Decision details

Special Free School Programme – Acceptance of conditions

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Education, Learning & Skills

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To seek approval to accept the conditions set by the Department for Education in relation to the Council’s successful bid for inclusion in the Special Free School programme.

The proposed school is to be located based in Northallerton and would support young people with significant SEMH needs in the Hambleton / Richmondshire area.


To approve, following a successful application to the Department for Education, the acceptance of the conditions offered to establish a new Special Free School in Northallerton at the Grammar School Lane site

Reasons for the decision:

he latest Free School wave for special schools was announced by the DfE in June 2022. Whilst this development had not been specifically signposted there has been an expectation that this would form part of the £2.6 billion programme for expanding special school provision, announced in the Autumn 2021 spending review.
Following the competitive bidding process, the Department for Education notified the council on 2nd March 2023 that the NYCC bid had been successful. Contained within the letter was a request that the council, via the Director of Children’s Services, formally accept moving forwards with the process to establish the new special school and set out a series of conditions that must be accepted. Acceptance is required within five working days (8 March).
This matter is being considered by the Executive Member for Education and Skills, after consultation with the Corporate Director Children and Young Peoples Services under the Executive Member’s urgency powers in paragraph 14 of the Executive Members’ Delegation Scheme.

Publication date: 07/03/2023

Date of decision: 07/03/2023

Accompanying Documents: