Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Resources (Environment)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
It was agreed that a bid should be submitted
to the Mayoral Combined Authority for the development of Seamer
Station, Scarborough.
Without urgent investment existing disparities
will worsen, existing deprivation inequalities may deepen, further
reductions in GVA per head could be anticipated where other areas
in the UK are already benefitting from an injection of government
funding. The lack of accessible sustainable transport alternatives
will continue to further supress prospects available to our most
vulnerable communities likely to suffer from the impacts of the
climate emergency and will not support wider housing and employment
growth ambitions.
Other schemes have been considered for
development. The Major Schemes Pipeline was used to identify which
strategically important schemes need to be progressed at the
earliest opportunity and consideration was given to which of these
priority schemes has more prospects for alternative funding
opportunities. Seamer Station has no identified alternative funding
sources, unlike the other schemes within this package.
Though the Major Schemes Pipeline is a draft document an initial
sift has been undertaken by Officers with experience and
understanding of transport policy and the Council and MCA
priorities and ambitions. It is necessary to develop this
strategically important scheme as a priority.
Publication date: 13/12/2024
Date of decision: 06/12/2024
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