Decision details

Appointments to Outside Bodies

Decision Maker: Executive, Chief Executive Officer

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


All appointments made by the Executive to Outside Bodies to be extended to the May 2022 AGM.


Considered –


A report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) seeking approval to extend the existing appointments to the Outside Bodies to the end of the current Council in May 2022, and to appoint one member and a substitute to the York and North Yorkshire Local

Enterprise Partnership Overview and Scrutiny Board.


Having considered the proposals in the report and additional proposals put forward by the Leader at the meeting, members of the Executive agreed to recommend to the Chief Executive that using his delegated powers, he approve:


i.        An amendment to the name of County Councillor Michael Harrison’s Executive Member portfolio post to – Executive Member for Adult Social Care & Health Integration, including Health & Wellbeing Board and Extra Care;

ii.      The extension of existing appointments to the Outside Bodies, to the end of the current Council in May 2022;

iii.      The appointment of County Councillor Caroline Goodrick and County Councillor Helen Swiers (as a Substitute) to the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership Overview and Scrutiny Board;

iv.   Two Executive Members appointments – County Councillor Michael Harrison to Humber Coast & Vale Integrated Care System, and County Councillor Caroline Dickinson to West Yorkshire & Harrogate Integrated Care System;




The Chief Executive considered the report, additional information provided at the meeting and the views of the Executive, and resolved to implement the recommendations of the Executive.



Report author: Daniel Harry

Publication date: 03/06/2021

Date of decision: 25/05/2021

Decided at meeting: 25/05/2021 - Executive

Effective from: 10/06/2021

Accompanying Documents: