Decision Maker: Executive Member for Education, Learning & Skills
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To seek approval to begin a consultation on a
proposal to cease to maintain Weaverthorpe Church of England
Primary School from 31 August 2022.
To approve public consultation on a proposal
that the County Council should close Weaverthorpe CE VC Primary
School from 31 August 2022, together with associated proposals for
the treatment of the catchment area.
Weaverthorpe CE VC Primary School, in the
Ryedale area, was Inspected by Ofsted in January 2020 and found to
be ‘Inadequate’. The inspection report was published by
Ofsted in July 2020. The Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC) issued
a directive academy order (DAO) in July 2020 as the school was now
eligible for intervention under the Education and Inspections Act
For all schools who have been issued with a DAO it is the
responsibility of the RSC to broker sponsorship of the school by a
Multi-Academy Trust (MAT). This MAT would then take on the
governance and management of the school on conversion to academy
status. In the period of time since the DAO was issued the RSC has
been unable to identify a MAT that would be prepared to sponsor the
school due to viability concerns. These concerns related to the low
pupil numbers (currently 25 pupils on roll) and the associated
financial challenges that presents. The possibility of a formal
partnership with another local maintained school to sustain
Weaverthorpe School both educationally and financially has also
been explored both with other North Yorkshire Schools and a school
federation in the East Riding. Ultimately, none of those
discussions resulted in an acceptable partnership proposal for the
future of Weaverthorpe School. It is considered highly unlikely
that a partnership arrangement with another local school, such as
federation or amalgamation, can now be identified.
At a recent meeting the Interim Executive Board of Weaverthorpe CE
VC Primary School decided, with regret, that they agreed with the
advice of LA officers that a consultation on the future of the
School was now appropriate. Governors felt they had exhausted all
options open to them to secure the future of the School following
the Ofsted judgement, the issuing of a DAO by the RSC, the
inability to secure a sponsor and the absence of a collaboration
option within the local maintained sector.
The Chair of the IEB has written to parents to explain the current
situation and why it is now considered necessary to propose a
consultation. This was followed by an initial meeting with parents
on 10 November, attended by officers from the LA and Diocese.
Where schools are subject to a DAO, the Secretary of State can also
order that a school is closed if it is considered unviable. If the
statutory closure process were not followed, the RSC may need to
consult with the Secretary of State to determine if powers to
direct closure for Weaverthorpe School should be exercised.
Publication date: 07/12/2021
Date of decision: 07/12/2021
Effective from: 16/12/2021