Decision details

Covid winter grant – free school meal provision

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Children and Young People's Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


That the following amendment to the CWGS local eligibility framework be made:
To disburse supermarket vouchers totalling £15 per week for February half term.

Reasons for the decision:

The Government have established a £170m Covid Winter Grant Scheme to support children, families and the most vulnerable over winter (covers November 2020 - March 2021. The funding will be ring-fenced, with at least 80% earmarked to support with food and bills, and will cover the period to the end of March 2021. North Yorkshire’s allocation is £1.43m.
Since Christmas the local authority has reviewed available information, in particular clarifying statements from the Department for Work and Pensions and a better understanding of the proposed Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme due to start from 1 April (operated by the Department for Education), which have informed the proposed amendments to the framework.
Under his delegated decision making powers in the Officers’ Delegation Scheme in the Council’s Constitution, the Chief Executive Officer has power, in cases of emergency, to take any decision which could be taken by the Council, the Executive or a committee. On 26th November 2020, the Chief Executive approved a local eligibility framework and gave delegated authority to the Corporate Director – CYPS to make reasonable changes to the local eligibility framework and approach following evaluation of the scheme in January 2021. This decision is being taken under that sub-delegation.
This decision was taken under Rule 16 special urgency and call in exemptions procedures due to the urgency in confirming arrangements for the February half term for families experiencing financial hardship across the County.

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 09/02/2021

Date of decision: 29/01/2021