Decision Maker: Executive Member for Open to Business
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To accept an additional tranche of
£32,500 of seed funding from Defra to support preparatory
work on Local Nature Recovery Strategy for North Yorkshire and the
City of York
Authorisation has been given to the Corporate
Director - Strategic Resources to accept a further Section 31 Grant
of £32,500 offered by Defra to support ongoing work on the
Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) covering North Yorkshire
and the City of York.
Exempt from call-in as decision previously agreed
In light of further delay to full roll out
(now expected in April 2023) of Local Nature Recovery Strategies
(LNRS), Defra is providing additional revenue seed funding of
£32,500 per provisional LNRS Responsible Authority to support
ongoing preparatory work on the LNRS. This funding will be paid as
a Section 31 grant.
Publication date: 09/02/2023
Date of decision: 20/01/2023
Effective from: 17/02/2023