Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Resources
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The decision required is to apply for a grant
from the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority for
£1.2m. The grant will be utilised to produce Town Investment
plans, where required, for towns across North Yorkshire. The Town
Investment Plans will be a joint initiative led by the Regeneration
and Localities teams in collaboration with local stakeholders.
Where town plans already exist, work will be undertaken to identify
if anything further is required before moving forward.
Approval from the Assistant Director Resources
(Community Development) in consultation with the Executive Member
for Finance and Resources and the Executive Member for Open to
Business to authorise the submission of an application for grant
funding in the amount of £1.2m from the York and North
Yorkshire Combined Authority (YNYCA) to develop the Town Investment
The recommendation to apply for the grant
funding will enable the council, in partnership with the local
communities to produce the Town Investment Plans for 30 towns
across North Yorkshire. Without agreeing to apply for the grant
funding, the council would lose the opportunity of securing
£1.2 million of funding to support the delivery of these
significant plans and, subsequently, miss the opportunity to
identify the investment needs and opportunities across such a large
number of towns. Without this funding the scale of this delivery
would be reduced.
The only alternative option would be to not
apply for grant funding to create the Town investment Plans so no
alternative options were considered and rejected.
Publication date: 22/01/2025
Date of decision: 22/01/2025
Effective from: 30/01/2025
Accompanying Documents: