Decision Maker: Corporate Director Children and Young People's Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To consider the proposed funding allocation
methodology for the Maintained Nursery School Supplementary Funding
Grant and to approve the recommendation in respect of the funding
allocation methodology to be used for the allocation of the grant
to the three maintained nursery schools operating with North
To approve an updated funding allocation
methodology for the MNS Supplementary Funding Grant based on:
• £50,000 lump sum per MNS
• The remainder of the funding distributed by:
- 80% universal 3 & 4-year-old funded hours (termly headcount
- 10% 3 & 4-year-old post code deprivation Band A level
(highest level – IMD score >34.17) (January headcount
- 10% 3 & 4-year-olds eligible for DAF (3-year
The allocation methodology previously utilised
for the allocation of the MNS supplementary funding grant consisted
of a lump sum allocation (£32,170) plus an amount
(£1.69) per universal 3 & 4-year-old hour. Indicative
funding allocations are produced at the start of the financial year
based on the previous year funded hours; the allocations are
updated at the end of the financial year to reflect the actual 3
& 4-year-old universal hours delivered in year.
Local authority officers have worked with representatives from the
three MNS operating within North Yorkshire to review the funding
allocation methodology for the MNS supplementary funding grant. The
work has focused on agreeing the key principles for the allocation
methodology and considering the options modelled as to the most
appropriate for implementation
The review identified the following key principles for the funding
allocation methodology:
• Funding allocation across the three MNS must be contained
within the MNS Supplementary Funding Grant allocation received from
the DfE (2023/24 indicative funding allocation £414k)
• The allocation methodology should seek to support the
financial viability of all 3 MNS
• The allocation methodology should reflect operating context
and characteristics of the three MNS
- 3 & 4-year-old funded hours delivered
- Deprivation
- High Needs
• The allocation data used should be objective and easily
• The allocation methodology should be transparent and able to
be locally forecasted
• The allocation methodology should avoid significant funding
turbulence, both in the transition from previous allocation
methodology and from year to year going forward.
• Administration of the allocation methodology should be
proportionate to the level of funding involved
Publication date: 01/06/2023
Date of decision: 01/06/2023
Effective from: 09/06/2023
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