Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To seek permission to extend the existing
Approved Provider List (APL) to ensure continued delivery of
statutory services.
To extend the Approved Provider List for Care
Homes and Homes with Nursing from 1 July 2021 to 30 June
This will allow time to pilot some of the new
ways of commissioning services in order to inform the longer term
intentions in relation to these services.
It is also important to consider the markets ability to respond to
any tendering exercise in the current climate. The services
delivered via the APLs have been impacted significantly by the
Covid-19 pandemic. The providers continue to feel the effects of
the pandemic and the longer term impact on the market is still
unknown. These are key factors which need to be taken into
consideration to ensure North Yorkshires commissioning strategy
supports a sustainable market that meets the needs of people
Publication date: 13/04/2021
Date of decision: 09/04/2021
Effective from: 21/04/2021