Decision Maker: Executive Member for Managing our Environment
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To provide an update on the duties of being
the Responsible Authority for the Local Nature Recovery Strategy
(LNRS) and preliminary governance and delivery planning and seek
permission to authorise the Corporate Director - Resources to
accept new burdens LNRS funding offered by DEFRA up to a value of
£450,000 in order to prepare and publish the LNRS.
Authorisation to the acceptance of
£388,00 of funding from Defra to support work on preparing
and publishing the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS).
It was agreed that the LNRS will support other
North Yorkshire Council priorities including the Climate Change
Strategy and the preparation of the new Local Plan.
Publication date: 01/08/2023
Date of decision: 28/07/2023
Effective from: 09/08/2023
Accompanying Documents: