Decision details

Urgent and Emergency Care Support Fund for local authorities - grant acceptance for up to £1.1m funding

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Health & Adult Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Seeking permission from the Executive Member following consultation with the Corporate Director (Health and Adult Services) and the Corporate Director Resources to accept a bid for a grant from the Department of Health and Social Care for funding under the Urgent and Emergency Care Support Fund for Local Authorities for the amount of £1.1m The Council previously submitted proposals on how they would use the funding to strengthen the resilience of urgent and emergency care services this winter.
The Executive Member is taking the decision under their urgency power in paragraph 13 of the Executive Members’ Delegation Scheme due to the time constraints outlined in the report which does not allow for the required 5 day call-in period.


The Executive Member following consultation with the Corporate Director Health and Adult Services and the Corporate Director Resources accepts grant funding of £1,137,090 from the Department of Health and Social Care. The Council previously submitted proposals on how they would use the funding to strengthen the resilience of urgent and emergency care services this winter.

The Executive Member is taking the decision under their urgency power in paragraph 13 of the Executive Members’ Scheme of Delegation and is implementing the earlier key decision to submit the bid.

Reasons for the decision:

To enable the Council to accept the grant of £1,137,090 which can be used in partnership with the Integrated Care Board (ICB) to support winter pressures and enable NYC and the NHS to build on initiatives funded through the NHS Capacity Fund and Social Care Discharge Fund, and avoid hospital admissions and expedite discharge and flow, through either extended or additional schemes. The schemes funded by the grant will also assist NYC’s strategic objective of both supporting hospital discharge and reducing reliance on short stay residential beds.

Due to the timescales for the submission of the bid and the acceptance of the funding, the call in exemption procedure was followed.

Alternative options considered:

The only practical alternative was not to accept the funding; however, this was not believed to be appropriate as the Council's (and public's) interests would be prejudiced through the loss of the benefit this funding would generate.

Publication date: 23/11/2023

Date of decision: 22/11/2023

Accompanying Documents: