Decision details

Re-procurement of the Esk Moors Lodge Background Support Service

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Re-procurement of an existing service provision – Background Support at Esk Moors Lodge, Castleton.


To proceed with the commissioning of a new contract for Background Support Services at Esk Moors Lodge Extra Care Scheme.

Reasons for the decision:

Esk Moors lodge has proved highly popular with minimal voids and short turnarounds throughout its operational lifespan. The scheme also incorporates the ‘Bradbury Centre’ which acts as a community facility for Castleton and the surrounding small villages.

Like all North Yorkshire Extra Care schemes, Esk Moors Lodge provides a 24/7 on site background support service which provides ad hoc support should a person need short term additional support due to illness, return from hospital / admission prevention etc.

In other Extra Care Housing schemes, this is funded via service charges paid by tenants, either directly or funded by NYC and / or Housing Benefit. In a standard size scheme of 60+ units service charges of ~£40 per week are sufficient to fund this service entirely. Due to the size of Esk Moors Lodge, funding the service in this way would create service charges which were unaffordable, as such since the beginning of the scheme NYCC / NYC has supported the scheme with a block payment and has commissioned a provider to deliver the service.

Alternative options considered:

In House provision: This was explored with Care Provider Services for NYC. Due to the rural nature of the scheme and lack of other nearby services to draw resources from it would not be viable for Care Provider Services to take on the delivery of services at Esk Moors.

Integrated Housing and Care Provider: Initial discussions were held with Abbeyfield on the potential for an integrated Housing and Care offer, however this would not align with Abbeyfield’s current capacity.

Publication date: 16/12/2024

Date of decision: 13/12/2024

Effective from: 24/12/2024

Accompanying Documents: