Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Consider the adoption of the Parish
Considered – A report of the Assistant Chief Executive – Legal and Democratic Services presenting the outcome of consultation on the draft Parish Charter and seeking approval for adoption of the Charter.
Councillor David Chance introduced the report which reflected the findings from a joint piece of work with the Parish Sector. He confirmed the draft Charter sought to establish ways in which the Council would work in partnership with Parish Councils for the benefit of communities. He noted a comprehensive review had been undertaken, and that areas of good practice had been identified as part of the work done in support of LGR. He thanked the Parish sector, the North Yorkshire branch of Local Councils Association and the Society of Local Council Clerks for their involvement and contributions to the drafting of the Charter.
Lisa Dixon, Assistant Director for Devolution confirmed that areas of good practice identified through the Local Government Reorganisation process had been used to support the drafting of the Charter, and that the Charter was a live document that would evolve as the new Council developed.
Gillian Ivey, a longstanding Smeaton with Hornby parish council member, thanked the Authority for involving her and other Parish Councillors in the drafting of the Charter, noting that Parish Councils were the first point of contact when there were issues concerning Council provided services such as street lighting, road sweeping, street lighting etc. She queried what would happen once the Charter was approved, how it would be communicated to Parish Councils, and how it would be monitored and reviewed.
In response, Councillor David Chance confirmed those issues were still under consideration, but the intention was that a six month review of its implementation would be carried out by the Transport, Economy, Environment & Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee, and an officer team would to be formed tasked with Parish Council liaison and support.
Having noted the value of Parish Councils and the value their volunteer members brought to their communities, it was
Resolved – That the Parish Charter attached as Appendix A to the report be recommended to North Yorkshire Council for adoption.
Report author: Neil Irving
Publication date: 20/07/2023
Date of decision: 18/07/2023
Decided at meeting: 18/07/2023 - Executive
Effective from: 28/07/2023
Accompanying Documents: