Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Business and Environmental Services
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve schemes that will be delivered through the 2022/23 highways maintenance capital programme.
• Approve schemes for inclusion within
the Highways Capital Forward Programme
• Approve the funding for the following schemes for delivery
in 2021/22
o Melmerby Green Lane, budget allocation of £60K this year
for advanced patching works.
o Heck and Pollington Lane, budget allocation of £31k this
year for advanced patching works.
o A1(M) Junction 47, budget allocation of £373K to fund
additional works required in slip roads.
To approve schemes for future delivery,
dependent upon funding availability.
To allow for design and planning work to take place in order to
develop the 22/23 annual programme.
To agree the additional schemes which need to be delivered in-year
for operational reasons, to be programmed and delivered within the
current financial year 2021/22
Publication date: 31/08/2021
Date of decision: 20/08/2021
Effective from: 31/08/2021
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