Decision Maker: Corporate Director Children and Young People's Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To agree fee levels and the Fee Policy
Statement for 2022/23. Fee levels are reviewed annually in line
with the Council’s Fees and Charges Strategy.
That the fee for Community Learning be
increased from £4.60 (last updated 2021/22) per hour to
£4.80 per hour (2022/23).
That the Community Learning learner fee policy statement for
2022/23 be approved for publication.
Fee levels are reviewed annually in line with
the Council’s Fees and Charges Strategy.
All the funding received for the Adult Learning and Skills Service
is allocated by central Government via the Education and Skills
Funding Agency (ESFA) to fund and support learning for adults aged
19+. All costs associated with the delivery of learning (including
all staffing costs) are covered by the ring fenced external
The Service offers a small amount but growing provision through the
Community Learning funding to enable learners to join learning
activities for their own enjoyment and to learn, socialise with
others or improve skills. This is mainly offered through the Arts
and Crafts programmes but there are other offers in the
This offer is costed at £4.80 per hour (£4.60 21/22)
for full fee-paying learner and £2.00 (£1.90 21/22) for
fee remitted learner, this will be applied through the same funding
entitlement and fee remission rules as Accredited Learning. The fee
for Community Learning courses has been set at £4.80 –
an increase from the current rate of £4.60. This increase
reflects the advice on inflation for the 2022/23 financial year
– and as such ensures that the fee increase is compliant with
the Corporate fees and charges policy, which requires increases to
be at least in line with inflation.
Publication date: 07/06/2022
Date of decision: 07/06/2022
Effective from: 15/06/2022