Decision details

Caedmon College, Whitby - targeted mainstream provision.

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Education, Learning & Skills

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This item is subject to approval by Executive on 20 September 2022 to publish statutory proposals.
If statutory notices have been published and there are no objections received, the decision will be taken by the Executive Member for Education, Learning and Skills
Following the publication of statutory proposals, to determine whether to add a targeted mainstream provision for Special Educational Needs at Caedmon College, Whitby.


To approve proposal to add provision for Special Educational Needs by providing Special Resourced provision in the form of Targeted Provisions at Caedmon College, Whitby.

Reasons for the decision:

In 2020 the Local Authority launched the first phase of Targeted Mainstream Provisions that were approved as part of the Strategic Plan for SEND Provision 2018-2023. The focus for each being either Communication and Interaction (C&I) or Social and Emotional Mental Health (SEMH). The provision at Caedmon College will support up to 8 full time pupils with communication and interaction needs.

The implementation of Targeted Mainstream Provisions is one aspect of the wide- ranging Strategic Plan for SEND Education Provision 2018-2023. The implementation will have an impact upon the identified gap between mainstream and special school provision and provide families with an additional option. This is one aspect of the approved strategic plan that will, once fully implemented, enable the LA to better meet needs across the continuum of SEND provision and the county

The new provision will add provision for Special Educational Needs in the form of Targeted Mainstream Provision at Caedmon College, Whitby. This will support up to 8 full time pupils with communication and interaction needs. provide 8 full time places for 6 children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan and 2 ‘flexible’ places for children needing to access the provision for short term assessment and support and will specialise in meeting the needs of children and young people with Communication and Interaction needs.

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 07/12/2022

Date of decision: 06/12/2022

Effective from: 15/12/2022