Decision details

Local Investment in Natural Capital (LINC) Programme - approval for submission of Expression of Interest

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Managing our Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek authorisation for NYCC (through the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership) to submit an Expression of Interest to access up to £650,000 of Revenue funding and £350,000 Capital funding from Defra.


i. The submission of an Expression of Interest by NYCC for grant funding of up to £1million (max. £650,000 revenue and £350,000 capital) covering two financial years 2023/24 and 2024/25 be authorised;

ii. Approval of the final content of the Expression of Interest be delegated to the Corporate Director - Business and Environmental Services;

iii. Acceptance of any grant funding offered as a result of this Expression of Interest be delegated to the Corporate Director - Strategic Resources following consultation with the Corporate Director - Business and Environmental Services and the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services), subject to acceptable terms and conditions being received.

Reasons for the decision:

??To allow potential grant money to be used to progress the development of Natural Capital Investment and to enable any grant money to be accepted subject to an acceptable Memorandum of Understanding and terms and conditions being received.

Alternative options considered:

The ??alternative option was not to submit the expression of interest for grant money.

Publication date: 14/03/2023

Date of decision: 24/01/2023

Effective from: 23/03/2023