings and Forums for the municipal year 2018/19. Minutes: It was proposed, and seconded, that the start times of CEF meetings for the 2018-19 municipal year be as follows:
Partnership Board – 6.30pm Funding Sub-Committee – 6.00pm Forum – 6.30pm
RESOLVED: To approve the start times of Central CEF meetings for the 2018-19 municipal year as set out above.
Chair's Report To receive any reports and updates from the Chair (oral report). Minutes: The Chair informed the Board that he did not have a report for the meeting. |
To consider the Central CEF budget. Minutes: The Board noted the budget update, which confirmed a remaining balance of £31,598.
RESOLVED: To note the budget update.
Funding Applications PDF 143 KB To consider the following funding applications received, with reference to the funding framework: Minutes: The Board noted the Funding Framework. |
St Wilfrid's Wellbeing Cafe, 'Wellbeing Pamper Treatments', £720 PDF 498 KB Minutes: St Wilfrid’s Wellbeing Café, ‘Wellbeing Pamper Treatments’, £720
The application was for £720 for wellbeing pamper treatments at the St Wilfrid’s Church Wellbeing Café.
The Board considered the application and requested further financial information from the applicants as background to the application.
The Board agreed that the application should be deferred, and the Democratic Services Officer was instructed to contact the applicant to obtain the additional financial information.
RESOLVED: To DEFER consideration of the application until further financial background information had been provided by the applicant and submitted to the Board. |
Feedback from the recent Community Engagement Forum To receive feedback from the Forum meeting held on 13 June 2018 (oral update). Minutes: The Development Officer gave feedback to the Board from the recent forum held in Barlow. Informative presentations from the ‘Don’t Be A Waster’ campaign and the Leader of the Council were given at the meeting, but attendance had been disappointingly low.
The Development Officer emphasised the importance of encouraging more people from the local area to attend meetings, and asked the Board to give some consideration to how they wished to go about doing this.
Selby Abbey 950 Commemorations To receive an update on planned commemorations for the 950th anniversary of Selby Abbey (oral update). Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Selby District Council’s External Funding Co-Ordinator about the plans to celebrate Selby Abbey’s 950 commemorations in 2019.
It was noted that there would be three themes to the celebrations; arts and culture, heritage and civic pride. The Board were asked to consider how they wished to contribute to the celebration, which would take place between March and October 2019.
The External Funding Co-Ordinator explained that the CEF would be kept up to date with the planning of the celebrations and encouraged the Board to submit ideas for events or projects to enhance them.
RESOLVED: To ask the Partnership Board to submit ideas for events or projects to take place as part of the Selby Abbey 950 commemorations in 2019 to the External Funding-Co-ordinator.
Community Development Plan PDF 98 KB To consider progress and developments related to the Central CEF Community Development Plan, and to approve the revised Community Development Plan drafted by the Working Group. Minutes: The Development Officer explained that a group of Board members had met to discuss and update the Community Development Plan. It had been agreed that a column be inserted on the CDP to detail the ‘CEF lead’ for certain projects.
The Board discussed the CDP and the Development Officer asked for Board members to put themselves forward to lead on the CDP projects either at the meeting or via email.
The following Board members were identified as leads for CDP projects:
· 4.1 and 4.2 – Community Speed Watch and Passing Places - Tony Wray
The Board noted that Barlow Parish Council would like to be involved in this project. Suitable passing places on East Common Lane in Barlow were being investigated.
· 3.1 - Selby Park Bowling Green Regeneration - Councillor Ian Chilvers and Michael Dyson
There was some discussion amongst the Board about the viability of regenerating the bowling greens. Some Board members felt that there was other work in the parks that should be prioritised, such as children’s play equipment, lighting, benches and the sensory garden. Officers present at the meeting explained that a lot of work had been delayed due to delays in changing the park byelaws. It was noted that the new byelaws would be considered by Council at its July meeting.
