Decision details

Proposed Consultation on the Implementation of a Lane Rental Scheme (LRS) for North Yorkshire Council

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Approval to commence the formal consultation process for a Lane Rental Scheme for North Yorkshire.

Reasons for the decision:

• Initiate the consultation process with a well-defined scope and timeline
• Engage a diverse range of stakeholders to gather comprehensive feedback
• Utilise the consultation findings to design a balanced and effective Lane Rental Scheme
• Maintain clear and ongoing communication with the public and stakeholders throughout the process
By following these recommendations, the implementation of the Lane Rental Scheme can achieve its objectives of reducing traffic disruption and improving urban mobility while maintaining stakeholder support and public trust.

Alternative options considered:

The alternative option would be not to introduce an LRS for North Yorkshire and retain the current permit scheme only. Whilst the permit scheme is a successful operation, it fails to incentivise works promoters to work outside peak hours. The current permit fee discounts and Fixed Penalty Notice charges are not enough of a deterrent for works promoters to work at appropriate times. Whilst the permit scheme is cost neutral, with increasingly rising costs the scheme is in danger of running at a loss unless the fees are reviewed. A separate review will take place to consider increasing the existing permit fees to the maximum allowed by the DfT and a report will be presented to the Corporate Director for Environment and Executive Member for Highways and Transport in due course.

Publication date: 25/06/2024

Date of decision: 14/06/2024