Decision details

Works to accompany the Harrogate Station Gateway TCF scheme (signal and junction works and enhancements to Station Square)

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Resources

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority has made gainshare funding available for regeneration projects in York and North Yorkshire that are well developed and close to implementation. Options have been considered for implementing schemes in North Yorkshire that pragmatically fit the criteria and are well-developed, and priority schemes have been identified.
The decision is required to submit the scheme for works to accompany the Harrogate Station Gateway TCF scheme (signals and junction works and enhancements to Station Square) for funding of £500,000.


That the following project is submitted to the YNYCA (York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority) for funding in line with their invitation to bid for gainshare monies:
• Works to accompany the Harrogate Station Gateway TCF scheme (signal and junction works and enhancements to Station Square) - £500k
If the application is successful, a decision on whether to accept the funding will be taken in line with the Council’s governance procedures.

Reasons for the decision:

The recommendation will secure additional external funding to bring forward a significant regeneration proposal in North Yorkshire, with major economic benefits for the local area.

Alternative options considered:

Major regeneration projects from across NY have been assessed, with involvement from Economic Development, Regeneration, Highways, Planning, and Housing. Projects have been discounted if:
• they can be delivered by other funds (e.g. Towns Fund)
• there are significant obstacles and delay to their delivery
• they create unbudgeted costs for NYC

Publication date: 19/06/2024

Date of decision: 14/06/2024

Effective from: 28/06/2024

Accompanying Documents: