Decision details

Autism Strategy Consultation

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Health & Adult Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The report details the proposals for the consultation on the draft Autism Strategy with a recommendation for a 12 + week public consultation from 27/11/23 – 31/03/24


Approval has been given for a public consultation on the draft North Yorkshire All-age Autism Strategy.

Reasons for the decision:

The draft strategy contributes to a number of ambitions in the North Yorkshire Council Plan, in particular those under the Health & Wellbeing and People priorities, as well as having links to economy (employment priority) and locality working (inclusive communities).

The draft strategy was prepared with extensive involvement from autistic children, young people and adults, their carers/families, a range of staff and practitioners from the key partners as well as representatives from communities and employers. However, it is good practice for a strategy of this significance to also seek feedback through a formal public consultation.

Alternative options considered:

The Partnership Steering Group considered a number of options for the strategy scope:
• Age range: a single all-age strategy (rather than separate strategies for children & young people and adults) was preferred. Considering the whole life course means that autistic people of all ages can benefit from our collective action under the strategy, though we recognise that some chapters such as education or employment may be more relevant to people at particular stages of their lives; and that some pathways or services will continue to be targeted at specific groups.
• Conditions: it is recognised that autism is one or a number of neuro-developmental conditions and that autistic people may have multiple neuro-diversity. We have brought forward a strategy specifically focussed on autism for the period 2024-2027 aligned to the national strategy. We recognise also that we need to better understand the needs of our neuro-diverse population more widely and have included a commitment to this within the strategy

Publication date: 06/11/2023

Date of decision: 03/11/2023

Effective from: 11/11/2023

Accompanying Documents: