Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Assistant Director Integrated Passenger Transport, Licensing, Fleet, Harbours and Countryside Access – Environment Services sought direction what stance the Authority should take in its submission to the Secretary of State in relation to the confirmation of the opposed public footpaths 10.146/013, 10.146/015 & 10.146/200 and public bridleway 10.146/016 at Thimbleby Grange, Thimbleby Diversion Order 2023.
The applicant’s agent, Diane Baines, spoke in support of the application.
During consideration, the Committee discussed the following issues:-
· The dangers posed to members of the public from agricultural operations in farmyards.
· That the proposed diversion was an improvement to the route of the current footpath and bridleway.
The decision:-
(a) That the Diversion Order be supported and submitted to the Secretary of State for a decision on confirmation as an opposed Order.
(b) That the Corporate Director of Environment be given delegated authority to make representations to the Secretary of State.
Voting Record
A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried unanimously.
Publication date: 02/11/2023
Date of decision: 12/10/2023
Decided at meeting: 12/10/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee
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