Decision details

North Yorkshire and York English National Concessionary Travel Scheme

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Seek authorisation for the commencement of a new scheme on the expiration of the existing scheme


Authorised the commencement of a new North Yorkshire and York English National Concessionary Travel Scheme:

• to be established from 1 April 2022, to commence on expiry of the existing scheme and operates for 2 years
• a joint scheme is delivered with City of York Council, as in place already
• in addition to the statutory minimum requirements the new scheme includes the additional discretionary enhancements (as detailed at section 3.4 of the report)
• reimbursement of operators (as required)
• the leisure services (detailed at section 3.6) will not be eligible services in the new scheme.

Reasons for the decision:

As a Travel Concession Authority North Yorkshire County Council is required by law to reimburse bus operators for carrying concessionary passengers.

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 23/02/2022

Date of decision: 18/02/2022

Effective from: 03/03/2022