Decision details

Electric Vehicle charging in Northallerton / Bedale / Stokesley / Thirsk / Easingwold / Gt Ayton

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Resources

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


That the following project is submitted to the YNYCA (York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority) for funding in line with their invitation to bid for gainshare monies:
• Electric Vehicle charging in Northallerton / Bedale / Stokesley / Thirsk / Easingwold / Gt Ayton - £200k
If the application is successful, a decision on whether to accept the funding will be taken in line with the Council’s governance procedures.

Reasons for the decision:

The recommendation will secure additional external funding to bring forward a significant regeneration proposal in North Yorkshire, with major economic benefits for the local area.

Alternative options considered:

Major regeneration projects from across NY have been assessed, with involvement from Economic Development, Regeneration, Highways, Planning, and Housing. Projects have been discounted if:
• they can be delivered by other funds (e.g. Towns Fund)
• there are significant obstacles and delay to their delivery
• they create unbudgeted costs for NYC

Publication date: 19/06/2024

Date of decision: 14/06/2024