· 1.1 – Team Up to Clean Up Campaign - Steve Shaw-Wright
· 1.2 – Install handrail alongside the footpath under the railway bridge - Michael Dyson
· 1.4 – Reduce fly tipping and tidy up the area (Selby TARA/Flaxley Road) and targeted community tidy up days: Councillor Cliff Lunn
The Board felt that there needed to be more communication and education around this issue and ways to tackle it, i.e. promoting use of the local household recycling centre, or through bodies such as the Youth or Student Councils.
· 1.5 – Window on the Past Heritage Project - Steve Shaw-Wright
The Board noted that a meeting had been arranged with the Communities Team about this project but there had been issues with attendance and it would need to be rearranged.
· 2.1 – Flood and Community Resilience - Councillor Steph Duckett
· 2.2 – ASB Youth Provision - Councillor Karl Arthur
The Board discussed the creation of a working group to establish a delivery method for reducing anti-social behaviour; it was suggested that closer working with the Youth Council and NYCC would benefit this project.
· 3.2 – Reinvigorating and increasing use of Selby Park, decrease social isolation, increase time spent outdoors, getting Selby active - Councillor Judith Chilvers
The Board were pleased to note that the work to tidy up the canal towpath (item 1.3 of the CDP) had now been done and had greatly improved the look of the towpath.
The Development Officer asked the Board members to contact her directly if they would like to put themselves forward as the CEF lead for the remaining CDP projects (3.3, 3.4, 3.5).
RESOLVED: To ask Board members to contact the Development Officer by email to put themselves forward ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Marketing and Publicity PDF 1 MB To discuss ideas to promote the Central CEF. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Development Officer explained that the Central CEF needed to improve its public attendance and how it promoted itself. The Board were asked to consider how they wished to move forward with this, including the cost of any publicity work.
The Development Officer confirmed that she would send an interactive form out to all Board members in order for them to give details of what promotional work they think should take place.
RESOLVED: To ask the Development Officer to email an interactive form to the Partnership Board, in order to survey for ideas to promote the Central CEF. |
Communications To discuss any points of interest relating to the Central CEF that should be forwarded to Selby District Council’s Communications Team to undertake publicity work. Minutes: The Board discussed points of interest relating to the Central CEF that should be forwarded to Selby District Council’s Communications Team to undertake publicity work.
The Development Officer suggested that the CEF’s work with the Youth Council as part of the CDP should be submitted to the Communications Team; the Board were in agreement and endorsed the idea.
RESOLVED: To ask the Democratic Services Officer to submit Central CEF’s work with Youth Council to the Communications Team at Selby District Council for publicity work. |
Impact Reports To consider the following completed impact reports: Minutes: The Board received the impact reports set out at page 57 to 68 of the agenda.
Brayton Community Centre: Here and Now PDF 85 KB Minutes: The Board considered the impact report from Brayton Community Centre for ‘Here and Now’.
It was noted that the impact report was for a project from 2016.
There was concern from some Board Members that the Central CEF was funding work that would have previously been picked up by other organisations or funds, i.e. Section 106 or Community Infrastructure Levy monies.
The Board agreed that it was important for the Central CEF to be aware of other funding sources that were available, and when considering applications to assess how they were relevant to the Central CEF’s CDP.
RESOLVED: To note the impact report. |
Brayton Community Centre: Heating Boiler PDF 83 KB Minutes: The Board considered the impact report from Brayton Community Centre for ‘Heating Boiler’.
RESOLVED: To note the impact report .
Minutes: The Board considered the impact report from Selby Parkrun.
RESOLVED: To note the impact report.
Next Meetings To confirm the date and location of the next Central CEF meetings:
Minutes: The Board discussed the venue for the next Central forum on 12 September 2018, and asked the Democratic Services Officer to book the Cunliffe Centre in Selby.
The Development Officer asked the Board to send to her ideas to encourage attendance by the public.
RESOLVED: i) To ask the Democratic Services Officer to book the Cunliffe Centre in Selby for the Central CEF meeting on 12 September 2018.
ii) To ask the Central CEF Partnership Board members to send ideas to the Development Officer to encourage attendance by the public to the meeting. |