Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To agree and approve two cost of care reports
for Care homes for people age 65+ and for Domiciliary care for
people age 18+. The reports outline the process undertaken to
determine the cost of care for North Yorkshire and the outcomes
The Cost of Care reports are required by Department of Health and
Social Care for publication on the North Yorkshire County Council
website no later than 1 February 2023.
It has been agreed to publish the adult social
care, Cost of Care reports, for 18+ Domiciliary Care and 65+
Residential and Nursing Care by 1 February 2023, as required by the
Department of Health and Social Care
The Department of Health and Social Care
(DHSC) announced details of the Market Sustainability and Fair Cost
of Care Fund. The primary purpose of the fund was to support local
authorities to prepare their care market for reform, including the
further commencement of Section 18(3) of the Care Act 2014 in
October 2023 (now deferred), and to support local authorities to
move towards paying providers a fair cost of care.
The Market Sustainability Fund was linked to a wider piece of
Central Government policy on Charging Reform and North Yorkshire
County Council were confirmed as one of six Trailblazer sites
nationally who would work with DHSC on early implementation of
Charging Reform and Cost of Care.
As a condition of receiving market sustainability funding over the
next two years, all Local Authorities are expected to complete cost
of care exercises for 18+ Domiciliary Care and 65+ Residential and
Nursing Care. Despite the delay in Charging Reform, DHSC has
requested that Local Authorities publish cost of care reports on websites no later than 1 February
Alongside the completion of the cost of care exercises, the Council
undertook the procurement of its Approved Provider Lists (APL).
This process updated the specification for care services and
involved providers submitting their rates for the coming five
years. This process was a thorough one undertaken by all providers
working with NYCC and therefore provided a reliable source of
information directly from care providers which reflects the
demographic variation of delivering care in North Yorkshire.
Given the statistical relevance of the APL procurement data, and
the significant limitations of the fair cost of care exercise which
has only given a very limited picture of the cost of delivery of
domiciliary care, the APL rates are therefore what will inform fee
setting going forwards.
Publication date: 31/01/2023
Date of decision: 25/01/2023
Effective from: 07/02/2023