Decision details

Foregill Bridge Land Dedication

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Highways and Transportation, Parking Services, Parks & Grounds

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


North Yorkshire Council intends to enter an agreement with landowners surrounding Foregill Bridge the for the dedication of approximately 25m2 area of land for highway purposes pursuant to section 72 of the Highways Act 1980. The land is to be used to widen the bridge and allow for improvements to the road.

Reasons for the decision:

Following the collapse of a 10m section of the retaining wall at Foregill Bridge and discovery of hidden masonry arches in January 2024, a scheme was developed to dismantle and rebuild the structure in-situ. Dismantling and rebuild the existing bridge will allow for widening of the road in compliance with highway standards and therefore improve road safety. Dismantling of the bridge also reduces the risk of working around the old structure and allowed for optimum alignment of the road at minimal cost, compared to a conventional bridge widening scheme. In order to widen the bridge the abutments must be extended into the surrounding field.

Alternative options considered:

Leaving the existing bridge in place whilst demolishing the surrounding retaining walls was considered, however this option would expose the contractor to risks associated with working around an old structure, in addition to incurring costs for structural support that would be better used widening the structure. This option would also not allow for improvement of the road.

Publication date: 29/01/2025

Date of decision: 28/01/2025