Decision details

Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Capability Fund - Acceptance of Grant

Decision Maker: Assistant Chief Executive - Legal and Democratic Services, Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services, Corporate Director of Strategic Resources

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Council agreed to recommend acceptance of grant funding from the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Capability Fund and delegated the Corporate Director - Strategic Resources to accept the funding of up to £88,920 and thereafter submit a proposal to the Department for Transport in respect of expenditure of the grant in line with the Memorandum of Understanding.

Reasons for the decision:

To increase local authority resourcing for the planning and delivery of EV infrastructure.

Not open to call in as Urgency Procedure applied.

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 13/03/2023

Date of decision: 09/03/2023